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В объятьях музыки! Relax FM рекомендует концерт Alizbar & Ann’Sannat

Саймон покоряет мир моды

Приключения Трампа в столице. В Москве мог появиться свой Trump Tower

Привязка к месту. У «Семейной ипотеки» появится еще одно ограничение

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Новости за 07.05.2020

The Week 

9 books to read this summer

Books are just about the only part of our culture right now that is chugging on, more or less as normal. And thank goodness for that, because summer reading is going to be excellent this year (and not just because we're potentially going to be spending most of it still in quarantine). From books about outbreaks to books that offer complete escape, here's what you'll want to have on your nightstand for those warm summer nights.

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West European car market down 80% in April

The COVID-19 crisis saw West European new car registrations fall by 80% year-on-year (YoY) in April, according to data released by LMC Automotive.

Splice Today 

NBA All-Star Snubs

Some of the accolades we routinely use to evaluate the quality of NBA players’ careers are MVP awards, All-NBA selections, All-Star Game appearances and other postseason awards. In real time, we may question what criteria the people who voted on these awards were implementing while submitting their ballots, but when reflecting on the careers of the players years and decades after the fact, we simply accept the granting of the awards and spout off the list of honors bequeathed to a player as if... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Norway mosque shooter pleads not guilty as trial opens

A Norwegian man who admitted to killing his step-sister before opening fire in a mosque near Oslo last year pleaded not guilty as his trial started on Thursday. Wearing a dark suit, 22-year-old Philip Manshaus appeared before the court outside Oslo, making the "OK" sign with his hand as he entered, used by some to signify white supremacy. Manshaus stands accused of murder and committing an act of terror. He was arrested on August 10, 2019 after opening fire in the Al-Noor mosque in the affluent Oslo suburb of Baerum. Читать дальше...

Business Standard 

2 BSF personnel die of COVID-19; 41 news cases reported

Two Border Security Force personnel have succumbed to the COVID-19 infection while the force has reported 41 new cases of infection, a senior official said on Thursday. The total number of infections or active cases in the 2.5 lakh personnel strong force now stand at 193 now. Two jawans have recovered. These are the first cases of death in the BSF due to coronavirus infection and the second among paramilitary forces after a 55-year-old sub-inspector of the CRPF had succumbed to the disease last month.


RHOA cast skirt quarantine rules with hair and makeup teams for virtual Reunion episode

RHOA stars Cynthia Bailey, Porsha Williams, Eva Marcille appeared to dodge quarantine rules when they got glammed up for the reunion show. The Bravo cast were forced to film the episode over zoom and posted their looks on Instagram, which included credits for their hair and makeup teams. Eva, 35, and Cynthia, 53, even thanked […]

Windsurf Magazine Online 



If you missed it, here is the recording from Maui and Gran Canaria with Robby Naish US-1111 and Bjorn Dunkerbeck E-11!  

The post ROBBY AND BJORN: INTERVIEWED appeared first on Windsurf Magazine.


Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick defends jailed salon owner: ‘She should be home for Mother’s Day’ - Fox News

  1. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick defends jailed salon owner: ‘She should be home for Mother’s Day’  Fox News
  2. Woman jailed for defying lockdown. See what she told judge  CNN
  3. Sarah Palin visited Dallas salon at center of controversy while the owner served jail time for refusing to close  CBS News
  4. Tucker Carlson: During coronavirus crisis, biz owners like Shelley Luther are jailed while criminals go free  Fox News
  5. Texas Supreme Court orders Dallas salon owner released... Читать дальше...

Dragon Driving 

Cocker Spaniel Bitch - New

£2,000 ono
Show type Cocker Spaniel bitch, four years old, very good natured. No withheld numbers will be answered.
Location: Brighton
Telephone: 07483 292501

The Week 

The primal comfort of domestic arts

I'd been meaning to try baking sourdough bread for years. All it took was a global pandemic to get me to start. In the nearly two months since the Bay Area ordered its residents indoors for our neighbors' safety, I've managed to coax a colony of living critters from a simple slurry of flour and water. Now, every weekend, I pull out my kitchen scale and my jar of bubbly sludge, slip an apron — tailor-made by me, for me — over my head, and set about baking a loaf of crusty bread.

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A wife on TikTok tricked her husband into jumping around on a broom by saying she'd edit the video to look like he was flying

  • TikTok user Janelle McAloon, or @nellesworld, regularly features her children and husband Joshua in her humorous videos.
  • In a recent TikTok, she filmed her husband jumping up and down repeatedly while riding a broom, captioning the clip: "I told him I was going to edit to look like he was flying."
  • After the video was liked more than 100,000 times, she somehow managed to convince him to try it again, promising this time around she would actually edit the video.
  • ... Читать дальше...

Express & Star 

NHS donate plasma in coronavirus fight

A Black Country hospital trust is playing a leading role in clinical trials as part of the fight to beat coronavirus, with some NHS staff being asked to donate blood plasma.

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В Томской области стартовал региональный этап Всероссийского конкурса «Земский почтальон»

Минимум не слезете с унитаза: в популярной марке хинкали нашли бактерию, способную убить

На ловца и зверь бежит! «Юмор FM» приглашает на «Зверопоиск»

Кондрашов Станислав Дмитриевич: Грани допустимого в эпоху ИИ

Музыкальные новости

Опубликовать стихи. Опубликовать стихи в журнале. Опубликовать стихи поэта.

2013 • Москва-Щербинка! Кубок Победы 6-7 мая "Champions Cup"

Ульяновское отделение Сбербанка возглавил Сергей Анисимов

Ирину Аллегрову наградили орденом «За заслуги в культуре и искусстве»

Новости России

В Москве специалисты обнаружили новые редкие виды лишайников

Старое слово со множеством смыслов: кто такой «симп» и когда уместен этот термин

Саймон покоряет мир моды

Граждане России со стажем от 15 лет получат пенсию раньше срока, но есть нюанс

Экология в России и мире

JOYСТИКИ на модном показе

Marins Park Hotel Новосибирск – место притяжения деловых людей

Самые необычные памятники рядом с Marins Park Hotel Новосибирск

Пункт технического обслуживания локомотивов «Обозерская» СЛД «Няндома-Северная» филиала «Северный» ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис» отмечает 20-летие

Спорт в России и мире

Рублёв проиграл на старте турнира ATP в Индиан-Уэллсе

Теннисист Медведев обыграл Пола и вышел в 1/4 финала "Мастерса" в Индиан-Уэллсе

Ресторан, в который инвестировали Роналду и Надаль, закрылся по неизвестным причинам

Мирра Андреева прокомментировала разгромную победу над Еленой Рыбакиной


Защищённый планшет промышленного класса Saotron RT-W11

Подконтрольную Карапетяну компанию поймали на многомиллионных налоговых нарушениях 

В лесу

LUZAR провел в Сочи первый тренинг проекта «Техническая академия»

Топ новостей на этот час


Сдает жильё и чешет собак. Как сейчас живет в Америке Валерий Леонтьев

Конец дешёвого света. Отчего счета за электричество стали астрономическими

Саймон покоряет мир моды

Казанова советского разлива