'You will note that I am being inflexibly dogmatic in my pronouncements'
'I thought people would be more unnerved'
Pope 'may well be casting himself as the White Horse of Revelation 6'
Governor 'is using the California Highway Patrol as his private crime-fighting army'
'By doing nothing ... Congress is, in fact, acquiescing to cuts, and drastic ones'
'I invite the people of the world who share our grief to join us in this solemn observance'
'The traditional role of men as protectors of women and children isn't outmoded, just neglected'
'Americans have rediscovered the heady freedom of rejecting lies told by the ruling elites'
'The culture itself remained mostly unchanged between the era of Carter and the era of Reagan'
Shawn Fleetwood: 'Here are the biggest hoaxes and misinformation campaigns'
'You've been co-opted because you're in an [expletive] cult and you don't even realize it'
An unhealthy, over-medicated country means record profits