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Новости за 01.01.2021

Boing Boing 

Inspiring build of a simple off-grid cabin

For about $2000, Dave and Brooke Whipple built this lovely cabin at the edge of a meadow. It's so relaxing to watch them work together to create something inexpensive and attainable for many people who may have never done a project like this before. — Read the rest

Boing Boing 

How many slaps does it take to cook a chicken?

Louis Weisz tackles an enduring question that has consumed reddit and YouTube, creating several iterations of his Meat Beater 9000 device and his upgraded Poultry Punisher. He's able to raise the temperature of a chicken almost 30 degrees Fahrenheit, but slapping problems start to emerge above those temps. — Read the rest

Boing Boing 

Clever uses for blue painter's tape around the shop (and house)

Here is a tips video with a bunch of useful ideas for using blue masking/painter's tape around the shop. Some of these will likely be familiar, others new. While this video is geared towards woodworking, these tips can apply to other types of making and home maintenance. — Read the rest

Boing Boing 

These robots are programmed to tear up the dance floor

These gyrating, mashed potatoing robots might be your answer for a virus-free New Year's date. Robotics pioneers Boston Dynamics have just released a new video featuring four of their remarkably agile robots – including the bipedal Atlas, the dog-shaped Spot, and the box-juggling Handle – tearing it up with a choreographed routine to The Contours' "Do you love me?". — Read the rest

Boing Boing 

The mystery of Beethoven's metronome

Orchestra conductors all over the world present the music of Beethoven, but even when they are trying hard to reproduce his original work, they almost always slow down the tempo of his written directions. Why did Beethoven want his music played so fast? — Read the rest


Bucs put Devin White, Shaq Barrett on COVID-19 reserve

The Buccaneers will be without two of their best defensive players for the regular season finale on Sunday — and possibly in the playoff opener as well. Buccaneers inside linebacker Devin White and outside linebacker Shaquil Barrett were both placed on the reserve/COVID-19 list. Players can go on COVID-19 reserve either because they test positive [more]

Boing Boing 

Watch an AI-propelled robot beat humans at curling

Chess, Go, curling — is no game safe?

I'm coming a bit late to this one, but as a Canadian I am morbidly fascinated to discover that a group of scientists created a curling robot and trained a neural net to play the game. — Read the rest

Boing Boing 

Scientists investigate radio beam from the direction of a nearby star

Astronomers scanning the skies for signals at the Parkes telescope in Australia picked up an unusual radio beam last spring. They've been analyzing it since then, and have not yet found a terrestrial source to attribute it to. The Guardian has more. — Read the rest


49ers place Trent Williams on IR, sign Tristan Vizcaino to practice squad

The 49ers began the day with 15 players on injured reserve. They since have added two more. The 49ers placed offensive tackle Trent Williams (elbow) and defensive lineman Jordan Willis (ankle) on injured reserve Friday. The team already had ruled out both players for Sunday. Williams may have played his final game for the 49ers [more]

Royal Portrush Golf Club 

Royal Portrush Golf Club Links Report, January 2021

Happy new year to everyone, the golf courses are still here but it seems a little uncertain when we may re-open. The links are in reasonable order but the weather through November and December did not benefit the turf in any way, it has been very wet with ….mm of rain falling and in turn […]

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Boing Boing 

How New Order's "Blue Monday" came to be

In this installment of Songs that Changed Music, they look at New Order's "Blue Monday," its inspirations (Kraftwerk, Donna Summers/Giorgio Moroder, Ennio Morricone's soundtrack to the Eastwood film, "A Few Dollars More"), and the impact that it had on the pop music that followed it. — Read the rest

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

North Las Vegas police investigating homicide

No arrests have been announced and police did not provide a possible suspect description but said they don’t think the shooting was random.


Ohio police gave Andre Hill no aid for several minutes, bodycam footage shows - NBC News

  1. Ohio police gave Andre Hill no aid for several minutes, bodycam footage shows  NBC News
  2. Andre Hill shooting: US officers stood by and failed to help as a black man lay dying  Sky News
  3. Hill’s loved ones: ‘It still doesn’t even feel real’  The Detroit News
  4. Columbus Police union asks for more medical training, equipment after deadly shooting  ABC6OnYourSide.com
  5. Public Memorial set for shooting victim Andre Hill  NBC4 WCMH-TV
  6. View Full Coverage on Google... Читать дальше...

Boing Boing 

Orson Wells narrates 1973 animation of Plato's Cave

You're held captive in an enclosed space, only able faintly to perceive the outside world. Or you're kept outside, unable to cross the threshold of a space you feel a desperate need to enter. If both of these scenarios sound like dreams, they must do so because they tap into the anxieties and suspicions in the depths of our shared subconscious.

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Boing Boing 

Brilliant Space Needle New Years virtual display from your couch

Like most other cities Seattle discouraged people from going out in public on New Year's Eve to ring in 2021 due to the pandemic. Instead of an elaborate outdoor fireworks display or ball drop, at-home viewers were treated to T-Mobile New Year's at the Needle. — Read the rest

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Майские праздники в Туле: что посетить жителям и гостям оружейной столицы

Стало известно о работе полиции в «Институте кроссовок и любви» в Москве

61 страна, 28 тысяч площадок: «Единая Россия» в шестой раз провела «Диктант Победы»

Фигурант дела замминистра обороны Тимура Иванова Сергей Бородин обжаловал арест

Музыкальные новости

Военные следователи провели в Судаке проверку лиц, не вставших на воинский учет

Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре

Владимир Путин поздравил ветеранов с 50-летием начала строительства Байкало-Амурской магистрали

Тема дня: На «Госуслугах» можно будет получить статус многодетной семьи с 2025 года

Новости России

Псковский губернатор обсудил с сенатором вопросы безопасности региона

Инвестиции Россетей по итогам 2023 г. составили почти 537 млрд рублей

Захарян остался в запасе «Реал Сосьедад» на матч с «Реалом» в чемпионате Испании

Климатолог: аномально теплый апрель стал причиной ранних ураганов в Москве

Экология в России и мире

Врач-гигиенист сети клиник «Мегастом» Ольга Жидких: как правильно ухаживать на полостью рта и зубов

585*ЗОЛОТОЙ» дарит украшения за установку мобильного приложения

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье

Спорт в России и мире

Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис

WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира

Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Свёнтек: я чувствую, что с каждым годом получаю всё большую поддержку


Премьер-министра Эстонии Каю Каллас уже не остановить: она намерена увеличить военный бюджет страны до 5% ВВП

Суд не стал менять приговор экс-главе наркоконтроля Свердловской области

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

На западном объезде Южно-Сахалинска строят первый участок

Топ новостей на этот час


Врач Тяжельников рассказал о допустимой порции шашлыка

Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ подвел производственные итоги первого квартала 2024 года

Движение в центре Москвы перекроют 29 апреля в связи с Московским полумарафоном

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