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Kamala’s skin-color hucksters in the media


Fearing the slippage of their death grip on the necks of their multi-generational utilitarian human capital – the neo-Leninists comprising the hidden leadership of the Democrat Party, in an act of desperation, are enlisting their prime agitators of social discord in an effort to rally the color-coded portion of their base into voting for Harris.

If MSNBC’s resident excuse for intelligent discourse had pressed and coiffed hair instead of her dyed blond skullcap hairdo, which for a person who resents Jewish people as much as she does, strangely resembles a kippah, she could pass herself off as Al Sharpton.

Speaking of Sharpton, I know what he is like, with his history that includes being an informer who squealed on the Mafia when he was a cocaine dealer and Tawana Brawley. I also know he is a gutless coward who was afraid to debate me three on one at my expense at the National Press Club with national media coverage.

Both Reid and Sharpton use the lie of inequality as the viscous grease needed to lubricate their flim-flam machine. Adding the “Reverend and journalist” monikers affords them cover by having a credible partner, i.e., God, who doesn’t want a cut of their ill-gotten gains. And not atypical of skin color-hucksters, they make their choices based on what will garner them the most cachet.

For Sharpton it’s a nonstop shakedown practice, and for Reid it’s inventing examples and instances of offense day after day after day.

They are opportunistic vultures, with nothing in their curriculum vitae that should elevate them above the status of sidewalk minstrels.

It is an affront to decency and integrity to have misanthropic caricatures of humanity ordained the leaders of a crayon color-coded community. Having them touted as the leaders of a color-coded people speaks volumes regarding the contempt Marxian social-culturalists have for those they have treated worst than barn pets since before their codification of Jim Crow.

But, when you’re Harris and have nothing to run on but a 28% approval rating a mere few weeks old, a history of passing yourself around as a sexual favor to whomever can advance your career and taking responsibility for putting massive numbers of young men easily identified by their melanin content in prison, in many instances for ticky-tack crimes, this is a desperate attempt to transform yourself into something you’re not.

The real controllers of the Democrat Party are counting on using the old skin-color card in hopes Harris will save their political fiefdom. After all, in their minds, it worked before.

Remember, they invented the assignation of “white” Peruvian to attack George Zimmerman as a so-called white person for shooting Trayvon Martin in self-defense. By the way, that attempted sleight of hand didn’t go as they planned. But, from their viewpoint, the percentages favor them when they play the skin-color card.

As I said, when you have little to nothing else, you try what worked in the past. And just like that Harris goes from being Indian-Jamaican heritage to being black – as if a magic eraser or white-out liquid was used for her Indian heritage.

It speaks to Harris’ dishonesty and sociopathic disregard for truth and honesty. She views deceiving persons she views beneath her as necessary and justifiable.

It’s interesting that a former presidential candidate with a very impressive resume named Nimarata Nikki Randhawa, has used her middle name, which is also her childhood nickname, and her husband’s last name: Haley. Her husband, by the way, didn’t have to steal his valor. Nikki’s daughter married her college sweetheart in 2023, and to her credit Nikki hasn’t tried to exploit his melanin content to garner votes from urban areas.

Former candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has darker complexion than Harris, and yet he hasn’t seen the need to exploit melanin to con voters.

The reason is because both Haley and Ramaswamy have substantial records to run on and substantial personal success. Unlike Harris, their records of accomplishment are not media creations.

The wraiths lurking in the mists of shadows no doubt believe backstabbing Biden and dropping in Harris will save their political fiefdom, but they would do well to remember: Marcus Junius Brutus was a man born into a prestigious aristocratic family who traced its origins back to the semi-legendary founder of the Roman Republic. Brutus, as he is best known today, backstabbed Julius Caesar. He and his cronies believed that his act of betrayal would save the Republic.

But, kismet had other designs, and Brutus’ murderous act of betrayal ended in the Roman Republic, sinking further into the abyss of chaos leading him ultimately to take his own life.

Harris may see herself as riding high now, playing all the con-games needed to attempt stealing this election. She may think dodging all interviews and using AI to inflate the size of the crowds around her clever; but, be sure her sins will find her out, and she will be punished for her attempted underhandedness.

I’m responsible for branding her “the cackler” in reference to her nauseating laugh; I might just start calling her the modern-day sister of Brutus, because I see failure as her outcome.

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