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Morning Report: Matt Serra rips Sean O’Malley’s coach for underhanded tactics during fights: ‘You’re being a little b*tch’

Matt Serra | Photo by Brandon Magnus/Zuffa LLC/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

Matt Serra trained Merab Dvalishvili after he first arrived in the United States, and before he really spoke a word of English, so he’s always going to have his back. That’s especially true when the UFC bantamweight champion gets into a dustup with his opponents or their coaches.

Prior to claiming the title this past September at UFC 306, Dvalishvili got into a heated encounter with Sean O’Malley and his head coach Tim Welch over some questionable tactics used during a championship bout with Aljamain Sterling. While he was cornering O’Malley for the fight, Welch actually started shouting instructions to Sterling to potentially throw off his performance.

Sterling downplayed the notion that Welch’s attempt to get at him played any part in the outcome of the fight, but O’Malley’s coach actually did it again during the matchup against Dvalishvili until the referee issued a warning. The entire situation didn’t sit well with Serra, who has been a coach and cornerman for almost as long as he was during his a pro fighter.

“I’m not a fan of that guy because when they were fighting, he does some dirty f*cking, c*nty shit,” Serra said about Welch on The Overdogs podcast. “He’s the guy [yelling] ‘Aljo, you’ve got to go, you’ve got [to go]!’

“Dude, it might not be against the rules, but you’re being a little bitch right now. I’m just letting you know. I’m not going to go ‘Sean O’Malley, you’ve got to [go]!’”

Welch shouting instructions to Sterling during his fight against O’Malley is what prompted Dvalishvili to confront him over his actions. O’Malley later took up for his coach when he came face-to-face with Dvalishvili and suggested that he could settle things with Welch in an actual fight if that’s what he wanted.

Dvalishvili continued taking aim at Welch during the leadup to his fight against O’Malley and he scoffed at the idea that he would settle things in the octagon rather than just taking care of business on the street if the situation actually escalated. Serra couldn’t help but laugh at the idea that Welch would throw down with Dvalishvili in a street fight.

“I like when he got in that Tim Welch’s face,” Serra said. “Sean O’Malley’s a nice kid, but he still has a kid’s mentality. He’s like ‘there’s weight classes for a reason.’ Merab would eat him in a street fight. I don’t give a f*ck what that ginger knows. He would eat him up.

“I like when Merab saw him he goes ‘you want to go now or do you want to wait until after the fight?’ Tim Welch is like [I’m all right]. Because dude, I don’t know what world they’re from. I don’t know what their code is. I know Merab’s and Merab wouldn’t be like let’s have a street fight and weigh in. Shut the f*ck up.”

As far as Welch using his position as O’Malley’s cornerman to yell instructions at his opponents, Serra really hates that maneuver, especially because it injects the coaches into a fight and that shouldn’t happen.

“They’re fighting,” Serra said. “We’re not fighting.”


Revenge. Roman Dolidze scored a convincing decision win over Marvin Vettori in the UFC Vegas 104 main event to avenge a past loss.

Ready. Former Bellator champion Yaroslav Amosov made quick work of Curtis Millender and seems poised to join the UFC welterweight roster soon.

Ready? The Ultimate Fighter 14 champion Diego Brandao also made his case for a UFC contract with a highlight-reel knockout on Friday.

Respect. Matt Brown calls his fight with Robbie Lawler his favorite of his career.

Harsh. Paddy Pimblett took a shot at Dustin Poirier over The Diamond’s retirement plans.

Shade. Magomed Ankalaev sets his sights on former light heavyweight kingpin Jon Jones.

Missed Fists. The best highlights from the regional and international scene.


UFC Vegas 104 post-fight show.

MMA Fighting Rankings Show.

UFC Vegas 104 post-fight press conference.

Paddy Pimblett interview.

Don Frye and Gary Goodridge chopping it up.


On to the Next One. MMA Fighting’s Mike Heck and Alexander K. Lee pick matchups for Roman Dolidze and the other big winners from UFC Vegas 104.


Marvin Vettori isn’t happy.

Ocean X Talbott.

Take it easy.

Tell ‘em, Donn!

Day in the life of Roxanne Modafferi.

Important message.

Normal fighting surface.


K, when fight tho?

In case you missed Waldo Cortes-Acosta vs. Ryan Spann.

Jiri things.


UFC Vegas 104 was more fun than expected but that’s the last time we’ll ever talk about it. on to UFC London, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


If you find something you’d like to see in the Morning Report, hit up @AlexanderKlee or @JedKMeshew on Twitter and let us know about it. Also, follow MMAFighting on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and like us on Facebook.

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