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Латиноамериканская кавер-группа Amigos de Corazon в ТРЦ «Нора»

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

You don’t have to be an elite athlete to get that winning feeling – here are nine easy ways to get sporty

THE SUMMER Games have been the jewel in this year’s sporting crown. And if you’ve been inspired by the feats of our athletes, there are lots of ways to keep that winning feeling yourself.

From swimming to refereeing, there’s an activity for everyone to keep the energy and excitement of the Games alive. Ready to turn inspiration into perspiration? It’s game on.


Britain has made a real splash at the Olympics and Paralympics, and it was enough to get many reaching for their nose clips.

Swimming is one of the best low-impact sports around, so a few lengths at your local pool will do you the world of good.

Want more than just a dip? There are swimming clubs across the country, and if you fancy the great outdoors, open water swimming is making waves too. Check out swimming.org to find the best spots to take the plunge.

Walking football

So you hung up your boots 25 years ago, but who doesn’t still dream of channelling their inner Thierry Henry? The good news is, walking football is here to help you relive those glory days.

This slower-paced version of the beautiful game focuses on ball skills. Discover if you’ve still got it and find a game at the Walking Football Association website thewfa.co.uk.


There’s no disputing boxing’s value. Training for the ring is a knockout way to build self-discipline, stay out of trouble, keep fit and boost your mental wellbeing.

You don’t even have to fight if that’s not your thing. You can focus on fitness or learn technique through sparring sessions. Get started at a local gym: visit englandboxing.org, boxingscotland.org, welshboxing.org or ulsterboxing.com.


Did you know the pros can whack a shuttlecock at 300mph? But don’t let that scare you off – badminton is a sport for everyone, no matter your level or ability.

The “no strings badminton” programme is smashing it nationwide with low-cost “pay and play” sessions at venues across the country (check out badmintonengland.co.uk). Otherwise, just stick the clothes line up in the garden and you’re in business.


There’s no cheaper way to stay fit and improve your mental health than running. Forget about breaking world records – just grab a half-decent pair of trainers and get moving.

If you’re not quite race-ready, start small. The NHS Couch to 5k app is your ticket off the sofa, or you could join a local Parkrun. Get those legs pumping and you’ll feel like a champion for life.


Ready to go higher, faster, stronger? Your local athletics centre is the place to be. With all-weather tracks and plenty of space to jump, throw or sprint your way to glory, there’s no better place to unleash your inner Olympian.

Find a club or sports ground at englandathletics.org, scottishathletics.org.uk or welshathletics.org.


You might not snag a medal in padel, but you’ll definitely have a ball. This fast-rising sport – played on an enclosed court about a third the size of a tennis court, with slower, less bouncy balls – is taking the UK by storm. 

Want to get in on the action that’s suitable for all ages and abilities? Find a court near you on the interactive map at lta.org.uk.


It’s not all about the medals – it’s about getting stuck in. Sure, GB rarely makes the podium, but basketball is England’s second most popular team sport after football. Over 1.5million people play it twice a month. 

But only half a million of them are adults, so why not start shooting hoops again at one of the many clubs or community programmes around the country? Get back in the game at basketballengland.co.uk, basketballscotland.co.uk, basketball.wales or basketballni.com.


From marathons to match days, the UK’s sporting calendar is packed, but none of it would be possible without volunteers.

Local and national sports bodies are always on the lookout for people wanting to help with organisation or keep things in order as a marshal. If you’re ready to step up, there’s a whistle waiting for you.

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Мужчина открыл огонь из окна квартиры в Красноярске и угрожал взорвать дом

Латиноамериканская кавер-группа Amigos de Corazon в ТРЦ «Нора»

В Сети опубликовали видео нападения отца Алисы Тепляковой на пожилую женщину

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