Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi on Thursday charged the opposition with spreading rumours that BJP-ruled Karnataka had sought cancellation of trains ferrying away migrant workers while remaining silent on not a single Shramik Special coming to the state from Punjab where the Congress is in power. The Deputy CM, who is one of the states senior-most BJP leaders, said already two trains have arrived from Karnataka and more were to follow in the days to come and bristled at the Congress... Читать дальше...
The deadly connections between the Lashkar-e-Taiba, Haqqani Network and the Islamic State of Afghanistan came to the fore with the death of a key ISKP leader, Sanaullah, in Kabul on Tuesday night. Involved in the terror attack on a Sikh gurdwara in Kabul and the attack on a US base at Bagram, this is the second such raid against the joint terror network.
The new UK Labour leader staged on online meeting with party activists and others in Glasgow.
More and more we move away from the terrifying events of World War II. There are fewer people among us who have witnessed that era. Three quarters of a century has passed since the fall of the Third Reich, but the memory is still alive. It is with this memory that there is a fierce […]
Читать дальше...EXCLUSIVE: Olivia and Alex Bowen have chatted to Daily Star Online about the idea of a Love Island spin-off show replacing this year's axed series of the ITV2 dating show
New Delhi (Sputnik): COVID-19 patients are keeping the authorities on their toes with their attempts to abscond from quarantine facilities and hospitals in India while they are dealing with the medical aspect of the disease.
When it beat “Brokeback Mountain,” the movie about racial tensions in Los Angeles became one of the more lauded and loathed films in memory. It’s not interesting enough to be either.
ed March 31.; rel=;noopener noreferrer; target=;_blank;shared updated sales numbers for its first-party Switch titles, revealing the first official numbers for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The 10 best-selling first-party Switch titles are: Mario Kart...
Miley Cyrus styled and photographed herself for the cover shoot of the new WSJ. Magazine, creating a chic look that even included rubber gloves. But the pop star also revealed a recent outfit meltdown she had behind-the-scenes of her Instagram Live series, “Bright Minded,” in which she stars, and also directs, produces and books guests....
WARSAW, Poland – Poland's parliament on Thursday, May 7, voted to allow a presidential election delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic to go ahead via a postal ballot, triggering opposition and EU concern over democratic standards.
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According to a recent report from Sky Sports, Borussia Dortmund are expecting Jadon Sancho to remain at the club beyond the summer transfer window. That news comes despite the fact that a source close to the player has told SSN that a move away is still likely, with the young Englishman currently having two years […]
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Texas salon owner Shelley Luther broke the state quarantine in late April to save her business and feed her children. Shelley was later served a citation from the city of Dallas the following morning for breaking state stay-at-home policies. At a rally that day SHE RIPPED IT UP during her speech! Shelley Luther wants to…
Читать дальше...Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday asked secretary generals of both Houses to explore if parliamentary committee meetings can be held through video...
Tara Reade, who has accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her, said she filed a complaint in 1993 that, if unveiled, would vindicate multiple details of her allegations. The presumptive presidential nominee recently requested the secretary of the Senate to locate the complaint and make it public. But confusion surrounds the location […]
All positive inmates will he shifted to GT Hospital and St George hospital in guarded vehicles on Friday morning.
In some parts of the media, the tragedy that is the Covid-19 BAME death rate disparity has not been treated the way it should
NEW YORK (AP) - Wayne Brady and the folks at “Let's Make a Deal” want to honor those fighting the coronavirus - and they don't have to wear their capes if they don't want to.
Читать дальше...THE second season of Brassic is set to hit our screens tonight, May 7, after the first season proved to be a huge success for Sky. Before the beginning of the second season, here is everything you need to know about series one. What happened in Brassic season one? In season one, viewers were introduced […]
Coronavirus: Andy Serkis plans nonstop live reading of Hobbit for charity Sky NewsView Full coverage on Google News
Following the death to two children due to measles, a special vaccination campaign was launched with around twenty-two thousand children vaccinated against measles-rubella in Dhading district, amid nationwide lockdown.
Читать дальше...This move comes at a time when the bank has reduced its marginal cost of funds-based lending rate (MCLR) across tenures by 15 bps, with effect from May 10
Two days before the end of World War II in the European theater in 1945, a more subtle historical milestone unfolded at Kansas City’s Municipal Stadium, then known as Ruppert Stadium. Jackie Robinson made his professional baseball debut for the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro Leagues.
Barcelona are reportedly planning hard to sign Inter Milan star Lautaro Martinez and they are even said to be considering selling Arturo Vidal for them to raise
BRITAIN’S lockdown has been extended by three weeks today – after Boris Johnson urged “maximum caution”. Dominic Raab confirmed the news tonight that there is “no change” yet as the virus is still “deadly and infectious”, but some minor tweaks are expected in the coming days. ⚠️ Read our coronavirus live blog for the latest […]