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MANCHESTER UNITED will reportedly consider entering the race for Bayern Munich forward Mathys Tel if Marcus Rashford or Alejandro Garnacho leaves before deadline day.
Rashford and Garnacho are both facing the axe at Old Trafford, with head coach Ruben Amorim open to letting them go.
GettyMan Utd could make a move for Bayern Munich forward Mathys Tel[/caption]
ReutersMan Utd could attempt to sign Tel if Rashford or Garnacho leaves in the next week[/caption]
The duo have come under fire in recent months amid concerns about their attitude on and off the pitch.
He insisted: “I’d put Vital on the bench before a player who doesn’t give the maximum every day. I’ll not change in that department.
“It’s always the same reason. The reason is the training. The way that I see what a footballer should do in training, in life, every day. If things don’t change, I will not change.
“Same situation for every player — if you do the maximum, if you do the right things, we can use every player.”
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