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I got a doctorate in biomechanics after average football career, now I want to follow Wenger’s footsteps in the Prem

REGIS LE BRIS revealed Arsene Wenger’s early work inspired him to become a boss.

The Frenchman has guided Sunderland to the top of the Championship as they chase a return to the Prem following their relegation in 2017.

Regis Le Bris has left the Black Cats eyeing promotion to the Prem[/caption]
Arsene Wenger taught his fellow Frenchman well at Monaco

Le Bris, 48, grew up in Brittany and had an unremarkable career as a defender in France.

But he knew he wanted to coach after studying Arsenal legend Wenger during his seven years at Monaco from 1987.

Saluting the 75-year-old’s Monte Carlo masterclass, Le Bris said: “I really liked Monaco under Arsene Wenger. I wasn’t really a fan but when I was young I liked this team and  his style.

“If a player, team or manager had a specific style, I liked analysing the way that they played, their personality . . . there was something different.

“It was new — with many young players and  a proactive style of play.

“I was young, so it was difficult to assess the different elements involved in a game.

“But I think it was about emotional elements, which were different from other teams.

“You can see a football team and think, ‘They are playing well’ or, ‘This is interesting’. But  you don’t really know  why — it just makes you  feel something different.

 “As a player, I was  interested in understanding the game because I probably didn’t have the  X factor technically or physically.


“When you have a specific talent then you just  have to use it and be good on the pitch — but I was average everywhere.

“So I had to think how I could compete with stronger players, understand the game better and be connected with the other players to  solve problems.”

After an “average” playing career as a defender at Rennes, Laval and Belgian minnows Ronse, Le Bris went on to achieve a doctorate in sport physiology and biomechanics while first embarking on his coaching career.

Following a spell as youth coach at Wasquehal, he spent eight years at Rennes before moving  to Lorient to help bring through their kids into  the first team.

Ex-Arsenal man Matteo Guendouzi and Leeds keeper Illan Meslier were just two of those prior to him becoming first-team boss in 2022.

Le Bris always had a “curiosity” to work abroad — and felt England would be the perfect place having visited many clubs.

He added: “I wanted to discover new cultures, environments and languages.

“I’m just curious and, when I’m in  the same environment for a long   time,  I like working on a long project but  need to be fed new elements to learn.

“If it all just stays the same, then I’ll need something else to grow, keep the energy  and connect with other people.

“It was a whole new experience and I was  aware that it would be different — but I liked that difference and was prepared for that.

“I have visited many football clubs in Spain  and England so  was aware of the environment  and  really liked it.

England U18 midfielder Chris Rigg is one of Sunderland’s hot prospects
Jude Bellingham’s younger brother Jobe is another top Black Cats teen[/caption]

Crystal Palace, Liverpool, Everton, LeedsChelsea, Arsenal and probably two or three more.

“I’m like that, I’m curious about new ideas, behaviours and thinking about football.”

Le Bris ended up joining Sunderland in July and has no doubts his  young guns —  including Chris Rigg, 17, and Jude Bellingham’s 19-year-old younger brother Jobe — can reach the very top.

The impressive Frenchman has already scooped two manager-of-the-month awards but a Premier League return is the biggest prize he is chasing.

Le Bris, whose side go to Millwall on Saturday, explained: “The players are good — very good.

“I have worked with many, many players that  have worked at the highest level.

“It is always a question of potential. We think that they could play at the highest level, Premier League or Champions League.

“But the question between the potential and  reality is down to the pathway.

I don’t think you can assess the reality of the size of Sunderland before being at Sunderland

Regis Le Bris

“I’m very confident for them but it’s still fragile.

“Yet their behaviours, for example Jobe, Riggy and other players, it’s very interesting their potential and qualities and the way they are managing this relationship with the game.

“If you can keep this relationship with the game then you can exploit your potential.

“If the environment around the football becomes more important then it will be more difficult.

“I’m just a part of their journey, really. If I can help them to grow, and if they can help us to grow as a club, then that’s a good connection. So we’ll have to see for the future.

“I don’t think you can assess the reality of the size of Sunderland before being at Sunderland.

“Away to Preston, the stands were full and it was crazy. It’s a new experience for me.

“This  football club is very important and its history, the fanbase is big and the passion around the club is impressive.”

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