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Blog log from R20 of 2024: Fremantle vs West Coast

A brief stoppage in play as Trew is assisted from the ground following a head clash. (Q1 2:27)
Young chips a kick towards Sturt and the ball goes to ground. Brayshaw runs onto it and slams through the first goal of the derby! (Q1 7:10)
Bailey Williams sparks a handball chain that works down to Ryan on the flank, he straightens up and goals in reply! (Q1 9:43)
Cripps curls a snap into the post. (Q1 11:24)
Jack Williams tumbles a kick in the Cripps direction who gathers, pushes off Chapman and snaps through a goal this time! (Q1 13:26)
Amiss puts a block on Edwards to affect a forward contest, Frederick breaks away from Hough and darts into the open space, pinching a goal! (Q1 19:14)
Brayshaw hits Amiss lace-out on a lead 40m out from goal. Amiss doesn’t miss from there, and Fremantle respond to the early challenge! (Q1 21:23)
Allen runs down Jackson and he handballs into the path of Culley as a result. Culley snaps at goal and sneaks the ball through for a major! (Q1 28:37)
Waterman kicks down into the pocket where Allen calls a lead. He opts for the drop punt but caresses the ball through for a late goal! (Q1 30:57)
Chapman puts himself under pressure inside the D50, Allen tackles him and he’s forced to cough it up to Petruccelle who snaps a quick goal! West Coast well up for it! (Q2 2:52)
Darling tries to scrubber through a ground ball from the pocket but it’s easily chopped off for a behind (Q2 4:09)
Treacy misses a very gettable set shot from 15m out. (Q2 5:23)
Young pumps it deep into the pocket and Frederick who has gotten free from Hough. Edwards is loudly demonstrating after the fact and the ump pings a useless 50m penalty. Freo goal! (Q2 10:39)
Cripps drops a ball right on Waterman’s head and he takes an uncontested mark as Ryan is unable to get back. Waterman spears it through! (Q2 11:38)
Chapman places a kick into the hole and it’s swallowed up by O’Meara 40m out in front. He swings the ball through the middle! (Q2 14:38)
Freo surge through the middle and O’Meara heads long to Treacy out the back. Barrass gets the better of him though it’s quickly snatched up by Frederick who snaps, but misses. (Q2 16:08)
Fyfe heads to Treacy inside 50 and a proper scrap ensues, Hunt gathers the ball and Treacy lays a strong tackle on him which allows Emmett to waltz in and emphatically kick a goal! (Q2 21:23)
Liam Ryan rises to mark 35m out on a slight angle. He chips it through and gets the crowd up and about! (Q2 27:23)
West Coast go from coast to coast, it’s Petruccelle to Waterman who wins a 50/50 to carry on and smash through a goal! (Q2 28:07)
Allen works the ball back to Waterman who snaps for goal, but it drops short and is tapped over the line. (Q2 28:38)
Frederick goes back with the flight at half forward and gets crunched by Barrass, before chipping across to Wagner 40m out. Wagner doesn’t make the distance as Sturt snaps a point (Q2 32:24)
Ryan dumps the ball into an empty forward 50, Clark and Petruccelle are off, Clark gets there first and almost rushes it through before keeping it in play, before it rolls over. (Q2 33:53)
Banfield crosses the ball into space and O’Meara marks as the clock runs down. He goes for goal from 40m out, the kick sails through to the tune of the half time siren! (Half Time)
Serong outpoints Reid on the 50m arc and sizes up his options inside 50. He opts for Switkowski who marks 35m out, and he squeezes the kick through for a goal! (Q3 3:20)
Repeat inside 50’s for Fremantle bear fruit, as Amiss dashes through a pack to pick up the loose ball, he tries to fend off Bailey Williams and snap a goal, but kicks a point. (Q3 6:05)
Sharp drifts down from the wing to present in space, he marks 35m out. He kicks off an angle and leans back as he kicks, pushing it wide for a point (Q3 8:18)
Young drops a ball onto Treacy’s head and the latter storms in to mark. He kicks from 30m out and puts the Dockers in front of this game! (Q3 14:33)
Serong blasts a long ball inside 50 which is marked by Amiss on a lead. He plays on to Frederick in space and he marks 40m out dead in front of goal. Frederick slots hi third goal! (Q3 17:20)
Jackson receives from Fyfe and spins around, finding Treacy with a kick. Treacy marks 45m out, and he too converts as the Dockers look to break this one open! (Q3 19:33)
Switkowski gets on the end of a handball chain and shoots for goal from 35m off a step, but misses. (Q3 23:31)
Serong gives express delivery inside 50 to Treacy as he crafts a well placed kick. Treacy tries to go for range but puts it out right for a point. (Q3 26:05)
Brayshaw attempts to curl through a snap that flies high and slightly wide (Q3 29:14)
There’s a short scuffle after the miss and Switkowski is the beneficiary, he pops through the goal and it’s on at the Derby as spot fires break out everywhere! (Q3 30:33)
Banfield is held without the footy, he decides to give it off to Treacy who loads up from outside 50, the ball sails through for a massive goal! (Q4 2:54)
Emmett goes to a 2 on 2 in the square but Treacy and Jackson decide to shepherd the ball through instead! (Q4 5:30)
Cole chops off a kick 50m out and goes short to Cripps who is 40m out. Cripps’ kick fades right for a behind. (Q4 7:42)
Waterman clunks a big one in the pack and kicks a long-awaited goal for West Coast! (Q4 9:30)
Jack Williams chips in now, marking a neat Luke Edwards kick and converting from 35m out! (Q4 11:29)
Darcy centers the ball up and Ginbey chops it off, but he shoved Emmett out of the contest and gives away the free kick. Emmett kicks the steadying goal! (Q4 14:10)
Serong has shifted forward late looking to get on the board, and he gets his chance as he marks 35m out in front of goal. He starts it left but bends it back well for a goal! (Q4 19:05)
Banfield hooks a kick to the hotspot and it goes to ground, Sturt darts through, wears the tackle and snaps through a goal! (Q4 23:12)
Reid dashes away on the 50 and goes for goal but hooks it left and it flies through for a point (Q4 27:10)

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