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The Verge 

Apple reportedly can’t get enough chips for the iPhone 13

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

The chip shortage is hitting the iPhone 13, with Apple reportedly unable to get enough parts to hit its planned manufacturing goals, according to a report from Bloomberg. Apple had originally planned to produce 90 million iPhones in the final months of 2021, but it’s reportedly slashing that number by 10 million (or around 11 percent) due to supply issues with chips from Broadcom and Texas Instruments.

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The Verge 

1Password will now let you share passwords with just a link

Image: 1Password

Password manager 1Password is making it easier to share passwords with anyone, with Psst! (password secure sharing tool), a new link sharing feature the company is releasing today. Instead of using 1Password’s pre-existing sharing options, which require an account, or just copying and pasting log-in information, which is inherently insecure, Psst! makes sharing a password a bit more like sharing a Google Doc with someone.

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The Verge 

Twitter testing an easier way to switch to your reverse-chronological feed

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

Twitter is testing a new way to switch to your reverse-chronological feed a bit more easily, the company announced Tuesday. Right now, when you tap the three-star icon at the top of your feed to switch between the Home feed (which sorts tweets for you) or the Latest feed (which shows them in reverse chronological order), a small menu shows up that prompts you to switch to whichever feed you’re not on. For some users on iOS, though, when you tap the three-star icon... Читать дальше...

The Verge 

NASA’s massive next-generation space telescope arrives in South America ahead of launch

JWST undergoing testing at Northrop Grumman earlier this year | Image: Northrop Grumman

After more than two decades of delays and ballooning development costs, NASA’s next-generation space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope, has arrived in French Guiana, South America — the site of the spacecraft’s planned launch later this year. Its arrival sparks the beginning of weeks of final preparations before the telescope is loaded on the top of its rocket for flight.

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The Verge 

See how climate change could drown landmarks around the world

Projected future sea level at South of Market (SoMa) in San Francisco, United States due to human-caused global warming under 3 degrees Celsius of global warming. | Image: Climate Central

Just 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) of global warming stands between Cuba’s Plaza de La Catedral looking typically dry or looking like something straight out of the myth of Atlantis. The iconic plaza in Old Havana is just one of many landmarks that could face a watery grave in the future if... Читать дальше...

The Verge 

Adobe shows off upcoming Camera Raw support for Photoshop on iPad

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Adobe is bringing Camera Raw to the iPad version of Photoshop, and has demonstrated how it works in a hands-on video. Ryan Dumlao, senior product manager for Photoshop on iPad, shows how Camera Raw can be used to edit RAW and DNG photos directly imported from a camera — in this case a Fujifilm — or ProRAW files from the iPhone 12 Pro and 13 Pro.

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The Verge 

Ecobee’s smart thermostat is the first to have Siri voice control built-in

Siri can now be set as the default voice assistant in the Ecobee SmartThermostat. | Image: Ecobee

First announced at Apple’s WWDC earlier this year, Siri has now landed on Ecobee SmartThermostats. The Apple voice assistant arrives via a free software update allowing you to say “Hey Siri” to the thermostat to set the temperature, send an intercom message, and use all of Siri’s smart speaker features.

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The Verge 

Scream is back, and Ghostface is better at controlling my smart home than my phone

Image: Paramount Pictures

He’s back, and he’s coming for you — through your smart home. As if Ghostface’s reappearance after a decade laying dormant wasn’t scary enough, this time, the nineties-self-aware-slasher-killer knows how to control your door locks. And clearly, smart home manufacturers could learn a thing or two from him (or her). This dude’s got some killer protocols on hand.

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The Verge 

FDA clears Withings’ EKG and blood oxygen features

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

After over a year in limbo, Withings finally has Food and Drug Administration clearance for its ScanWatch, which monitors for abnormal heart rhythms through an EKG feature and flags nighttime breathing issues with its blood oxygen sensor. The watch has been available for sale in Europe, but not in the United States.

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The Verge 

Small satellite launcher Astra identifies cause behind strange sideways rocket launch

Astra’s 3.2 rocket taking off from Kodiak, Alaska | Image: Astra/John Kraus

Small satellite launcher Astra says it has identified the culprit behind its bizarre launch failure in August, which caused the company’s rocket to hover sideways right after takeoff before briefly climbing into the sky. After implementing some design changes, Astra says it is ready to try again, with another launch attempt called LV0007 set as early as October 27th.

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The Verge 

Netgear’s new mesh Wi-Fi 6E router costs $1,500

Netgear launches the first quad band Wi-Fi 6E mesh system.

Just when you were starting to think about upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router, Wi-Fi 6E is here. And it’s expensive. Netgear announced its newest entry into the 6E foray today, the Orbi Quad-B and Mesh WiFi 6E RBKE960 series. This is the first quad-band Wi-Fi 6E mesh offering, but not the first Wi-Fi 6E mesh router (the $1,200 Linksys Atlas Max 6E took that honor earlier this year). Featuring a 2.4 GHz band, two 5GHz, and a brand spanking new 6GHz band... Читать дальше...

The Verge 

This bipedal robot uses propeller arms to slackline and skateboard

LEONARDO can fly and walk thanks to bipedal legs and propeller arms. | Image: Caltech Aerospace Robotics and Control Lab / Science Robotics

When it comes to judging how cool robots are, I deploy a simple but reliable heuristic: can I imagine this machine appearing in the Metal Gear Solid franchise? With LEONARDO, a bipedal robot with propellers for arms, I can not only imagine it, I’m pretty sure it is in MGSV. From the bubble head to the uncannily precise movements, it’s just a very cool robot... Читать дальше...

The Verge 

US PC market declines due to supply issues just as Windows 11 launches

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

The US PC market has declined during the recent quarter, due to pandemic-related supply issues. It’s the first time the US PC market has declined since the pandemic began causing lots of people to rush out and buy new PCs over the past 18 months. Overall, Gartner and IDC analysis both suggest the worldwide PC market grew in Q3, but at a slower rate than we’ve seen during the pandemic.

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The Verge 

8BitDo’s Xbox media remotes are cute and cheap

The white version of the 8BitDo Media Remote for Xbox is very compact.

For some reason, Microsoft doesn’t make a media remote for its Xbox Series consoles. There was a first-party option for the Xbox One, which should work well enough with the S and X (as most Xbox One accessories do), but it appears to have been discontinued. Perhaps it’s a casualty of Microsoft’s more recent focus on gaming over TV and entertainment.

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The Verge 

Google says it’s dropping Material Design components on iOS in favor of Apple’s UIKit

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Google is phasing out its use of Material Design user interface components for its iOS apps in favor of leaning more on Apple’s own UIKit. The company says the result of the switch should be less work for its iOS development team, but, more importantly, it’s likely the change will mean that Google’s iOS apps will feel less like interlopers on Apple devices. Instead of obeying Android’s UI conventions, they should look and feel more like they belong on iOS. Читать дальше...

The Verge 

Microsoft says it mitigated the largest DDoS attack ever recorded

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Microsoft says it was able to mitigate a 2.4Tbps Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack in August. The attack targeted an Azure customer in Europe, and was 140 percent higher than the highest attack bandwidth volume Microsoft recorded in 2020. It also exceeds the peak traffic volume of 2.3Tbps, the previous largest attack, which was directed at Amazon Web Services last year.

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The Verge 

Tile refreshes its Mate, Pro, Slim, and Sticker trackers with better range, louder volume, and improved water resistance

The new Tile Pro, Tile Slim, and Tile Sticker trackers | Image: Tile

Tile is refreshing its entire product lineup today with brand new hardware for its Tile Mate, Tile Pro, Tile Slim, and Tile Sticker Bluetooth trackers. All four trackers are getting sleeker, updated designs, with improvements to both tracking range, volume, and water resistance.

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The Verge 

Microsoft transforms the Windows Subsystem for Linux into a Windows 11 app

Microsoft has transformed the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) into an app that you can simply download and install from the Microsoft Store on Windows 11. A preview version of the app is available right now, allowing Windows 11 users to install Windows Subsystem for Linux without having to head into add / remove programs and selecting WSL as an optional inbox component for Windows.

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Блогер Тамаев попал в аварию в Москве

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