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TPD investigating shooting in North Topeka

TOPEKA (KSNT) - The Topeka Police Department (TPD) is investigating a shooting that happened Friday evening in North Topeka. Just after 5:30 p.m. TPD officers responded to the area of NW Hardt and N Kansas Ave.When officers arrived, they found one individual with gunshot wounds and was later transported to a local hospital with life-threatening [...]


Fortuna draws tough Lee to open TCC Match Play defense

Mikha Fortuna will be opening defense of her ICTSI The Country Club Match Play Invitational against one of the tour’s rising young stars in Jiwon Lee of South Korea. And she’s more than willing to take on the challenge. “I totally love playing match play,” said Fortuna, the former University of Oklahoma standout who thumped


Some Photos: Children

A boy plays at the feet of a statue of former South African President Nelson Mandela on Nelson Mandela Square in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa, on October 29, 2024. (Photo by Esa Alexander/Reuters)


50,000 land reform beneficiaries in Cagayan Valley finally get titles

CABAGAN, ISABELA — Over 50,000 agrarian reform beneficiaries in the Cagayan Valley provinces of Isabela, Cagayan, Nueva Vizcaya, and Quirino received land titles in ceremonies led by President Marcos in this town on Friday. Recipients of the titles included 21,964 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) who mostly received lands during the Cory Aquino Administration in the


Cebu basilica’s strict dress code to stay

CEBU CITY — No proper attire, no entry. Cebu’s most popular Catholic church has decided to continue strictly implementing a dress code even when multitudes are expected to visit the place in January next year to celebrate the feast of the Santo Niño or the Child Jesus. Fr. Jules Van Almerez, spokesperson of the Basilica

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Orchestra conductor mourns childhood home's destruction in Israel's southern Lebanon offensive

Lubnan Baalbaki, the conductor of the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra, watched on his phone screen as the Israeli army destroyed his family home in southern Lebanon. The house in Odaisseh housed his late father's art collection and library and his parents were buried in the garden. Israeli warplanes and ground forces have blasted a trail of destruction through southern Lebanon over the past two months. The aim, Israel says, is to debilitate the Hezbollah militant group and push it away from the border... Читать дальше...


Down again, but not out: How the Adani story might play out now

Indian billionaire Gautam Adani's business empire faces scrutiny following US bribery charges. The indictment alleges over $250 million in bribes for government contracts, prompting stock sales and project cancellations. While Adani denies the charges, analysts believe the impact on his reputation and future dealings will be significant.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Hydrate. Make lists. Leave yourself time. And other tips for reducing holiday travel stress

Travel, especially during the holiday season, can be stressful. But following some tips from the pros as you prepare for a trip can make for a smoother, less anxious experience. One expert traveler suggests making a list a week before you go of things you need to do and pack. Cross off each item as you complete it during the week. Another tip: Carry your comfort zone with you. That could mean noise-cancelling headphones, playlists meant to soothe airport travelers, entertainment and snacks from home. Читать дальше...

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Как тренироваться для подготовки к марафону

СИМ победиши: для самокатов могут ввести водительскую категорию

Мальдивы с тайским послевкусием

Как правильно планировать свой день для ЗОЖ

Музыкальные новости

Овчинский: в офисном квартале у метро «ЦСКА» начались монолитные работы

Ямальские росгвардейцы стали призёрами Чемпионата Уральского округа Росгвардии по дзюдо

Спорт и микроэлементы. Как избежать дефицита витаминов

Путин и Трамп проведут телефонный разговор

Новости России

Сийярто: Венгрия не допустит включения ядерной энергетики в 17-й пакет санкций

Смородская выступила против вызова Сантоса в сборную России

Собянин осмотрел финальный участок трассы Солнцево — Бутово — Варшавское

Гости "Царь-макета" смогли посетить второй зал в четвертую годовщину музея

Экология в России и мире

Пост без ущерба здоровью: рекомендации по питанию дал гастроэнтеролог Садыков

Релиз трека. Релиз новой песни. Релиз сингла. Релиз Музыкального альбома.

Айза оценила искренность чувств Shaman и Мизулиной

«Уши заткнут»: Боярский рассказал, почему не поет в кругу друзей

Спорт в России и мире

Борис Беккер призвал Синнера, Зверева и Алькараса опасаться Джека Дрейпера

Теннисистка Андреева из РФ обыграла белоруску Соболенко в финале турнира в США

Тарпищев: Андреева повзрослела, ей по силам быть в пятёрке рейтинга WTA в этом году

Даниил Медведев проиграл в полуфинале турнира Masters в Индиан-Уэллсе


ТСД SAOTRON RT41 GUN: практичный, производительный, надёжный

Катунь , Еландинские пороги.

В весеннем лесу

В России появился новый добротный кроссовер Hyundai по очень привлекательной цене

Топ новостей на этот час


Мальдивы с тайским послевкусием

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Как тренироваться для подготовки к марафону

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