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Protesters gather at Republican convention to rally for abortion, immigrant rights, end to war in Gaza

MILWAUKEE — Hundreds of demonstrators converged Monday on downtown Milwaukee to protest around the Republican National Convention, saying the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump won't affect their long-standing plans to demonstrate outside the site.

A wide range of organizations and activists gathered in a downtown park outside the Fiserv Forum's security perimeter Monday morning to listen to speakers ahead of a street march coordinated by The Coalition to March on the RNC. The coalition, composed largely of local groups, supports abortion and immigrant rights and is pressing to end the war in Gaza.

The atmosphere was festive, with music playing over loudspeakers, a man strumming a guitar and vendors selling T-shirts and buttons supporting both Republicans and Democrats. One person wearing an orange prison jumpsuit dressed up with a giant Trump cutout for a face. Activists carried signs that read, "Stand with Palestine," "We Can No Longer Afford the Rich," and "Defend and Expand Immigrant Rights."

At one point a group of demonstrators got into an argument with counter-protesters who denounced LGBTQ+ rights, Muslims, Black Lives Matter and women.

Counter-protester Rich Penkoski of Stillwater, Oklahoma, bellowed through a bullhorn that women should go home and make sandwiches for their husbands. The demonstrators eventually walked away from the counter-protesters as police looked on.

At noon, the demonstrators set off on the march around the arena's security perimeter in temperatures approaching 32 degrees Celsius, chanting, "Hey-hey, ho-ho, Republicans have got to go," and "This is what democracy looks like." Many carried Palestinian flags.

The attempt on Trump's life Saturday evening during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, didn't change anything for the demonstrators, said Omar Flores, a coalition spokesperson.

"The shooting has nothing to do with us," he said.

The gunshot grazed Trump's ear. A rally participant was fatally shot and two were critically wounded, prompting widespread calls to improve security and raising questions about Trump's safety in Milwaukee — he arrived in the city on Sunday — as well as that of other convention-goers.

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said Monday that the Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies have "reviewed and strengthened" the convention security plan and they will continuously adapt their operations as needed. She added that the Secret Service also has made changes to Trump's security detail. She didn't elaborate. 

The coalition protesting the RNC had touted their Monday demonstrations as "family friendly." Organizers expected 5,000 to 10,000 attendees. Separately, the Philadelphia-based Poor People's Army, which organizes for economic justice, planned an afternoon march. Smaller organizations also planned to demonstrate inside parks near the convention site where Trump is set to officially accept the party's presidential nomination later this week.

Christine Neumann-Ortiz, executive director of Voces de la Frontera, Wisconsin's largest immigrant rights group, condemned political violence but blamed Trump for fostering anger.

"It's undeniable that Trump's rhetoric, policies and actions have contributed to a climate of increased violence and legitimized hate crimes," she said.

Peter Wilt, 64, of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, was in the crowd. He held a sign that read, "Now Will U Ban Automatic Weapons." Wilt said the sign referred to the assassination attempt.

"Common sense gun laws are just that. Common sense," he said. "The GOP has refused to enact common sense gun laws, in part, because it hasn't hit home for them."

A heavy police presence in the city was assured, with officers from multiple jurisdictions providing security. Milwaukee officials and federal authorities have repeatedly said their priority is safety and insist they've made free speech accommodations.

Many activists are using the experience in Milwaukee to prepare for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month. That event is expected to draw even more people, and Chicago police have been undergoing training on constitutional policing and preparing for the possibility of mass arrests.

Milwaukee police have done some exercises related to the convention, although not widespread training.

"With any very large gathering, people must always be on top of their toes," said Hilario Deleon, chairman of the Milwaukee County Republican Party. "If it's successful, the city is successful."

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