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I Miss Who You Were… (Part II)

By Sharon Synowsky

“I saw A post a happy Heavenly birthday to her Dad. I didn’t know he passed. So, I reached out to give my condolences. She called me. I’m on the phone with her now. K, SHE IS BATSHIT CA-RAY-ZEEEEEE!”
– text from me to K, 7/17/2024


I reached out, having seen that your Dad passed 6 months ago. I figured, 3 years had passed, and I had thought about reaching out numerous times anyway. But I was leery. Were you still Q-Anon MAGA? Or did you regain your senses? I heard through K that even your family (sisters) had kind of pulled back from you and your crazy. Knowing how close you and your sisters have always been, I hoped that their distancing themselves snapped you out of it.

We texted, said how much we missed each other, forgave each other, all normal girlfriend stuff.

When you called me, I was super-excited. I expected “Hey Girl! How are you? How are the Boys? Did you know I’m a grandma now?” You jumped right into politics, but I was still hopeful, because you started with, “I am so sick of politics! Both parties suck. Get the old white guys out!” My heart filled with hope as I said, “Oh, me too, the divisiveness…” And that’s ALL I got out of my mouth before you talked over me and said, “I’m still a Trump Girl all the way. The Republicans are all against him, though…”

Uh-oh, here we go, I thought. But I stayed on the line, hoping for an opening where I could steer the conversation away from politics and back to catching up.

You apologized, because I had reached out when you were in the middle of some family drama, and you needed to vent.

Normal, so…

OK. What’s up?

“McK’s (stepdaughter) step uncle on her mother’s side was at the Trump rally and he has video of a second shooter. He posted it on Facebook, it was a guy walking around with a camera, he looked like a press photographer. The kid on the roof was a distraction. If you watch the video, the bullet comes from BEHIND Trump, not from the front. Well, the FBI just came to his house and told him to take it down, and now he’s afraid because they didn’t take his phone or make him delete the video, and why not? What are they going to try and scapegoat him for?

Because those behind this assassination attempt want Trump gone. He’s calling out their bullshit. But he’s pre-ordained to win. It all started with Bush/Gore and the hanging chads. That is when they laid the path for Trump to get elected. They knew then that he’d eventually run. But Trump’s only going to be around until 2026, then they’re going to try and put Flynn in. But Flynn is crazy, unless he’s playing their game and just saying what he thinks they want to hear. You don’t want a military guy in there, though. Bongino and Rogan are fake actors and Q is not a person, Q is a supercomputer.

I belong to an underground group, we’re nationwide. We are an early warning system. Dawn, I can’t tell you her last name, is a former CIA operative. She now uses her skills to infiltrate and destroy the deep state’s supercomputers. They used Covid to keep us home and afraid, so they had an excuse to move to mail in ballots and use those to rig the algorithm.”

You weren’t talking in a manic, speedy manner. You were laying things out calmly, cogently; yet it was crazy all the same. But I was able, in this moment, to catch a glimpse into HOW you got to this point. Your logic wasn’t logical, but I saw how YOU thought it was. I can’t explain it adequately now, but in the moment, I had a little insight into HOW.

I finally had an opening, and asked how you liked being a grandma. You spoke about the grandbabies, asked about my Boys, told me what your other daughters were doing now, and then…
You said, “You know that JFK was killed by the Secret Service agent driving the limo. If you watch the film, you can see him shoot with the gun in his left hand while he kept steering with his right.”

Thank GOD my Mom called at this point and I could end the call. We said we’d talk over the weekend and hung up.

Neither one of us made that call that Saturday…

God, do I miss who you were before MAGA, and I now know that we will never get that woman back…

And that breaks my heart even more.

Read Part I of I Miss Who You Were

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