SNOOKER Shoot Out returns to Leicester in December with some huge names in action.
Inform Neil Robertson will make his first appearance in the unique tournament for 13 years as he looks to claim the huge £50,000 jackpot.
GettyMark Allen won the 2023 Snooker Shoot Out[/caption]
Reigning champion Mark Allen will attempt to defend his crown after he beat Cao Yupeng 65-4 to claim his 10th-ranking title last year.
Shaun Murphy, Mark Selby and Jimmy White also feature in the star-studded 128-player field, but Ronnie O’Sullivan and Judd Trump will not compete in Leicester.
SunSport brings you all the information you need ahead of the 2024 edition of Snooker Shoot Out.
When is Snooker Shoot Out 2024?
Snooker Shoot Out 2024 begins on Wednesday, December 4.
The fast-paced tournament will conclude on Saturday, December 7.
The Mattioli Arena in Leicester will host.
What TV channel is Snooker Shoot Out 2024 on and can it be live streamed?
Snooker Shoot Out 2024 will be broadcast live on Eurosport.
You can live stream the event via the discovery+ app/website.
Alternatively, you can follow SunSport’s live blog to keep up to date with all the action from Leicester.
Snooker Shoot Out 2024 rules and format
Snooker Shoot Out is a unique tournament which puts players up against the clock.
Matches last a maximum of 10 minutes, with a shot clock of 15 seconds for the first five minutes and just 10 seconds for the final five.
Here are the key rules:
Each frame lasts a maximum of 10 minutes.
Shot clock stops players from wasting time.
The first five minutes of the frame = 15 seconds per shot.
The second five minutes of the frame = 10 seconds per shot.
Five-point penalty (or value of pink or black if attempted) for failing to play a shot within the allocated time.
Players must hit a cushion with any ball or pot a ball with every shot.
All fouls give the opponent the ball in hand.
Similar to pool, players “lag” for break-off with white played from the baulk line off the top cushion.
The nearest to the baulk cushion wins the lag.
A blue ball shoot-out settles tied matches with players aiming to pot blue off its spot from within the “D” to a top pocket.
Flukes do not count on the final blue.
Snooker Shoot Out 2024 schedule
Here is the full schedule for the 2024 Snooker Shoot Out:
Play starts at 1pm GMT each day
Wednesday, December 4: First round
Thursday, December 5: First round
Friday, December 6: Second round
Saturday, December 7: Third round, fourth round, quarter-finals, semi-final, final
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