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Wildcats Youth Hockey Website 

Oilers News & Rumors: McDavid, Jones, Merzlikins, Nugent-Hopkins, Barrie, More

In an Edmonton Oilers news and rumors update, Connor McDavid has reached 50 points, there’s more talk about goaltender Elvis Merzlikins being a fit for the Oilers and general manager ...

Read moreOilers News & Rumors: McDavid, Jones, Merzlikins, Nugent-Hopkins, Barrie, More

Stars and Stripes 

Families begin burying slain Guatemalan migrants

Families of some of the 16 Guatemalan migrants killed near the Mexico-U.S. border in late January began burying their remains Saturday in the town of Comitancillo, where 11 of the victims were from.

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Spacewalkers vent coolant lines and mate cables outside space station – Spaceflight Now - Spaceflight Now

  1. Spacewalkers vent coolant lines and mate cables outside space station – Spaceflight Now  Spaceflight Now
  2. Spacewalking astronauts manage possible ammonia leak  euronews (in English)
  3. Spacewalking astronauts tackle hoses, other station odd jobs  The Independent
  4. Spacewalkers take extra safety precautions for toxic ammonia  Phys.org
  5. Spacewalking astronauts work on ISS plumbing  Associated Press
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

The Daily Dot 

‘I’m allowed to exist and be hot’: Neighbor Karen allegedly calls cops on TikToker for dressing ‘inappropriately’

Some Americans love to call the police over the dumbest things, something that’s become more apparent to the rest of us with the rise of social media. While officers should hypothetically be spending their time dealing with actual crimes, instead they sometimes seem to be fielding absurd disputes and concerns that in no way require law enforcement. At times, these incidents end in tragedy, and other times… they’re just strange.

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The National Interest 

Latin America Must Keep Huawei Out

Ana Quintana, Andrea Leal

China, Latin America

Do these countries understand the implications of allowing Huawei to develop their 5G networks?

China’s economic expansion in Latin America has concerned regional watchers for years. Beijing’s massive investments and growing diplomatic ties are slowly shifting regional dynamics and undermining democratic norms. Yet China’s potential involvement in developing the region’s 5G technology would give an unparalleled boost to its regional influence. Читать дальше...

The National Interest 

Sturmgewehr 44: How the Free Syrian Army Bought a Nazi Assault Rifle

Sebastien Roblin

Sturmgewehr 44, Middle East

For four years, the weapons were widely photographed and filmed in combat with Syrian rebel factions, including ISIS and Kurdish fighter.

Here's What You Need to Remember: As Syria acquired a more complete inventory of Cold War-era weaponry and the rare 7.92x33 millimeter ammunition grew scarce, the guns were eventually placed in long-term storage—which is how they came to fall in the hands of Syrian rebels in 2012.

In 2012... Читать дальше...


Why are gas prices going up?

GAS prices have started to rise by a few dollars since February 2021. Gasoline sales had plummeted during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic lockdown and prices were relatively stable for 18 months. Why are gas prices going up? Gas prices have seen a small increase since the beginning of 2021. Currently, the national average […]


Giants, Nate Solder agree to new deal

The Giants were optimistic they could work out a deal to keep offensive tackle Nate Solder while lowering his salary cap number this season, and it appears that optimism was justified. Solder and the Giants have agreed in principle to a new contract, Ian Rapoport of NFL Network reports. The terms of the deal have [more]

The National Interest 

Warship Mystery: How Did This Battleship's 16-Inch Gun Explode?

Task and Purpose

Battleships, Americas

Navy leaders hoped they would not have to answer questions about the underlying causes of the disaster.

Here's What You Need to Know: The military often looks for scapegoats when people die rather than admit their mistakes.

It's been over 30 years since an explosion inside the number two gun turret on the USS Iowa killed 47 American sailors, but for Mike Carr, it still feels like yesterday.

"I knew all 47 guys inside that... Читать дальше...

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Сильный дождь в Москве и Подмосковье показали на видео

Самые зеленые районы Москвы: где гулять весной?

С 1 мая в Московской области начинается речная навигация

Кожно-венерологический диспансер Подмосковья изменил логотип

Музыкальные новости

Путешествовать по России в майские праздники будут 2,8 миллиона туристов

В аварийном доме в Забайкалье, которым интересовался Бастрыкин, заколотили подъезды

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию

Новости России

Эксперты назвали 11 бюджетных способов покрасить яйца на Пасху без химии

США по-тихому сняли санкции с турецкой Ice Pearl Navigation и ее танкера Yasa Golden Bosphorus, подозреваемых в нарушении потолка цен на российскую нефть

Более 70 процентов месячной нормы осадков выпало в Москве менее чем за час

Подмосковное УФАС внесло ООО «Строй-СТК» в реестр недобросовестных поставщиков

Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24


Морской кокос во благо красоты

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Спорт в России и мире

Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис

Самсонова победила Осаку и вышла в третий круг турнира WTA 1000 в Мадриде

WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира

Потапова проиграла Фернандес во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде


ТСД промышленного класса Saotron RT-Т510

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Военные следователи провели в Судаке проверку лиц, не вставших на воинский учет

Суд не стал менять приговор экс-главе наркоконтроля Свердловской области

Топ новостей на этот час


Премьера фильма «Майор Гром: игра» закрыла 46-й Московский международный кинофестиваль

Филиал № 4 ОСФР по Москве и Московской области информирует: Клиентская служба «Рязанский - Некрасовка» в ЮВАО г. Москвы с 27 апреля меняет адрес

Стройка началась. На юго-востоке Москвы готовят площадку по реновации

Офицер Росгвардии рассказала о своем хобби, которое превратилось в образ жизни