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Socialist group that staged Ivy League walkout calls for 'D**** to America and Israel'




By Owen Klinsky
Daily Caller News Foundation

A chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) called for “D****” – presumably a censored version of the word “death” – to America and Israel while publicizing their disruption of an Ivy League commencement Sunday.

The Upper Valley Democratic Socialists of America (UVDSA) – a chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) – participated in a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Dartmouth College’s commencement on Sunday, with “several” graduating seniors walking out of the ceremony as college President Sian Leah Beilock began her speech, according to the UVDSA Instagram. The organization then posted several images of the protests, ending the photo’s caption with the words “Palestine will be freed in our lifetime. D**** to America and Israel.”

However, the organization appears to have edited the caption to remove that language shortly after the DCNF contacted it for comment.

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These students proceeded to join a number of UVDSA protesters on the college’s main quad, where they marched with their “comrades,” held up political signs – including one that read “Remember the Martyrs” – and used megaphones to disrupt the commencement address and The Dartmouth, a student newspaper. as well as eyewitnesses who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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A post shared by Upper Valley DSA (@uvdsa)

“I wasn’t able to hear exactly what was being chanted, but it seemed like their intention was more geared towards disrupting the event rather than expressing a specific message,” graduating senior Miller Hawkesby told the DCNF. “I was disappointed. While I understand that the protestors are very passionate about their cause and felt the need to cause disruptions to provoke a meaningful response from our administration, in my opinion, commencement was the wrong time and place.”

“Throughout the graduation ceremony, I heard what seemed to be a group of protestors circling the crowd and the stage. They had megaphones, and were shouting very rhythmic chants. Even when I could not hear the exact words they were saying, their angry, passionate tones were clearly perceived,” graduating senior Elliot Kim told the DCNF.

The UVDSA appeared to call for the destruction of Israel and the United States in an Instagram post documenting the protest.

“We were honored to march with our comrades in the GOLD Palestine Caucus at their picket of commencement yesterday. Their protest was joined by several graduating seniors who walked out of commencement as president Beilock began her speech,” the original caption stated. “Faculty, staff, students, and community members joined in demanding that the college divest from apartheid and genocide. Palestine will be freed in our lifetime. D**** to America and Israel.”

Some Dartmouth students found the UVDSA’s violent Instagram caption “offensive.”

“The language they [UVDSA] used is deeply disturbing and disgusting. We are lucky enough to live in a country that tolerates even the offensive language advocating for its own demise. I think the UVDSA would be hard-pressed to find another country throughout history, especially a socialist one, that would allow for such a disturbing statement,” Malcolm Mahoney, a member of Dartmouth’s Class of 2026, told the DCNF.

There have been protests at over 140 college campuses since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7 killed more than 1,200 people.

“The post closes with ‘Death to America and Israel’… I think [the caption] is a pretty good indication as to how DSA views this conflict and our country, which is particularly scary because DSA is affiliated with some members of congress,” said Dartmouth Class of 2026 member John Coleman.

The UVDSA and Dartmouth College did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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