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Актрисе Любови Аксеновой исполнилось 35 лет

Беспечность не весеннем льду может стоить жизни

Борт в Москву задержали в аэропорту Волгограда из-за ночной атаки БПЛА

Гидрометцентр РФ: в Москве в субботу ожидается до +5°C

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Новости за 29.11.2023


The surprising location of one of Chick-fil-A’s highest-grossing restaurants

Hint: It’s not in the South. (And is it even a restaurant?)

Brandon Hurst runs one of the busiest Chick-fil-As in the country. As we stand outside together during the lunch rush at his four-year-old establishment, he trails off mid-sentence. Hurtling toward him on the sidewalk is a fat-tired moped. “Nuh-uh! We are not doing this,” he yells to the food-delivery worker, who is now gaining on two pedestrians. The worker looks back at Hurst briefly, then speeds off.

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«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Gundersen Health seeks blankets for community

Cold weather has settled in on the area, and the need for warm blankets will rise as temperatures continue to drop. Gundersen Health System is trying to keep the community warm with its annual Wrapping the Community in Warmth blanket…

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

Local police should not be your go-to source for iPhone safety news - Vox.com

  1. Local police should not be your go-to source for iPhone safety news  Vox.com
  2. Law enforcement agencies issue warnings after latest Apple iOS release  Fox Business
  3. Should Parents Be Concerned Over Apple's New 'NameDrop' Feature?  Daily Voice
  4. Local police sound alarm on new iPhone feature, but is the concern justified?  FOX61 Hartford
  5. Stamford Police Warn Residents About Recent Apple Software Update  Patch
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News


2024 could be one of the dullest years ever for the Mac


2023 ended up being a good year for the Mac, thanks to the somewhat surprising introduction of the M3 series of chips and the launch of the 15-inch MacBook Air. But what about next year? What will happen to the Mac lineup in 2024?

Well, it looks like not a whole lot. We’ll get some new macOS features revealed at WWDC in June, but hardware-wise, we’ve reached a stage in the M-series Mac evolution that will likely be more routine than revolutionary. Put it all together... Читать дальше...


C3.ai Stock: Stay in the Trade ‘Til $40

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Just in time for the holidays, AI stock is on sale and you can give yourself the gift of portfolio growth by investing in C3.ai today.

The post C3.ai Stock: Stay in the Trade ‘Til $40 appeared first on InvestorPlace.

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The Purr-fect Solution: How Pets Elevate the Remote Work Experience

The recent buzzword in the tech industry has been “efficiency.” Yet, as big tech companies push for more streamlined operations, there’s a concerning trend: a sharp decline in employee satisfaction. This sentiment isn’t unique to tech, of course. Workers in finance, consulting, and other areas echo similar feelings. In companies’ quest for increasing efficiencies, how […]

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Columbus businesses could lose liquor licenses after council hearing

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) - Multiple local businesses face losing their licenses to sell liquor as Columbus City Council reviews objections from the city attorney's office. City Councilmember Emmanuel Remy, chair of the Public Safety Committee, hosted a public hearing Tuesday to review liquor objections. Presenting before council was Assistant City Attorney Sarah Pomeroy. The businesses [...]

PC World 

Mastering PDFs: How to create, convert, and search

When it comes to preserving any type of document in a format that anyone can later open and be sure it looks right, it’s hard to beat the PDF format. PDF, or portable document format, was developed by Adobe in the early 1990s to make it easy to share formatted documents regardless of the sender and receiver’s systems.

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The Hindu 

Daily Quiz | On FC Barcelona

A quiz on FC Barcelona, one of the world’s most sporting teams, that had its genesis on November 29, 1899

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Билеты в театры Москвы начали продавать по паспорту для борьбы со спекулянтами

Один из самых разыскиваемых румынских преступников задержан в Москве

Актрисе Любови Аксеновой исполнилось 35 лет

4400 км с бюджетным «китайцем» из Белоруссии: что понравилось?

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4400 км с бюджетным «китайцем» из Белоруссии: что понравилось?

Актрисе Любови Аксеновой исполнилось 35 лет

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В весеннем лесу

Катунь , Еландинские пороги.

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Беспечность не весеннем льду может стоить жизни

Билеты в театры Москвы начали продавать по паспорту для борьбы со спекулянтами