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1 state could lead the way in returning to traditional schooling


Vowing to “take back education” from the communism that has infiltrated it since the late 1950s, parents across the country have organized. Where to start? Since dumbing down students was a key step in the 45 communist goals, tossing out socialist education and replacing it with traditional, classic learning is a critical first step.

Texas has the solution with its new TEA Open Education Resources (OER) for K-5 Reading Language Arts (RLA) and K-9 Math that return to hard-copy instead of digital lessons. (Disclosure: I served as expert reviewer for OER-RLA.) Lessons in reading and phonics are taught through age appropriate, highly interesting stories in history, literature, the arts and culture along with religion as a foundational tool for history and literature.

Nationwide, current public school curricula subversively include communist goals: dumb down the curriculum; present homosexuality, obscenity and pornography as being normal; discredit the family; ban all religious expression, which supposedly violates the principle of ‘separation of church and state’; discredit the Founding Fathers and the Constitution; discourage the teaching of American history; eliminate all good art and sculpture; and discredit American culture.

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The TEA OER curriculum eliminates all radical ideology designed to undermine natural law, separate families and reshape societal values, and returns public education to rigorous academic learning.

If OER is adopted by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), billions of dollars will be lost by bottom feeders preying on children and the public school system: highly paid district and local staff administering the SEL and LGBT programs, doctors surgically removing young body parts, and Big Pharma’s puberty blockers and lifetime drugs for mentally deranged students. Fewer computers could be used in traditional classrooms, so EdTech could see less taxpayer money in their coffers. Powerful teacher unions will lose control of the classroom. With people no longer indoctrinated and dumbed down, those who seek control and power will have difficulty controlling a well-educated citzenry.

In a CBS 5 news report out of Austin, a distinguished political science professor from Rice University insisted the curriculum violates the “separation clause” of the Constitution – except, of course, there is no such clause. What is banned is an official government-supported church.

Some claim that Christian nationalism is unconstitutionally incorporated into the curriculum. This term, used mostly to smear conservative Christians who defend the role of religion in American public life, is the latest communist strategy to divide and brainwash Christians. This is an attempt to silence those who oppose open borders, same-sex marriage, males in female locker rooms, abortion, or trangenderism.

Some demand that other religions get equal representation in the lessons. Why should they? Our founding documents are based on Judeo-Christian principles. Students learn the basis for the principle, “all men are created equal,” found in our Declaration of Independence. The Declaration is related to the Magna Carta, which is related to the most famous sermon in the world, the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus. Students learn why the Sermon on the Mount is the primary building block of our Western civilization. They learn the values and principles leading to the English colonization of North America, our founding and the way our government was designed to function. Students learn that, regardless of what is being bandied about, America is not a democracy but a constitutional republic with a representative-democracy system of governance.

It is important for students to become biblically literate because the Bible is the most widely read book in the world. With the church being such a powerful influence throughout Western Europe during the Middle Ages, many references to Christianity and the Bible are found in history and literature. Religious context is needed so students will understand literary references and historical events.

Do we really believe that countries where Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, or Islam are predominant will allow Christianity to be included in their school curriculum? Why should America cave to the progressive socialist left that wants to annihilate the Christian religion to pave the way for a totalitarian government?

This nation is being hollowed out through the destruction of our Christian morality. No amount of money or security guards will keep our schools safe from mentally ill shooters. There will be violence until we instill moral values and positive character traits in our young so they understand love toward others and oneself and learn self-control. OER-RLA does this through classroom activities and stories about the Golden Rule, the Good Samaritan and the Sermon on the Mount where children learn how to be good neighbors and the civilized way to treat others. We will see more mentally healthy children as schools abandon radical sex lessons that lead a child down a dark path toward confusion and mental instability and, instead, teach the moral lessons in OER.

At one time American students were the most creative in the world because of what and how they were taught. As a result, America became the leader of the world with millions of inventions, making us the richest nation on earth. America is no longer a nation of brilliant inventors; in fact, the low literacy level of our adults is costing our economy $2.2 trillion a year. OER takes us to yesteryear with lessons that teach creativity and critical thinking. There is even a fantastic unit on becoming an inventor. With whole language and digital learning out and phonics and cursive writing back in, reading comprehension will improve. With highly literate workers, America can become competitive in the global market once again.

While progressive education seeks to discredit and eradicate all memory of the high level of culture of Western civilization, OER-RLA presents many short stories about the Middle Ages including the building of magnificent cathedrals, artistic masters – including Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello and Shakespeare – the Renaissance, and the history of Western culture.

Although many parents are pulling their children out of public schools, many will not. If school districts continue the use of radical ideological materials, they will educate more America-hating, illiterate, deranged socialists who shoot up schools – and create more hostility toward public education. Districts may not have a choice about whether to use the new academic curriculum if they want to retain students and funding. As districts adopt the OER, Texans will begin to see an upward swing in academic achievement and mentally healthy students capable of self-governance.

The good news is that this outstanding curriculum is free to download and use by anyone, including homeschoolers and other states. As Texas goes, so goes the nation.

Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@wndnewscenter.org.


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