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Jihadism is alive and well 23 years after 9/11: Here’s why


On 9/11/01, Americans pledged to our country and the world that we would “never forget.”

But don’t we risk that important remembrance 23 years later when our culture fears offending anyone and appeases everyone, including Islamic extremists?

President Trump did a great job as commander in chief in rebuilding the U.S. military and leading the fight against terrorist thugs like ISIS and al-Qaida. His pro-Israel leadership against terrorist-sponsoring Islamic states like Iran and their proxies gave us a stronger stance in the world and kept Israel’s enemies from attacking during his presidency.

However, when Biden and Kamala entered the Oval Office and enabled Islamic extremism by fearing to use terms like jihadism and then funding those who fund jihadists, the White House and Washington deliberately sidestepped our commitment of remembrance in addition to their duty to protect our land and liberties.

Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., a veteran who served in Afghanistan and the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability, summarized the horrific Biden-Harris track record:

  • Joe Biden [and Kamala] took the Houthis off the terrorist list so that he could send $3 BILLION in aid to Yemen. Now, these terrorists are using the money to wage attacks on American cargo ships and warships passing through the Red Sea.
  • Joe Biden [and Kamala] conceded and handed over $6 BILLION to Iran in a prisoner swap deal. Shortly after, the Iranian-funded Hamas terrorists launched the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. To this day, [seven] Americans are held hostage in Gaza. [On top of that $6 billion, “Biden-Harris Allowed Iran to Access Another $10 Billion Amid Gaza War“!]
  • Joe Biden [and Kamala also] conceded to the Taliban in Afghanistan and handed over more than $7 BILLION worth of military equipment to terrorists during the withdrawal [of U.S. troops, in which 13 precious U.S. servicemen were killed. Thanks to Trump for recently accepting the invitation by their families to pay tribute to them at Arlington Cemetery on the third anniversary of their sacrifice.]

As if that weren’t enough, among the at least 10 million illegal invaders coming in through the U.S. southern border under the Biden-Kamala administration, consider that there were a record number of 172 people on the terrorist watchlist apprehended in 2023 alone. These numbers represent a 72% increased of apprehended potential terrorists, the most ever on record – higher than the last six fiscal years combined. That’s how many we know of! We don’t have a clue how many potential terrorists were among the 1.7 million illegal gotaways.

“The numbers speak for themselves. When it first launched on Dec. 1, 2003, the consolidated watchlist – now known as the Terrorist Screening Dataset – included approximately 120,000 people. By 2017, the last publicly confirmed numbers, it included nearly 10 times as many: 1,160,000 individuals. Now, at the end of 2023, the Terrorist Screening Dataset contains the names of approximately 2 million people the government considers known or suspected terrorists … according to a CBS Reports investigation.”

Is this Biden and Kamala’s way to tell 9/11 survivors, “We will never forget,” by allowing more terrorists into the country?

Can you imagine how four more years of the Biden administration’s loose border policies and global military strategy via Kamala Harris will further jeopardize U.S. security?

To add crazy to chaos, today some of the Biden-Harris liberal comrades presently filling roles as U.S. representatives even mock those who gave their lives on 9/11 as if they did something to deserve it. Tragic!

Their pro-terrorist, anti-Israel mentorship has created a hoard of young people and students across our country who’d rather see killers and executioners like Hamas in power in Israel and taking over the entire country from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Wacko!

And did you know as we send weapons to Israel to defend itself, the U.S. is still also sending weapons to anti-American overseas terrorists?

As Sen. Rand Paul eloquently stated in his article, “Stop Arming Radical Jihadism,” Washington continues to give funds and weapons to our “Islamic allies” like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who in turn are handing them over to terrorists!

While many rightly decry Iran as the largest terrorist regime on the planet, we give a free pass to Saudi Arabia, about whom Rand Paul explained: “Since the 1980s, the Saudis are estimated to have spent $100 billion exporting a radical jihadism that preaches hatred of Jews, Christians, and Hindus. The Saudis fund tens of thousands of madrassas teaching hatred and violence against the West. At one of these madrassas, it is said that 80 percent of the students join the Taliban to fight the Americans. What sane person would give such people [money and military weapons, including] nuclear technology?” (But that is exactly what the U.S. has done and is doing.)

The U.S. might have served a massive blow against ISIS during Trump’s presidency, but it’s not dead by any means. In fact, the Congressional Research Service reported in May of this year: “While the group no longer controls territory outright in Syria and Iraq, U.S. military officials warn that it continues to operate and has worked to expand its global presence through affiliates in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.”

And guess where else?

The Islamic State and its jihad (or violent holy wars) are alive and well even in the U.S., but it’s simply not reported very often anymore by our liberal mainstream media.

In June, the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force reported the presence of “eight suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties arrested in New York, L.A. and Philadelphia.” And they came in from our southern border over the last few years!

Do younger Americans and pro-Hamas protesters have any idea that a score of Islamic jihadist violent acts occurred in the past decade on U.S. soil, including beheadings?

Here’s a sample we know of:

If these attacks on American soil actually occurred within five years after 9/11, they would have made national news and immediately raised red flags and actions of everyone from the White House to the Congress, Republicans and Democrats.

But today, we just want everyone to get along. It’s as if we want to export our First Amendment, and say to the world as Rodney King once did, “Can’t we all just get along?” Read the extremist tealeaves: Their answer is an emphatic “No!”

Don’t misunderstand me. I absolutely believe that in America we must support everyone’s choice of religion – or no religion at all. That’s what the First Amendment is all about.

However, in defending our country, we must remain strong and vigilant against Islamic extremism, lest we return to a pre-911 era heads-in-the-sand mentality when we dropped our guards and became sitting ducks.

Tragically, that is exactly what has happened: the U.S. has become numb and dumb again to Islamic extremism and terrorism.

It’s been said that one of the reasons the world – indeed, the U.S. – repeatedly finds itself in these perilous terrorist pickles and cycles is that we end up valuing safety more than liberty.

Christ Stewart, together with Ted Stewart, authored one of my favorite books, “The Miracle of Freedom: 7 Tipping Points that Saved the World,” which describes how radical Islam came within a hair of taking over the world during its early expansion.

The Stewarts were interviewed several years ago by The Blaze and asked this very point about the relation and reversal of valuing safety over liberty.

The Blaze asked Stewart, “What if we don’t really appreciate freedom as much as we think we do? Even today, average people are more concerned with safety and stability than they are with liberty.”

Stewart answered, “It’s a good point. I believe it is human nature to look around at the world today – or the world our parents lived in yesterday, or the world we assume our children will live in tomorrow – and say: Well, this is the normal state of the world. Things don’t change. One of the main points of [our] book is to point out how extraordinarily unique self-governance, liberty – whatever definition you want to give modern freedom – is in this world. You can talk to historians who specialize in this area. They believe that maybe 4 or 4 and a half percent of us have been able to control our own destinies and lives.”

He added, “So it is easy to just assume that this is the normal state of the world. But we have example after example of nations that have enjoyed freedom and then saw it recede, or, for reasons you mention, collapse. There are the former Soviet bloc nations: Once the Berlin Wall fell most of them marched quickly towards freedom. But since then, many of them have fallen back and are increasingly turning away. It’s been documented that there are only 22 nations in existence right now that have been democracies for over 50 years. I think that fact should shock people. For more than two generations there have been only 22 nations that consistently embraced freedom. I think it illustrates pretty clearly that what we have is fragile and that it isn’t necessarily going to last.”

The federal government and the citizens of our country need to take to heart the wisdom of George Santayana: “Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Our founders – like those veterans who have fought in our wars – valued liberty more than safety. And so should we. They risked everything for freedom and their republic, trusting in God as they did.

As our founders wrote, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

September 11 can still serve as America’s pivotal and big wake-up call – one that even preserves our liberty and republic – as long as those who occupy the White House and Congress don’t slumber in safety while remembering it.

But on this 23rd anniversary of 9/11, it’s paramount for all of us to recall (indeed, remember) the costs of indecision and forgetfulness in critical times like these as well as the power of courageous leadership to deliver us from the hands of radical Islam.

God bless and help all the victims and families of 9/11, from those on Flight 93 to those who were in the Pentagon and Twin Towers, as well as others who have fought and presently fight the war on terror.

Despite what the White House or Washington thinks or does on this 23rd anniversary, we patriots will never forget those who perished and the lessons learned on Sept. 11, 2001. We will commemorate their sacrifices and why they were made, vowing never to see their repeat.

May their memory live on in our hearts and minds so that even our posterity will say with patriotic pride, “We will never forget.”

For more insight into the status of America and the upcoming presidential election, please read the recent excellent Special Edition of the Whistleblower, “God, Trump, America … and the Democrats’ all-out Plan to Steal the 2024 Election.”

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