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«Московская A Capella»: молодежный хор из Хакассии выступил на площадке фестиваля в Теплом стане

Кандидаты на выборах в Мосгордуму, ТиНАО и Куркино в 2024 году. Кого выбираем и как голосовать

В Москве 22-летний курьер приехал к девушке-инвалиду и начал к ней приставать

«Очередная жертва Успенской» подала на нее в суд — еще один громкий скандал

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The new Clippers rebrand is great because now we actually know what a Clipper boat is

This is For The Win’s daily newsletter, The Morning Win. Did a friend recommend or forward this to you? If so, subscribe here. Have feedback? Leave your questions, comments and concerns through this brief reader survey! Now, here’s Mike Sykes.

Good morning, Winners! Happy Monday! Thanks so much for rocking with us here at For The Win. We appreciate you.

I’m sure the Clippers’ new logo rebrand has been flooding your social media feeds just like it has been on mine. In case you hadn’t seen it, L.A. unveiled its new look for next season when the team moves into its toilet-stuffed Intuit Dome next season and the team’s new logo has people up in arms.

READ MORE: Everything we know about the Intuit Dome, including its toilet count

It’s one of those things that you immediately hate it or love it as soon as you see it. Nothing in between. The new logo is a combination of a compass and a navy ship. Personally, I think it looks pretty solid.

There are plenty of other things it looks like, though. Some have said it looks like a cruise line logo. Others have called it an insurance company logo. I’m sure we’ll get plenty of other (accurate!) comparisons down the line with this thing, too.

But give the Clippers credit. At least the logo looks like something now.

Let’s be real. Y’all might not be brave enough to admit it, but I know I’m not the only one who had no idea what a Clipper was for a long time. Yes, I’ve Googled it before. But I shouldn’t have to Google it! The Clippers should just tell us what they are.

The logo was just a non-descript LA inside of a C that was also inside of a basketball before this one. Other versions of the logo just spelled “Clippers” out. What in the world were we supposed to do with that?

Look at other teams. You know what a Timberwolf is. You know what Thunder is. You know what Wizards are. You get the gist of what a 76er is if you passed history in high school.

But a Clipper? How were we just supposed to know what that is? The only Clippers I knew about growing up were in the barbershop. So, for a long time, I’d assumed that was what the Clipper name referenced. Was that dumb? Yes. But how was I supposed to know otherwise?

Now, the Clippers actually have a look. No other tortured souls will grow up like me thinking about a team of barbers ready to line their opponents up.

Thank you for finally clearing that up, L.A.

Is it time to ban court storming?

Mandatory Credit: Cory Knowlton-USA TODAY Sports

The court-storming debate is back, folks. I’m sure you all saw news about Kyle Filipowski injuring his leg after Wake Forest students stormed the court following the Deamon Deacon’s win over the Blue Devils.

It was kind of jarring to watch in real-time. Wake got a steal that essentially ended the game, but before the buzzer even sounded off to end it students stampeded the court.

Filipowski got caught in the mix here.

This is awful stuff. It’s the same thing that happened with Caitlin Clark earlier this season with a worse result — an injury that’ll keep somebody out for a while.

To me, it’s time for this stuff court storming thing to end. It’s getting unruly. Someone just got injured because of it. I think there has to be some sort of order here to prevent things like this from happening. Plain and simple. These players work too hard and — let’s be honest — are worth way too much for this sort of risk. Something like this could never happen in the professional ranks, and that’s essentially what college basketball is now considering how much money floats around these games.

I want to know what you think. Is it time to ban court-storming? Or should the NCAA just let it keep rocking? Let us know what you think in this poll here.

Russell Wilson being Russell Wilson

Mandatory Credit: Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

I feel like every offseason there’s just something Russell Wilson does to make us all roll our eyes in the back of our collective heads. Without fail, no matter where you generally stand with him, this dude will find a way to annoy you.

That moment has come early this year. Here he is talking about wanting to win two more Super Bowls in the next five years on the I Am Athlete podcast. Can we ban podcasts, by the way?

Robert Zeglinski has more here:

“Look, I get Wilson is an athlete, and being confident in oneself is part of the deal. I understand he’s supposed to believe he can still shine in the NFL, and answers like this are probably things he’s supposed to say when talking about what else he can accomplish. No one’s disputing this.

But at a certain point, a tiny modicum of self-awareness would be more helpful.”

Russ. My guy. Lock down a starting spot before we start talking about Super Bowls, please. That’s all we ask.

Quick hits: The Clippers uniforms are good, too … Angel Reese talking that talk … and more

— Here’s Bryan Kalbrosky on the reaction to the Clippers uniforms, which are honestly great.

Angel Reese is talking trash and I love it. Here’s Meghan Hall with more.

— This unreal photo finish at Atlanta Motor Speedway is the stuff of dreams, man. Here’s Charles Curtis with more.

— Trae Young’s finger injury is a cherry on top for a depressing Hawks season. Here’s Robert Zeglinski with more.

— Iowa is paying tribute to Caitlin Clark here in the coolest way. Prince Grimes has the details

— Christian D’Andrea has you covered on the latest cuts from around the NFL here.

That’s all, folks! Thanks so much for reading. Make sure you vote in our poll. Results will come in on Wednesday! Talk soon. We out. Peace.


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