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I’m a former world champ who KOd Brit boxing legend… but my rap star twin sisters are more famous than me

DANNY GARCIA is the former world champion boxer bidding to win another belt – but he is not the most famous face in his family.

Garcia – who knocked out British legend Amir Khan in 2012 – was coached to titles in two divisions by his eccentric dad Angel.

Instagram @siangietwins
Danny Garcia with his twin sisters[/caption]
Garcia is trained by dad Angel[/caption]
Amir Khan was knocked out by Garcia in 2012
Action Images - Reuters

But neither are as popular as Angel’s twin daughters Sianney and Angelise Garcia – known as the rap duo SiAngie Twins.

Garcia, 36, told SunSport with a chuckle: “They’re more famous than me!

“We come from a family of talent, even my daughter is very talented, my daughter Philly, she has so much character, so much charisma. One day somebody’s gonna see her talent also.

“Believe it or not, my sisters and I, we do have mutual fans but they have a different fan base than me.

“So, like some of their fans don’t even know who I am. Some of my fans don’t even know who they are.

“But a lot of people do know we’re a family so people know us as a family business and that’s why we kinda like all intertwined.

“We all kinda like book our family together because we promote us being a successful family.

“But for the most part, their fans are younger than me. They don’t even know who I am.”


Garcia helps promote his sisters’ music and has even featured on tracks with them.

The family also had their own reality TV show – documenting the ups and down of mixing family with business.

Garcia said: “Sometimes it’s tough. Sometimes it’s tough because my sisters are younger than me, 13 years younger than me.

“So they’re not fully gonna see life how I see life. So sometimes we bump heads because we have different visions.

“Even my father, we bump heads a lot, we’re always bumping heads because we have different visions and different outlooks.

“But we always sit down as a family, you know, figure it out and just try not to always hold grudges and be mad at each other.

“So we just kinda learn how to work together and things like that.”

Instagram @siangietwins
Garcia is 13 years older than the twins[/caption]
Instagram @siangietwins
They are rappers from Philadelphia[/caption]
Instagram @siangietwins
Garcia says his twins are ‘more famous’ than him[/caption]
Instagram @siangietwins
The SiAngie Twins have songs out with brother Danny[/caption]

Garcia’s father Angel has become a star of his own, known for riling up his son’s opponents, with the two reuniting once again in the gym.

Garcia beamed: “You know, my dad is full of energy. He’s the reason why I love boxing so much.

“He’s so passionate about it and when I’m doing, I know I’m making him happy because that’s all he really loves is boxing.

“I tell them, look, we can’t fight forever. So you gotta learn how to be happy outside the ring too.

“I love my dad, you know, that’s my best friend.”

Garcia held unified light-welterweight world titles before moving up to welterweight to once again become champion.

But now he challenges Erislandy Lara, 41, for the WBA middleweight belt over the weekend in Las Vegas.

Garcia has always had dad Angel in his corner
Getty Images - Getty
They have won world titles together[/caption]
Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME
The two are best friends[/caption]

It is well over a STONE heavier than when he sucked down to 10st to KO Khan – a weight cut even Garcia is stunned he managed.

He admitted: “I’m fighting 17 pounds heavier, but yeah, I definitely don’t miss miss making 140. I don’t even know how I made 140 to be honest.

“Sometimes I sit back and I look, and I’m like, how did I make that weight?

“I won titles at 140, 147. I feel like all the great fighters go up in weight and try to do something great.Try to do something for their legacy.

“So I feel like this right here is a fight that I’m jumping up a couple of weight classes to try make big history and just try to put myself in the category of all the great champions who’ve done it for me.”

Garcia returns after over two years out, last beating Jose Benavidez Jr, 32, in July 2020 when he broke down in tears following the win.

Garcia broke down in tears after beating Jose Benavidez[/caption]
Garcia opened up on his mental health struggles[/caption]

The American bravely spoke about his mental health struggles outside the ring and battling back to victory in an emotional interview with interviewer Jim Gray.

Garcia opened up: “It just came naturally.

“He asked me how I was, and I told them how I felt at the moment and what I’ve been going through and that’s pretty much it.

“It just came from the heart, not unscripted. Everything I do comes from the heart, I never premeditate, I never act anything out.

“Everything I do comes from pure heart and passion.”

Garcia admits he is in the final chapter of his career now but vowed to close it out as a three-division champ.

He said: “I’m just taking it one fight at a time.

“I wanna win this WBA middleweight title and then after I’ll just go from there one fight at a time.” 

Erislandy Lara defends his WBA middleweight title against Danny Garcia
Esther Lin/ Premier Boxing Champions

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