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Western Marxist intellectuals are useful idiots


Read Hanne's The Herland Report. Columbia University and many prominent American educational facilities have been cesspools for Marxist radicalization for generations. The Marxist idea has long been to orchestrate revolutions that, in time, will kill capitalism and the classic freedoms of the West. When the capitalist system crumbles and falls in a ravaging civil disruption…

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Read Hanne's The Herland Report.

Columbia University and many prominent American educational facilities have been cesspools for Marxist radicalization for generations. The Marxist idea has long been to orchestrate revolutions that, in time, will kill capitalism and the classic freedoms of the West. When the capitalist system crumbles and falls in a ravaging civil disruption of poverty and war, a socialist tyranny can be implemented. This is the end goal. Delusional socialists call it the perfect utopia: A classless, anti-religion, anti-establishment, anti-traditional values society – where somehow the ultra-rich own it all. The rest of us rent and borrow from the rich, as explained in the notorious World Economic Forum advertisement, that by 2030, "You'll own nothing and be happy." The promise is also that by then, "Western values [will] have been tested to the breaking point."

As the current robbery capitalism is vastly different from the traditional, historic capitalism, the globalist ultra-rich now partner up with socialist forces to enhance the desired change. I have described this process in my latest book, "The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite." The expropriation of wealth from the middle and lower classes and unto the top economic elite represents the total degradation of the American dream. It completely reverses what the historic capitalism was all about, namely bringing wealth to ordinary citizens, not only to aristocrats. In this new system, regular citizens are given the role of a serf, a servant worker on the land of the overlord, and lives at the mercy of the rich.

To make the socialist dream happen, Western intellectuals have been particularly useful idiots. Academia was targeted early for the job to quench the freedoms of the West. Willi Münzenberg, a Communist agent who became a successful media mogul in the West, was also a member of Vladimir Lenin's inner circle. He pushed fiercely for the organization of Western intellectuals. Lenin initially fought him on this point, arguing that the bourgeoisie intellectuals were gullible "simpletons" who understood little of the real world, and were of no use to him. Yet, it was precisely their naïve gullibility that was used to make them embrace the socialist revolution, and enthusiastically teach it at Western universities, with the goal of destroying Western success. Author James Simpson writes about this in "Who was Karl Marx?"

One example is the work of Columbia professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. They developed the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Manufactured Crisis, a strategy to basically "speed up the fall of capitalism by systematically overwhelming the government system with a flood of impossible demands," as pointed out in a Mark Moss podcast, "The Hidden agenda behind mass migration." The idea is by expanding state expenditure, overwhelming the state with vast expansions in the welfare system, illegal immigrants, depraving the middle-class of its wealth, creating mass unemployment, civil unrest, hatred between the races, capitalism and its free enterprise would be killed.

A breakdown of the capitalist system would create major economic reforms that would produce an annual income for all, such as found in the communist system. By manipulating the poor, who were to be recruited into all kinds of social benefits, a system was developed that Cloward and Piven openly admitted did not help the poor, but rather drove them into apathy.

Columbia University has been instrumental in this. American presidents, secretaries of state and public officials were educated there: Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Madeleine Albright, Bill Barr and many more.

The current university demonstrations against events happening in distant countries of which a regular student practically knows nothing, has become a brilliant tool for further social disruption. It is very hard to detect truth from lies, especially when attempting to judge events happening in places far from one's own. Take the recent anti-Israel demonstrations. Young people who know little or nothing about the complexities of the deeply multicultural Middle East, who have never even been to Israel nor Gaza, are raging mad over information given to them by their professors. Or they have read some article about Gaza, not realizing that it is close to impossible to verify truth in war, especially when the media are completely controlled. We live behind a strict "iron curtain," much like that of the Soviet Union.

Josef Stalin, the leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), dreamed of world dictatorship once socialism had been achieved in nations across his borders. The hordes of American Marxist professors are certainly helping him achieve precisely that in the West.

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