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Jeremy Stephens loves idea of Conor McGregor BKFC fight; McGregor welcomes matchup with ‘who the f*ck is that guy’

Photos by Phil Lambert

Jeremy Stephens has a sordid history with Conor McGregor dating back to their infamous exchange ahead of UFC 205 in 2016, but they may get to settle their beef with no gloves on.

The incident that sparked the rivalry took place during a pre-fight press conference after McGregor was asked about the hardest fight available to him of the many athletes seated on the dais. Stephens immediately piped up and promised he was the toughest challenge as the hardest-hitting featherweight whose punches produced knockouts where “people don’t f*cking move.”

Always quick on the microphone, McGregor answered back, “Who the f*ck is that guy?” which was followed by a loud roar from the New York audience. Now almost eight years later, Stephens is about to make his second appearance as a bare-knuckle fighter at BKFC 65 on Friday, and McGregor is a co-owner after making a significant financial investment in the promotion.

It’s almost as if fate brought them back together again.

“I got a boss now in Conor McGregor, who is writing my checks,” Stephens told MMA Fighting. “I could potentially be fighting my own boss! There’s a lot of people out there who want that Conor fight, but if he was ever to come over to bare-knuckle, I’m on a hot streak, get the ball f*cking rolling. I would love to be that f*cking guy to welcome him to bare-knuckle.

“I don’t get tired. I can take a f*cking shot. I’ve been in the f*cking game. I would love to max out that opportunity and put myself into those opportunities. Day by day, brick by brick, it will come.”

As much as he enjoyed the war of words he shared with McGregor, which eventually escalated into some viral social media posts as well, Stephens actually gives credit to the former two-division UFC champion for believing in bare-knuckle boxing.

Since he became a co-owner in BKFC, McGregor has spread the word with social media posts sent out to his millions of followers and he’s even attended live events, which always brings more eyeballs because of his immeasurable influence and star power.

Rivalry aside, Stephens is happy McGregor got involved with BKFC at that level.

“Honestly, [I’m] grateful,” Stephens said. “Anything Conor touches turns to gold. A lot of eyes on Conor. Conor is the type of guy that would get into bare-knuckle. I believe it. He’s from the streets as well and I’m sure he’s been in some bare-knuckle [fights] before getting there. He believes in it. It takes a lot of psychotic skills. If we can sign up more guys like me, him, and I think bare-knuckle is big, big business.”

Of course, McGregor has often touted his interest in eventually competing in a bare-knuckle fight before his career is over. Right now, McGregor sits with two bout left on his current UFC contract and he’s still planning on an eventual showdown against Michael Chandler when he finally returns to action.

Whether it’s now or later, Stephens would love the chance to throw down with McGregor in the bare-knuckle ring to finally settle their unfinished business from 2016.

“Perfect story, but honestly credit to Conor and all that, but if he ever got in there with me, I’d break his f*cking neck,” Stephens said. “I’d get a big f*cking fat check that would just relieve all my anxiety that I get to go in there and plaster someone like him. In due time.

“My performances speak for themselves. I continue to get better. This is what f*cking 38 looks like. I’m not on f*cking drugs. I’m not out here breaking my bones or this and that. I’ve continued to stay healthy. I’ve continued to put myself into position. If that ever came, I’d break his f*cking neck and I’d put him out. Bare-knuckle would be the spot to do it.”

For his part, McGregor definitely seems open to the idea after touting the upcoming BKFC 65 card on Instagram, along with a friendly reminder about that press conference he shared with Stephens back in the day.

“In our co-main event also we have ‘who the f*ck is that guy’ facing off again against Bobby Taylor,” McGregor wrote. “Me and “who the f*ck” is an exciting bare knuckle fight down the line 100 percent.”

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