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Who is refereeing at the World Darts Championship 2024 with no Russ Bray at Ally Pally?

DARTS fans were left shocked when legendary referee Russ Bray announced his retirement – but the mic will be going into several capable hands.

Former player Bray has been involved in the darts industry for nearly 30 years.

Russ Bray has and will always be The Voice and darts

And his unique referee artistry has earned him the title ‘The Voice’ of darts.

But Luke Littler‘s thrilling Premier League final win over Luke Humphries at the top of 2024 was Bray’s last time in charge.

Bray does not referee in the UK anymore as he only does refereeing abroad for the World Series.

However, no need to panic darts lovers as PDC have confirmed who the men to fill Bray’s big boots will be.

Who is refereeing at the World Darts Championship 2024?

Kirk Bervins

Kirk Bervins’ career started in 2010 but in 2009, he was most famously known for becoming the British ‘Countdown’ champion on Channel 4.

He can also rapidly count having previously been a maths teacher but picking up the microphone to be a darts caller was always his calling.

Before Kirk was at university, he had never watched a top darts player up close until his first refereeing audition at The Assassin Martin Atkins exhibition.

Bervins then became a volunteer marked on the pro tour for two years before being offered the job when Bruce Spendley retired in 2013.

But his first major tournament was at the 2014 World Championship.

Kirk Bervins will be refereeing at Ally Pally

Charlie Corstorphine

Charlie Corstorphine will be refereeing at the World Darts Championship 2024.

The Southend-based 29-year-old started his career in the Essex Youth Super League before making his TV debut at the World Masters in 2016.

After leaving a good impression, Charlie was asked at the 2016 Winmau World Masters if he’d like to referee at the 2017 Lakeside World Championships.

Corstorphine then became part of Team Ref. where he regularly called matches for England during the British Internationals and Six Nations Cup events.

It was only in 2017 when Corstorphine reffed his first and only nine-darter courtesy of Paul Hogan.

And he has now already achieved his dream by working his way through the ranks to appear at the Ally Pally tournament.

Charlie Corstorphine has big boots to fill

George Noble

George Noble is another great example of how the best referees get there chance to call the shots by accident.

Noble made his first steps on stage after the regular country caller called in sick in 1992 and it would only take two years before George made it to darts’ biggest stage.

The English star has been in every BDO World Championship final at Lakeside between 1995 and 2007.

However, Noble switched to the PDC in 2007 and got his first televised nine-dart appearance at Ally Pally when Raymond van Barneveld hit it against Jelle Klassen in 2009.

Since then, Noble has worked with all of the greatest stars in the past and present and became the first referee to do two nine-dart legs in one match courtesy of Phil Taylor.

George Noble is an iconic darts ref[/caption]

Huw Ware

Huw Ware’s career started in 2010 and by 2012, he had quickly risen to the top of the calling charts.

The Welshman starred at the Lakeside Country Club at the BDO World Championship before going onto the ref at the PDC UK Open.

Since 2018, Huw has also been the ambassador for the LGBTI community within the darts industry.

In February 2014, Ware himself opened up about his sexual orientation and the difficult road he had to take with his homosexuality.

Credit: @HuWare100

What has been said?

Charlie in particular has not been able to contain his excitement to ref at the iconic 2024 World Darts Championship.

The talented referee said: “I’m really excited to be making my debut at the big one at Ally Pally.

“I was at Alexandra Palace last year working in the fan village with Paddy Power the sponsors but to make it onto the main stage and tick it off my list is going to be incredible.

“This will be by far the biggest event I’ve done and I can’t wait to get started.”

Will Russ Bray come out of retirement?

Legendary darts referee Russ Bray hinted that he’d come out of retirement for a dream World Championship final that involves teen sensation Luke Littler.

Talking exclusively to SunSport in November 2024, Bray said: “Luke has the attributes to become like Phil Taylor and dominate darts for the next 20 years.

“Will he want to? Only he can answer that. But even in the first few months of his career, the effect he’s had on the sport is unbelievable.

“In fact, here’s a thought. In the not-too-distant future, I can easily imagine a World Championship final between Luke Littler and Beau Greaves.

“And how good would that be? I might even come out of retirement to call that one…”

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