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Somethin’ is brewin’ and ’bout to begin


This week (Aug. 27) marks the 60th anniversary of the 1964 world premiere in Los Angeles of the classic film “Mary Poppins,” Walt Disney’s adaptation of the children’s book series penned by P.L. Travers.

In the film, the now 98-year-old Dick Van Dyke played Bert the chimney sweep who sensed that Mary Poppins was about to appear again and softly prophesied:

Wind’s in the east, mist coming in.
Like somethin’ is brewin’ and ’bout to begin.
Can’t put me finger on what lies in store,
but I fear what’s to happen all happened before.

Nearing Nov. 5, Americans of all political stripes are experiencing the same, unnerving sense, that “Somethin’ is brewin’ and ’bout to begin,” leaving them to “fear what’s to happen, all happened before.”

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Democrats’ understandable fear is that, in a repeat of 2016, Donald Trump could win a swing-state enabled electoral victory, despite losing the popular vote. It’s happened before.

This liberal fear of Trump’s successful return to the White House reached its aphelion point in the minutes after Biden’s disastrous debate performance. At first excused as the president having had a bad night due to extensive foreign travel, Democratic leadership knew better, clearly reading the handwriting on the wall.

The foreboding sense among Democrats that “what’s to happen all happened before” was temporarily alleviated with the Obama/Pelosi coup, forcing a Yesterday-Fit/Today-Unfit Joe Biden out of the race. It would be more precise, of course, to describe the ouster as a Yesterday-Electable/Today-Unelectable Joe Biden, since they knew all the while that he was unfit.

The Chicago DNC’s mirage of Kamala “Joy” further eased Democrats’ lingering fear of a Trump victory through shameless, media-created Kamalamania, transforming yesterday’s reason that Biden MUST run (Kamala’s worse-than-Joe popularity numbers) into a joyful, “We Love You, Joe!” adios. In Kamala’s transformation, legacy media demonstrate raw power newly to define and, thereby, successfully to deceive.

Those temporarily alleviated fears, though, are already returning to haunt Democrats as polls show a smaller-than-expected convention bounce, leaving the party with a Bert-like feeling of deja vu.

RFK Jr.’s suspension of his presidential campaign and embrace of Trump, logically and solidly redefining MAGA, not as a return to pre-gay rights, pre-civil rights America, but as a return to a nation brimming with vitality, leaves Democrats (whether they admit it or not) with a “Can’t put me finger on what lies in store,” sense of “What the hell is happening!”

On the other hand, Republicans also are possessed with Bert’s fear that “what’s to happen all happened before,” leaving them lacking confidence, assuming that Trump’s victory must be “too big to rig,” if it is to hold.

“Somethin’ is brewin’ and ’bout to begin” fears cause Republicans to call for paper ballots only, to call for common sense with voter ID laws, and to seek elimination of COVID-era practices regarding mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting.

“Can’t put me finger on what lies in store” fears haunt conservatives as they incredulously watch the media allow Kamala effectively to hide in a basement, never asked tough questions about her past radically leftist ideas.

Can it be that the Hidin’ Biden plan could work a second time? Yes, with a complicit and corrupt media, Republicans know very well that it could work again, leaving them to “fear what’s to happen all happened before.”

Republicans should be excused, also, if they fear something far darker than election shenanigans. How could any conservative, after Butler, Pennsylvania, deny assassination fears? The July 13 demonstration of a Secret Service utterly and incomprehensibly incompetent leaves Trump supporters with the dreadful fear that with Trump demonized incessantly as Hitler by the left – God forbid – “what’s to happen all happened before.”

With the name of Kennedy now in Trump’s corner, whose uncle and father were both assassinated, and the Trump camp floating the idea of RFK Jr. leading a Presidential Commission on Assassinations, how could the fear that “what’s to happen all happened before” be dismissed as lunacy? It can’t, except perhaps by the mainstream media blinded.

Mary Poppins, 60 years old this week, ends with “Let’s Go Fly a Kite,” a jubilant celebration of healing. The kite being flown was not pristine, but had been mended, a metaphor for the mending of the Banks family by Mary Poppins.

America needs such mending.

As a conservative, I think the best hope for such a national “Let’s go fly a kite/Up to the highest height/Let’s go fly a kite/and send it soaring” spirit would be with Donald Trump’s return to the White House as No. 47.

Democrats, obviously, think differently.

RFK Jr. sought to mend America’s kite, to let it soar again, in his response to various family members, including his wife, Cheryl, expressing disappointment with him for bucking his family’s roots in the Democratic Party to endorse Trump.

“I understand that they’re troubled by my decisions,” he told Fox News’ Shannon Bream. “But, you know, I think we all need to be able to disagree with each other and still love each other.”

He posted on X, “I am so grateful to my amazing wife Cheryl for her unconditional love, as I made a political decision with which she is very uncomfortable. I wish this also for the county – love and unity even in the face of disagreement. We will need that in coming times.”

Yes, we will, Bobby, for in the coming times will always be, “Somethin’ brewin’ and ’bout to begin” things that instill fear.

May what’s coming, instead, inspire hope.

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