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What if Trump wins and uses FISA to drain the swamp?


"Bizarro World" seems to describe our present political environment pretty well. "Gobsmacked" is an expression we never gave much attention to, till it became a part of our daily experience. Now we have a whole slew of so-called Republicans voting more dangerous new life into FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), when it could have been…

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"Bizarro World" seems to describe our present political environment pretty well. "Gobsmacked" is an expression we never gave much attention to, till it became a part of our daily experience.

Now we have a whole slew of so-called Republicans voting more dangerous new life into FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), when it could have been left to expire. Yup! We still need the government to be free to commit warrantless searches and electronic taps to weed out the terrorists, even as that mantle has passed from the jihadis to the much more threatening "white supremacists." Those fire-breathing Islamists may want to kill us all, but the real danger is those who may never vote for us Democrats again, nor for we noble RINOs, who may also be facing extinction.

But how could it be? Is it, maybe, that there is a special and lovable upside to the chronic winking and nodding at massive political corruption? The great thing about a pack of thieves who plant themselves, stupidly, all but naked, out there in the public eye, is the ease with which they can be blackmailed when the juiciest legislation is up for grabs.

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But here is where our fondest dreams coalesce. The flickering enterprise of old Joe & Co. have opened up the floodgates of lawfare, foolishly employing it to level nothing but the most baseless and patently absurd charges. They can hardly be accused of wisdom, ever, but especially here. What was then the horrifyingly gobsmacked reaction to constant executive moves, seemingly intended for the destruction of a nation, are now turning into breathtaking delight at the unintended self-destruction of a failing and lunatic political farce.

A bit of sage advice, offered but lost in the present clamor of panic: "Joe, do you think it might be risky, bringing all these charges, based on nothing, if, by some minute chance, we can't pull of another 2020? Aren't there an awful lot of charges based on very definitely 'somethings' the next administration might be tempted to bring?"

Fast forward to: What if it really happens, that coming cosmic disaster, worse than the fall of the U.S.S.R. and the birth of Israel, all rolled into one? What if Trump's margin of victory is so great that it leaves the Democrat fixers clawing at empty air?

But, what serendipity! Here's the other piece of advice, also lost: "Is it really a smart move for us, Joe, to leave FISA in place?"

They say that The Donald isn't planning on getting caught flatfooted again, by the well-planned machinations of the Deep State, that a battle plan is being detailed, as we speak, and that the necessary personnel are being set in place for action on Day 1.

Just wondering how many FISA requests can be made at once. Or whether a single application might be made covering many suspects. And how many members of both Houses of Congress, of both political parties, might, with the wave of a simple calculator, be righteously accused of insider trading, just for starters?

Dems and RINOs can always find a pathway to defeat. MAGA alone holds the key to victory. Massive deportations of the millions brought in will be meaningless without the massive convictions of those who opened the doors. Again, just for starters.

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The post What if Trump wins and uses FISA to drain the swamp? appeared first on WND.

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