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7 TV Shows Like ‘Longlegs’ to Watch After the Movie

It can be tough to catch the magic of unease that “Longlegs” has laid on people during and after seeing the film.

Since seeing the latest Oz Perkins horror film, many have been clamoring to recapture that magic. Luckily there are plenty of TV shows that balance the supernatural with the everyday when it comes to hunting and tracking down a serial killer — and worse.

These are the seven TV shows you should check out once you see “Longlegs” and are needing to extend that pit-in-your-stomach feeling.


Liv Hewson, Alexa Barajas, Jasmin Savoy Brown and Sophie Nélisse in “Yellowjackets” (Credit: Kailey Schwerman/Showtime)

Much like “Longlegs,” “Yellowjackets” toes the line on whether or not the things happening to the stranded high school soccer team are supernatural or just horrific in a realistic sense. The stranded girls are constantly fighting with the fear and paranoia for what could be with them in the woods and whether or not their fellow teammates have their best interests at heart.

And if a part of you loved that “Longlegs” was set in the ’90s (here’s looking at you, prominently placed Bill Clinton portrait) then you’ll love many of the needle drops in “Yellowjackets.”

Where to Stream: Paramount+ With Showtime


Holt McCallany and Jonathan Groff in “Mindhunter” (Credit: Netflix)

David Fincher’s mega-popular, gone-to-soon Netflix crime thriller charts the FBI’s early days of criminal profiling. If the scene where Harker comes face-to-face with Longlegs in the interrogation room was your bag, “Mindhunter” has that in droves. Much of the series revolves around the two leads interviewing caught and convicted serial killers to get into their minds and help catch upcoming criminals.

Where to Stream: Netflix


Mads Mikkelsen in “Hannibal” (Credit: NBC)

If the moments of “Longlegs” from the killer’s POV are what had you on the edge of your seat, then getting to live vicariously through the eyes of the most famous fictional serial killer will likely move your needle. “Hannibal” is a three-season prequel to “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Red Dragon” that follows Hannibal Lecter in his forensic psychology days working with FBI investigator Will Graham to solve cases.

The back and forth, cat and mouse energy between Hannibal and Will is very similar to the unfortunate bond Harker and Longlegs share.

Where to Stream: Prime Video, AMC+

“Mr. Mercedes”

Brendan Gleeson in “Mr. Mercedes” (Credit: Audience Network)

This unsung Stephen King adaptation of the horror writer’s Bill Hodges trilogy stars Brendan Gleeson as a retired police officer who becomes obsessed with an unsolved case where a person drove a Mercedes into a job line. It’s yet another series where as much time is spent getting into the mind of the killer as it is those hunting him. Hodges and Mr. Mercedes also form an unfortunate bond as the two become obsessed with each other – again much like Harker and Longlegs.

Where to Stream: Peacock

“The Outsider”

“The Outsider” (Credit: HBO)

Yet another Stephen King adaptation. One of the things that made “Longlegs” so captivating was how it managed to blend the supernatural elements of the killer’s crime with the “mundane” parts. “The Outsider” also has law enforcement baffled by crimes that can only be explained through the supernatural. Jason Bateman, Ben Mendolsohn, Cynthia Erivo, Paddy Considine and Bill Camp star.

Where to Stream: Max

“Sharp Objects”

Amy Adams in “Sharp Objects” (Credit: HBO)

HBO’s adaptation of the Gillian Flynn novel stars Amy Adams as a troubled reporter who returns to her hometown to cover the murder of two local girls. If what you dug about “Longlegs” was Harker’s connection to the case and her grappling with her own demons through the course of hunting the killer, then “Sharp Objects” is the ticket for you.

Where to Stream: Max

“Twin Peaks: The Return”

“Longlegs” is weird. If weird is what you want, then you’ll find no weirder than “Twin Peaks: The Return.” Is it fairly inaccessible if you haven’t seen the original ’90s “Twin Peaks” series? Perhaps. Is all of it worth checking out? Most definitely. “Longlegs” had me feeling like I was in a fever dream during parts of it, and if you want that feeling spread across multiple episodes of TV, then start your “Twin Peaks” binge ASAP.

Where to Stream: Paramount+ With Showtime

The post 7 TV Shows Like ‘Longlegs’ to Watch After the Movie appeared first on TheWrap.

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