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Российский ученый-биолог Михаил Кривошеев скончался в Уфе

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Новости за 29.11.2021

Real Surf 

Waves to be had this morning

Hello Friends, A few waist plusses to be found this morning at Dee Why. As of 0730 wind was coming lightly from the south at 3-5 kts under overcast skies. Out at sea the swell was 1.6m at 9 seconds from 138° (SE) as tide dropped to the low at 1130. There a 30% chance […]

Chobham Rugby Football Club 

Chob take the Spoils at Twickenham

Twickenham 13 – 19 Chobham The Mighty Chobham travelled to Twickenham on Saturday and got their season back on tracks with a tight win against dogged opposition, a man of […]


"Block 7"?

Perhaps this has been discussed elsewhere and I've missed it, but I saw something on social media from a group called Block 7 about a card display for the Rangers game in the East. Is this a new/re incarnation of the group that just ended (Since 1875 were they called?) Block 7 at ER is in...

New York Post 

Mystery buyer spends $41.5M in Jennifer Lawrence’s West Village building

Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence has a new neighbor in the West Village. The “Hunger Games” star — who is pregnant and on the cover of this month’s Vanity Fair — and her husband, art gallerist Cooke Maroney, were the first to buy at 17 Jane St. That’s the discreet, seven-unit, new-construction building that rose on...

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Wild to retire Mikko Koivu's number in franchise first

The No. 9 worn by Mikko Koivu will be retired by the Minnesota Wild -- the first player to have the honor bestowed by the franchise. The ceremony will take place March 13 before a game against the Nashville Predators at Xcel Energy Center. The Wild selected Koivu with the No. 6 overall pick in the 2001 NHL Draft, and he played all but seven of his 1,035 regular-season games with the franchise over 16 NHL seasons. He was

African American Golfer's Digest 

Grassroots Grants Program, a golf industry collaboration targeting positive change

November 29, 2021 | BLOG BY MICHAEL COOPER Since June 2021, the Grassroots Grants Program (GGP) has recommended awards totaling $300,000 to over 60 unique organizations. The purpose of the program is twofold. One, to create a funding source for increasing diversity and inclusion in golf. Two, to create meaningful partnerships between community-based programmers and […]

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Extinct swordfish-shaped marine reptile discovered

Researchers have discovered a new marine reptile. The specimen, a stunningly preserved meter-long skull, is one of the last surviving ichthyosaurs -- ancient animals that look eerily like living swordfish.


De-cluttering may not help people with dementia

A clutter-free environment may not help people with dementia carry out daily tasks -- according to a new study. Researchers studied whether people with dementia were better able to carry out tasks, such as making a cup of tea, at home - surrounded by their usual clutter - or in a clutter-free environment. They were surprised to find that participants with moderate dementia performed better when surrounded by their usual clutter.


Which side is which? How the brain perceives borders

Researchers have made headway into understanding how the brain decides which side of a visual border is a foreground object and which is background. The research has sheds light on how areas of the brain communicate to interpret sensory information and build a picture of the world around us.


Which glioblastoma patients will respond to immunotherapy?

Scientists have discovered a new biomarker to identify which patients with brain tumors called glioblastomas -- the most common and malignant of primary brain tumors -- might benefit from immunotherapy. The treatment could extend survival for an estimated 20% to 30% of patients. Currently, patients with glioblastoma do not receive this life-prolonging treatment because it has not been fully understood which of them could benefit.

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


В Тульской области на трассе М-4 «Дон» нанесут экспериментальную разметку

Магнитогорский проект стал лауреатом Международного профессионального конкурса НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023

Сезон речной навигации начнется в Подмосковье 1 мая

Режиссер Сергей Урсуляк завоевал приз ММКФ за вклад в мировой кинематограф

Музыкальные новости

Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

«Регионы России – инвестиционный рай для коворкингов»: экспертное мнение Сергея Потанина, основателя сети коворкингов BLOKS

Бизнес-астролог Александра Секачева дала интервью журналу “Фокус внимания”

Олимпиада по финансовой грамотности МГУ проходит при поддержке СберСтрахования жизни

Новости России

Дожди и грозы ждут Москву в субботу

Концерт «Стихи войны и мира. Баллада о своих»

Пассажир авиарейса из Москвы в Барнаул устроил на борту дебош и был задержан

Жители Хакасии могут принять участие в конкурсе «Слава России»

Экология в России и мире

Отдых во имя открытий

Почему люди боятся обращаться к психиатру?

Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

Дом, милый дом: участки под строительство от компании Родные земли, цены, отзывы

Спорт в России и мире

Теннисистка Касаткина заявила, что скучает по России, но пока не может приехать

Потапова проиграла Фернандес во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Потапова всухую обыграла Шнайдер в 1-м круге турнира в Мадриде

Вероника Кудерметова завершила выступление на турнире WTA в Мадриде


Российские технологии защиты автомобилей от угона представили на выставке в Италии

ТСД SAOTRON RT-T50: высокопроизводительный терминал сбора данных промышленного класса

ИТ Альянс объявляет о графике работы в майские праздники

Тихий вечер...

Топ новостей на этот час


Дожди и грозы ждут Москву в субботу

Матвиенко: банка детского питания стоит пять тысяч рублей, ее хватает на неделю

Жители Хакасии могут принять участие в конкурсе «Слава России»

Оренбургские проекты победили в Международном профессиональном конкурсе НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023