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В Москве зафиксирован температурный рекорд

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Michael Keaton Refused to Have ‘Too Much Technology’ on ‘Beetlejuice 2’ Set After ‘Years of Standing in Front of a Giant Screen’ on Sets

Michael Keaton told People magazine in a recent interview that reuniting with Tim Burton and shooting the “Beetlejuice” sequel (officially titled “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice”) was “the most fun I’ve had on set in a long time.” The film is the follow-up to the duo’s 1988 comedy classic. Keaton stressed how refreshing it was to embrace practical […]

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

As Belarus votes in tightly controlled elections, its leader accuses the West of fueling unrest

The authoritarian leader of Belarus has accused the West of trying to foment protests during parliamentary and local elections this month in order to undermine his rule, while the country’s opposition leader-in-exile has called for a boycott of the vote. President Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus for nearly 30 years, charged Tuesday that the West will try to use “new triggers to destabilize the society” after the vote on Feb. 25. Early balloting began Tuesday. This is the first election... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

San Francisco wants to offer free drug recovery books at its public libraries

The most stolen books from San Francisco public libraries' shelves are those about recovering from addiction. Now, city officials want to provide universal access to free drug recovery books, including Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12-step recovery book. San Francisco City Supervisor Matt Dorsey on Tuesday introduced legislation to create a program to distribute addiction recovery books for free at the city’s 27 public libraries. Dorsey says library workers noticed they had to keep replenishing books about recovering from substance abuse. Читать дальше...


Exploring Hair Transplant Clinics in London

Hair transplant surgery for men and women. Professional hair restoration and FUE Hair transplant - FUT Hair transplant treatments in London and the UK.


What a possible Capital One and Discover merger means for consumers - ABC News

  1. What a possible Capital One and Discover merger means for consumers  ABC News
  2. America is on the cusp of a new biggest credit card company. Here’s what it could mean for you  CNN
  3. Higher APRs? More rewards? How the Capital One-Discover deal impacts card users  MarketWatch
  4. Capital One Is Buying Discover Financial for $35 Billion  The Wall Street Journal
  5. Capital One to Acquire Discover, Creating a Consumer Lending Colossus  The New York Times

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Signal will soon let you share a username instead of your phone number - The Verge

  1. Signal will soon let you share a username instead of your phone number  The Verge
  2. Signal Finally Rolls Out Usernames, So You Can Keep Your Phone Number Private  WIRED
  3. Signal now lets you keep your phone number private with the launch of usernames  TechCrunch
  4. Signal will finally let you protect your phone number  TrustedReviews
  5. Signal rolls out usernames that let you hide your phone number  BleepingComputer


PVL: Ara Galang, Chery Tiggo overwhelm debuting Capital1

MANILA, Philippines–Ara Galang starred for Chery Tiggo in a dominant 25-6, 25-15, 25-15 win over debuting Capital1 to open its Premier Volleyball League (PVL) campaign on Tuesday at PhilSports Arena in Pasig City. Wearing a different uniform from the familiar yellow of the defunct F2 Logistics, Galang led the Crossovers with 12 points built around

EPLIndex | Premier League stats & Blog 

Arsenal Without a Striker: Seaman’s Insightful Take

Arsenal’s Title Challenge: A New Tactical Approach In a recent revelation by former Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman to Parimatch, the dynamics of Arsenal’s play have taken a fascinating turn, showcasing a footballing philosophy that deviates from traditional reliance on a leading striker. This tactical evolution is reshaping Arsenal’s attack and fortifying their title aspirations in […]

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Oscar winner Sam Mendes to direct four individual Beatles biopics

“American Beauty” Oscar winner and “Skyfall” director Sam Mendes is taking on the most ambitious project of his career thus far. The “1917” filmmaker is setting up a quartet of Beatles biopics with Sony Pictures Entertainment, Deadline first reported.  The project will feature four theatrically released films, with one told from each member of the […]

Paper Blog 

11 Individuals Whose Existence You Will Find Hard To Believe (Photos)

Unbelievable Human Beings

It’s possible that the world is full of marvels ranging from the extraordinary to the just fascinating, such as the wonderful and astounding true appearances of people. There are two people whose shared traits defy rational explanation. Others are born into privilege, while others earn it. Here is a rundown of some folks you probably won’t believe even exist.

1. The Magnet Man

Strong attractive forces are currently experiencing this person’s physique. Читать дальше...


Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrandt receive consecutive prison terms for aggravated child abuse - KUTV 2News

  1. Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrandt receive consecutive prison terms for aggravated child abuse  KUTV 2News
  2. Ruby Franke sobs at sentencing, blames child abuse on being 'deceived'  Business Insider
  3. YouTube vlogger Ruby Franke, business partner Jodi Hildebrandt sentenced in child abuse case  ABC News
  4. Franke, Hildebrandt to spend years, maybe decades in prison for 'concentration camp-like' abuse  KSL.com
  5. YouTube mommy blogger Ruby Franke, co-host Jodi Hildebrandt sentenced for child abuse... Читать дальше...

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Минпромторг намерен обновить список товаров для параллельного импорта

Депутат Госдумы предложил создать зоны для такси во дворах

8-балльные пробки зафиксировали на дорогах Подмосковья в четверг вечером

Глава Технопарка Физтех-лицея им Капицы выступил спикером на ММСО.EXPO-2025

Музыкальные новости

Первый Открытый Чемпионат России по Dice Chess: интеллектуальный спорт в новом формате!

Команда сервисного локомотивного депо «Сольвычегодск» одержала победу сразу в двух региональных спортивных соревнованиях.

Кубок Москвы по снежному поло состоится в прекрасный день весны

Владимир Путин подписал закон, обязывающий распространителей рекламы в интернете уплачивать в федеральный бюджет 3% от ежеквартальных доходов

Новости России

Концерт к 150-летию со дня рождения Мориса Равеля состоится в Зале имени Чайковского

Эпидрасследование в МГУ: Роспотребнадзор Москвы выявил кишечную инфекцию

Ветеранов педагогического труда Жуковского поздравили с наступающим женским днем

Движение Первых запускает новый сезон «МедиаПритяжения» для будущих журналистов и продюсеров

Экология в России и мире

Chloé, коллекция осень-зима 2025

Интересные каналы в Telegram. Лучшие каналы в Telegram.

Курганские врачи исправили деформацию конечностей пациентке с редчайшим диагнозом

Почему важна психопрофилактика хронических психических заболеваний

Спорт в России и мире

Скончался 19-кратный победитель турниров «Большого шлема» Фред Столл

Теннисистка Соболенко назвала любимый способ расслабиться

Теннисист Рублев поднялся в рейтинге ATP на восьмое место

WTA объявила о создании программы по выплатам теннисисткам во время декрета


В России предложили вернуть штраф за превышение средней скорости

АвтоВАЗ снова предлагает кредиты под 0,01% — какие модели сейчас можно купить?

Население Екатеринбурга за 15 лет может вырасти на 200 тысяч человек

При пожаре на Увеке погибла долгожительница

Топ новостей на этот час


Движение Первых запускает новый сезон «МедиаПритяжения» для будущих журналистов и продюсеров

Старый-новый музей, стоимость проезда и проблемы у таксистов. Что произошло в Алтайском крае 6 марта

Жену экс-мэра Сочи Копайгородского отправили в СИЗО из-за угроз свидетелям

Глава Ленинского округа поздравил прекрасных дам с их предстоящим праздником