HSTikkyTokky was victorious in Dublin, claiming a dominant win with a brutal first-round knockout.
His next test comes against Masai Warrior, who is making his Misfits debut on the Qatar supercard, but the TikTok star claimed to have dropped out on Instagram.
HSTikkyTokky posted the photo above to his Instagram saying: “Quick Nobu in Qatar, injured my shoulder…so can’t scrap tomorrow unfortunately, big love”
However, the Misfits star quickly took to X denying the news of his injury – and the fight is now confirmed.
Masai Warrior is one of the UK’s top fitness influencers and possesses over 10 years of boxing experience.
SunSport has all the details you need ahead of the blockbuster fight card.
When is HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior?
HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior will take place on the Misfits Qatar Supercard on Thursday, November 28.
The event will begin at 6pm GMT.
HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior was due around 8pm GMT.
The Lusail Sports Arena plays host.
What TV channel will HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior be on?
The HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior will be shown LIVE on DAZN.
The show will begin at around 6pm GMT.
You can subscribe to DAZN in the UK for £9.99-a-month, which commits you to an entire year of action.
A flexible pass, worth £19.99-a-month, is also available, and you can cancel anytime.
You can also pay £99.99 for the year upfront, and this is the lowest cost option.
Can you live stream HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior?
DAZN subscribers can live stream HSTikkyTokky vs Masai Warrior via the DAZN app.
The DAZN app is available to download for FREE on your mobile or tablet device.
Alternatively, you can keep up to date with all the action via SunSport’s live blog.
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