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Одноклассники: две трети россиян попадались на попытки мошенников украсть пароль

Путин заявил о подготовке предложений для донастройки налоговой системы

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Новости за 12.01.2023

Business Day 

Chevron says no plans to exit Nigeria

Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) has said it is not planning to exit Nigeria, restating its commitment to the country. The oil major said in a statement on Thursday that a media report had alleged that it planned to exit Nigeria. “Please note that the allegation is untrue and does not represent the position of Chevron […]

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Saddo's Boxing Site 

#Throwbacks – Paul Williams vs Walter Dario Matthysse

May 27, 2006- Home Depot Center, Carson, California Shop Golden Boy https://tinyurl.com/4phdrzvj #Goldenboypromotions #boxing #oscardelahoya #boxing2022 #boxinghighlights #WatchOnDAZN Watch our fights LIVE and on-demand on DAZN: https://www.dazn.com/en-US/home Follow Golden Boy on Twitter: Tweets by GoldenBoyBoxing Follow Golden Boy on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/GoldenBoy Like Golden Boy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoldenBoy

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Платформа «TV BRICS» 

First regular flight in three years of pandemic linked China and the Russian Far East

Hainan Airlines has launched flights from Harbin to Khabarovsk and back. The launch of regular flights after three years of the pandemic has been made possible by the easing of anti-epidemic measures. This route is much shorter and cheaper than via Moscow.

To enter China, all that is needed is a negative COVID-19 test no more than 48 hours before departure. This has opened the borders for citizens not only of China, but also Russia.

"Foreign carriers on international routes actually never flew to us after the pandemic. Читать дальше...

Новости пользователей сайта 

Tars such as Ronda Rousey are as in the dark as fans

Rumors about WWE being sold to Saudi Arabia continue to make headlines, and stars such as Ronda Rousey are as in the dark as fans regarding what's happening. On Friday, Vince McMahon powered his way back into the Executive Chairman of the Board position. Stephanie McMahon retired from WWE entirely just a few days later, and scuttlebutt that the company had been sold to the Saudi Arabia Investment Fund soon followed. Those rumors turned out to be untrue, but the whirlwind of behind-the-scenes and... Читать дальше...


Isaiah McKenzie injured hamstring Wednesday and missed Thursday’s work

Bills receiver Isaiah McKenzie popped up on the team’s practice report Wednesday with a hamstring injury that limited him. He missed practice Thursday. McKenzie said he hurt his hamstring in practice while running but expects to play Sunday. “Nah, I should be fine,” McKenzie said, via Alaina Getzenberg of the Buffalo News. “But we’ll see [more]


DENR reopens Mt. Pico de Loro after 6-year rehab

Outdoor enthusiasts may again visit Mt. Pico de Loro in the provinces of Cavite and Batangas as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) opens the mountain following its six-year rehabilitation. Located within the Mounts Palay-Palay/Mataas-na-Gulod Protected Landscape, the mountain straddles the towns of Ternate and Maragondon in Cavite and the town of Nasugbu […]

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How do rocky planets really form?

A new theory could explain the origin and properties of systems of rocky super-Earths and their relationship with the terrestrial planets of the solar system.


Staten Island dad released from ICE custody, reunited with 6-year-old daughter

STATEN ISLAND (PIX11) --- A single father from Staten Island and his 6-year-old daughter can finally hug again after being separated for months when the dad was detained by immigration officials last year, according to Make the Road New York. Julio Patricio Gomez was taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials on Oct. 14 [...]


Hand washing fabrics reduces microplastic release compared with machine washing

From tiny plankton to massive whales, microplastics have been found throughout the ocean food chain. One major source of this pollution are fibers shed while laundering synthetic fabrics. Although many studies show microfibers are released during machine washing, it's been less clear how hand washing contributes. Now, researchers report that hand washing can drastically cut the amount of fibers shed compared with using a machine.


Fossils reveal dinosaurs of prehistoric Patagonia

A study is providing a glimpse into dinosaur and bird diversity in Patagonia during the Late Cretaceous, just before the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. The fossils represent the first record of theropods -- a dinosaur group that includes both modern birds and their closest non-avian dinosaur relatives -- from the Chilean portion of Patagonia. The researchers' finds include giant megaraptors with large sickle-like claws and birds similar to todays ducks and geese.


Discovery of cross-species signaling pathway unlocks mysteries around parasite immunity and development

Research has identified the first inter-species signaling pathway between an arthropod parasite and host, where molecules in the blood of a host animal triggers the immunity and development of a parasite. The study showed that when ticks feed on the blood of mice infected with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease, a protein from the mouse immune system binds to receptors on tick cell surfaces and signals organs to develop more rapidly, producing an immune response long before... Читать дальше...


Gut bacteria affect brain health, mouse study shows

Gut bacteria can influence brain health, according to a study of mice genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer's-like brain damage. The study indicates that gut bacteria produce compounds that influence the behavior of immune cells, including ones in the brain that can cause neurodegeneration. The findings suggest a new approach to treating Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Ведущие «Авторадио» исполнили в Кремле культовую песню о самой масштабной стройке XX века

Итоги муниципального этапа областного конкурса юных инспекторов «Безопасное колесо» подвели в Порхове

Врач Пылев: склонность к получению солнечных ожогов связана с риском рака кожи

Губернатор Игорь Руденя ответил на вопросы в прямом эфире телеканала «Россия 24» Тверь

Музыкальные новости

Школьники могут принять участие в конкурсе видеороликов «Байкал без пластика»

Псковские волейболисты стали призерами международного турнира «Кубок дружбы»

Тема дня: «Известия»: число работающих граждан в РФ вырастет на 1,4 млн за три года

«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

Новости России

Кибербезопасность России. В Москве прошёл форум «Право цифровой информации»

В Шаховской проведут капремонт участка автодороги по улице Базаева-Садовая

«Спартак» озвучил состав на битву с ЦСКА

Лауреаты премии «Врач с большой буквы» Мурманской области прошли обучение у ведущих российских экспертов в области акушерства, гинекологии и неонатологии

Экология в России и мире

Публичная и тайная жизнь одного из самых ярких российских адвокатов XIX века в новом историческом детективе “Плевако”

Самые нежные образы на эту весну

Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

Туроператоры назвали направления, куда россияне поедут отдыхать на майские праздники: некоторые страны удивили

Спорт в России и мире

Легенда тенниса рассказал, готов ли он опять стать тренером Джоковича

Теннисистка Касаткина заявила, что скучает по России, но пока не может приехать

Первая ракетка России рассказала об общении с Шараповой

Вторая ракетка Казахстана опустилась в чемпионской гонке WTA


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Лавров: "США и НАТО одержимы победой над Россией". Комментарии чехов

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

ТОП-3 события Б5Групп в 2023 году

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Врач Пылев: склонность к получению солнечных ожогов связана с риском рака кожи

МВД: в Подольске началась проверка после публикации видео мужчины с ежами

Гитарист Пугачевой Левшин рассказал о проблемах со здоровьем у певицы