Maryland students showed minor improvements in math and English language arts last year, but still had wide gaps between demographic groups, according to standardized test scores released Tuesday morning by the state Department of Education.
The State Board of Education reviewed the data Tuesday on the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP), which students took this spring during the 2023-24 school year.
The data are from tests taken by students in grades three through eight in math and language arts. Additional results are from specific math courses in Algebra I, Algebra II and geometry. Student proficiency is also measured in science for students in fifth and eighth grades.
Geoff Sanderson, deputy state superintendent of accountability for the department, said the overall increase was 3% in math and language arts from two years ago to last school year.
“Very little change from prior year to current year results,” he said.
The 2022-23 school year was the first, full statewide assessment since students returned to in-person instruction after many spent time learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A shortened version of the test was administered three years ago to assess how students fared during online instruction.
The MCAP is among factors that determine the state’s annual report card and school star rating system. New reports were last issued in March, the first time the state issued the annual report card since 2019 because of the pandemic.
School-level results will be released on the Maryland Report Card site next month.
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