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Правительство РФ дополнительно направит на соцгазификацию 1 млрд руб.

Адвокат Блиновской внезапно попросил освободить от наказания «королеву марафонов»

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Новости за 19.04.2020

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

UK's new coronavirus hotspot is in the Midlands as region records 92 new deaths - Mirror Online

  1. UK's new coronavirus hotspot is in the Midlands as region records 92 new deaths  Mirror Online
  2. The NHS workers who have died fighting coronavirus  Manchester Evening News
  3. Kent coronavirus: More than 80 new COVID-19 deaths in the county confirmed in last two days  Kent Live
  4. More coronavirus patients discharged from hospital in Gloucestershire  Gloucestershire Live
  5. Number of people who have died with coronavirus in South West of England  Bristol Post
  6. View... Читать дальше...

The Manila Times 

Australia wants probe into global virus response

SYDNEY: Australia on Sunday called for an independent investigation into the global response to the coronavirus pandemic, including the World Health Organization’s (WHO) handling of the crisis. Foreign Minister Marise Payne said the country would “insist” on a review that would probe, in part, China’s early response to the outbreak in Wuhan, the city where […]

Real Clear Politics 

How Sanders Was 'Russia-gated' Out of 2020 Race

Just about six weeks ago, before the coronavirus consumed every aspect of American social and political life, Bernie Sanders appeared well-positioned to win the Democratic presidential nomination. The reasons for his campaign's swift demise will be debated for years to come, and they are certainly multifaceted. However, one of those reasons is fairly straightforward, yet has received little attention from his supporters, detractors, and the wider media: Sen. Sanders got "Russia-gated."


Erdogan, Trump agree on ‘close cooperation’ in virus crisis

ISTANBUL — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Donald Trump have spoken on the phone, discussing the coronavirus pandemic, bilateral relations and regional developments. According to an account of the phone call shared by the Turkish presidency’s office on Sunday, the two leaders agreed to continue their “close cooperation” against the threats posed

Business Standard 

Sonowal calls up CMs of Odisha, UP, Bihar, WB, MP

Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Sunday called his Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh counterparts, urging them to provide all necessary help to people from Assam stranded in their states due to the nationwide lockdown. Many people from Assam have been stranded in various parts of the country during the nation-wide lockdown imposed to contain the Coronavirus. Sonowal called up Naveen Patnaik, Yogi Adityanath, Nitish Kumar, Mamata Banerjee, Manohar Lal... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Heroes of the Day: 911 operators give lifeline to desperate New Yorkers

Their co-workers are sick. Their family members are falling ill. But as emergency calls reach unprecedented highs amid the coronavirus crisis, these 911 operators are working seven days a week to help make sure someone will always be on the other end of the phone.  “Our city needs us,” Police Communications Technician Carla Jones told...

Business Standard 

Israeli scientist granted US patent for novel coronavirus vaccine design

In a major breakthrough, an Israeli scientist at the Tel Aviv University has been granted a US patent for his innovative vaccine design for the corona family of viruses, a press statement by the varsity said on Sunday. The patent has been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The vaccine is proposed by Professor Jonathan Gershoni of the School of Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology at the university's George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences. It targets the novel coronavirus' Achilles' heel... Читать дальше...

Real Clear Politics 

Public Has Duty to Defend God-Given Natural Rights

It has now been almost a month since California Gov. Gavin Newsom curtailed significantly the rights to liberty and free assembly for 40 million Californians in the name of public health. Other governors quickly followed. California's COVID-19 contagion curve has since "flattened" substantially, and it's time for the governor to lift the lockdown. At stake is not just our material recovery, but our moral sanity and our self-government.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

NY Binghamton NY Zone Forecast

NY Binghamton NY Zone Forecast for Sunday, April 19, 2020


950 FPUS51 KBGM 191636


Zone Forecast Product for Central New York and Northeast Pennsylvania

National Weather Service Binghamton NY

1235 PM EDT Sun Apr 19 2020

This is an automatically generated product that contains an area

forecast using an average of the gridded forecast data for each

zone. The forecast may not be representative of the exact

location that you are interested in. Читать дальше...

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson dodges calls to spell out coronavirus 'exit strategy' - Daily Mail

  1. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson dodges calls to spell out coronavirus 'exit strategy'  Daily Mail
  2. Coronavirus: Lifting lockdown requires balanced judgement - Gove  BBC News
  3. Michael Gove says the government 'should not be thinking of lifting restrictions yet'  Sky News
  4. Lifting the lockdown is a complex decision – ministers must not make it in secret  Telegraph.co.uk
  5. Michael Gove defends PM's leadership amid reports he was absent from early COBRAS as COVID-19... Читать дальше...


Māori collective offers healthier lifestyles during lockdown

News from Hutt Valley District Health Board One of Wellington’s biggest Māori health services is getting whānau healthier and fitter under lockdown using virtual whanaungatanga. From their base in Seaview, staff and whānau at Kokiri Marae Health and Social Services have been running daily Facebook live sessions offering everything from dance exercise classes to community […]

The Hindu 

‘Elephant died of intestinal problems’

A female elephant that was found dead in Sirumugai forest range on Friday could have died of intestinal problems, according to Forest Department. A st

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


На машину Буйнова зарегистрировано 100 штрафов, все оплачены

Роман Губанов: "Сегодня работодателям необходим обмен практиками, в том числе с конкурентами"

Путин встретился в Кремле с членом Политбюро КНДР Ли Хи Ёном

GEOX представляет женскую коллекцию обуви сезона весна-лето 2025

Музыкальные новости

Минниханов: В Татарстане создана мощная инфраструктура для автокомпонентной индустрии

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии оказали помощь сотрудникам МЧС в ликвидации возгорания на территории склада в Балашихе

Количество АЗС "Газпром нефти" в России достигло 1549 станций

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» ввело в эксплуатацию новые фильтры-грязеуловители на производственном объекте в Татарстане

Новости России

В Турции и России пройдут съёмки фильма о мальчике, попавшем в автокатастрофу в Анталье

Количество АЗС "Газпром нефти" в России достигло 1549 станций

США депортировали в Россию мужчину, обвиняемого в разбойном нападении в аэропорту Пулково

В Москве вручили премию «Культурный империум. Книги и проекты»

Экология в России и мире

В Москве определили победителей конкурса "Мой папа - герой"

Певцу Жандаурену Аблаеву запретили въезд в Латвию

"Симбионты Кутушова" вошли в ТОП-100 предприятий России

В Омске пройдет Международный Открытый кинофестиваль «Свидание с Россией. Сибирский характер»

Спорт в России и мире

Три теннисиста из топ-20 ATP снялись с турнира в Акапулько из-за пищевого отравления

Зверев на теннисном турнире в Акапулько проиграл Тьену, ранее победившему Медведева

Карен Хачанов: «Если сыновья захотят играть теннис, то как я могу не помочь?»

Андрей Рублёв: нейтральное эмоциональное состояние и работа с психологом


• https://dusil.org • Dusil Photography

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» ввело в эксплуатацию новые фильтры-грязеуловители на производственном объекте в Татарстане

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» ввело в эксплуатацию новые фильтры-грязеуловители на производственном объекте в Татарстане

Сотрудники МЧС России работают на пожаре в Орле

Топ новостей на этот час


В Москве вручили премию «Культурный империум. Книги и проекты»

В Турции и России пройдут съёмки фильма о мальчике, попавшем в автокатастрофу в Анталье

Почти 1900 москвичей заключили договоры на получение жилья по реновации в январе

Пробиотик с историей: доктор Кутушов объяснил, как хурунгэ укрепит ваш иммунитет