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Blog log from R20 of 2024: Collingwood vs Richmond

Elliott marks in the pocket and quickly centres for Pendlebury 35m out on a slight angle, who steers through the first goal of the day. (Q1 0:58)
Vlaustin kicks inside 50 to the HFF but it’s OOTF… then gets clattered late by Schultz for a downfield free to Banks 40m out, who threads it! (Q1 7:11)
Hil does a one-two with McStay to zip around outer wing, his kick inside 50 is a shank but it sits up nicely for Elliott to snap the goal from 30m on the flank. (Q1 9:16)
Elliott misses a set shot from a similar spot. (Q1 11:25)
Richmond’s inside 50 kicks haven’t been great so far but McIntosh marks over Josh Daicos 25m out on the flank, kick is straight but called touched on the mark by big tall Cox. (Q1 16:26)
Hoskin-Elliott has Vlaustin and Tresize chasing with him to a bouncing ball near the square, he gathers but Tresize touches his snap from 10m off the boot for a point. (Q1 18:32)
Ah but a review overrules the umpire, call is reversed for a goal! (Q1 20:34)
Vlaustin is propped in front of McStay and goes to ground but McStay is paid the mark from a Josh Daicos kick to the hotspot, he goals. (Q1 21:52)
Broad is left flat-footed behind the pack as his man McStay flies over it to clunk a Nick Daicos kick to 20m on a slight angle, he converts for back to back goals. (Q1 26:01)
Hopper bounces a long snap into the left goalpost. (Q1 28:02)
Brown bangs through a set shot from 50m on a slight angle like his first name is Jonathan instead of Tom, that was a boomer! (Q1 29:30)
Cameron marks 30m out on a slight angle for another one for Collingwood, who look to be filling their boots today. (Q1 31:27)
Cox gets a contact free on Ryan in ruck 40m out in front, just a little hold as they wrestled. Cox skews it left and into the behind post OOTF. (Q2 3:50)
Cox down to Elliott in ruck 40m out, he gives to Pendlebury who loops a Joe the Goose special for Hoskin-Elliott. (Q2 5:50)
Ryan tumbles a long speculator from members wing, hits grass behind the pack at half forward, Sidebottom can’t get a handle on it but it falls for Campbell to grubber the goal. (Q2 10:15)
Hill takes a specky in the pocket but tries a short pass that doesn’t work. (Q2 12:21)
Long sails through a quality set shot from 50m near the boundary for his first major. (Q2 13:35)
Nick Daicos receives from Pendlebury forward of a pack on outer wing and passes to Elliott 40m out on the flank, whose set shot starts straight but fades right into the post. (Q2 15:14)
Elliott misses Hill in the pocket with a pass from half forward but the ball rolls loose to the square where Hill gets there just before Banks to volley home. (Q2 18:20)
Bytel shoots across the face from 40m on the flank. (Q2 19:30)
After Hoskin-Elliott beats Short in a ground battle on outer wing, Hill centres from the HFF to Schultz 35m out in front, who shanks terribly. (Q2 23:20)
Campbell blazes wide right form half forward. (Q2 25:17)
Koschitzke gets a holding free on Howe in the square waiting for a Balta set shot from the HFF, he converts. (Q2 28:48)
McIntosh roves at the top of the square and rolls through a goal. (Q2 30:32)
Sidebottom intercepts a Vlaustin kick in 45m out on a slight angle but misses, as we begin second half junk time. (Q3 3:18)
Bolton looks around for an option on outer wing but is claimed from behind by Hill, plus a 50m penalty for timewasting to ring the mark to 40m for the goal. (Q3 4:34)
Schultz marks a Hill pass from outer wing in the middle of three Tigers 40m out on a slight angle, he converts. (Q3 6:30)
Bolton hits the goalpost from a throw-in next to the behind post. (Q3 10:00)
Bolton snaps wide again from the other pocket. (Q3 10:18)
Green blazes wide from the HFF. (Q3 11:18)
Elliott marks 45m out on the flank but leaves his set shot narrow to the left. (Q3 15:18)
McStay marks for his third goal from 20m in front. (Q3 18:40)
Brown marks a long Banks speculator over Moore 20m out and just manages to avoid the right goalpost for the six points. (Q3 20:41)
On the end of a rebound around outer wing, Mansell kicks over Howe to Koschitzke running back to the pocket 25m out. Kosi kicks across the face to the left and OOTF. (Q3 22:13)
Parker kicks from a pack outside CHF to Schultz who decides to play on and bounce through the goal. (Q3 25:44)
Ryan’s long set shot falls on the line and is touched through by Josh Daicos. (Q3 28:29)
Smith sails through his first senior goal from half forward to kick off Q4 garbage time. (Q4 1:09)
Hill flies very early in a pack 15m out in the pocket, Cox is paid the mark, Tiger defenders are livid, footy gods push the set shot wide. (Q4 6:33)
Rioli misses from the HFF after playing on from a set shot. (Q4 8:43)
Elliott passes to Lipinski to mark near the behind line for some junk. There has been a lot of bruise-free circle work today, especially this quarter. (Q4 21:38)
Prestia roves and goals from the hotspot. (Q4 22:39)
Brown takes a one-handed mark in a wrestle with Maynard for his third goal from the hotspot. (Q4 26:46)
Hopper passes to Bolton for a set shot after the final siren from 45m on a slight angle, which stays to the right. (Q4 28:34)

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