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The Traitors series three finale date revealed as bosses confirm huge shakeup for final episode

THE finale date for The Traitors series three has been revealed – as bosses confirmed a huge shake-up.

Last week, The Traitors returned for the third series of the popular show hosted by Claudia Winkleman.

The Traitors series three finale date has been confirmed[/caption]
Can the Faithful catch all of The Traitors?[/caption]
Who will win it all?[/caption]

Although the game is just starting to heat up, the BBC have confirmed when the final will air – with a twist.

The finale will be shown on January 24, but at the earlier time of 8.30pm.

Meanwhile, a longer edition of Ed Gamble’s spin-off show Uncloaked immediately follows from 9.40pm to 10.25pm.

Last night’s episode featured a shocking twist which saw three seemingly eliminated players return.

Viewers may recall how Fozia, Jack and Alexander all voluntarily left the train to the castle in episode one.

The group had been kept in hiding since as they arrived back to the game after boarding the ‘rail replacement service’.

As part of the day’s mission, the trio of axed stars were suspended in the sky and locked in cages.

Host Claudia confessed that Fozia, Jack and Alexander were all eligible to re-enter the game but one star would not make it and would sensationally be axed AGAIN.

The other players had to decide who to help out as they were required to collect gold coins in order to lower their cages from the sky and back down onto the ground.

They deposited gold coins for the stars they wished to save and Fozia landed on the ground first.

Alexander followed leaving Jack dangling in the air at the end of the mission.

Responding to the brutally savage twist, Jack remarked: “I’m gutted but I’m happy for them both.

“It was a wake-up call as to how brutal The Traitors can be.”

The beginning of the episode revealed 25-year-old Maia had been “murdered” by The Traitors.

After helping expose older sister Armani as a Traitor, remaining Traitors Minah and Linda opted to eliminate Maia on the basis she wouldn’t be banished.

How does The Traitors work and who hosts it?

The Traitors first launched in the UK in 2022, after the Dutch format was acquired by the BBC.

Claudia Winkleman is the show’s host, and has now hosted all three series to date.

How does it work?

It is a reality game show that involves 22 contestants, and some of them are chosen to be The Traitors.

The Traitors sees a group of contestants taking part in “the ultimate game of truth and deception”.

The group of contestants are competing for the chance to walk away with a huge cash prize.

While navigating through a series of challenges, the team are also tasked with figuring out who the Traitors are in the group (usually three contestants).

Each night, the Traitors gather to “eliminate” one of the Faithful, removing them from the competition

Meanwhile, the traitors can be “banished” if they’re successfully outed as a traitor by a faithful.

The winners of the show are either the Traitor who remains undetected or the Faithfuls if they successfully eliminate all the Traitors. 

The prize sees the winner could get £120K.

Elsewhere, 33-year-old doctor Kasim was brutally ousted from the programme by his fellow players.

Amid suspicions, Kas was banished by his co-stars – despite having been a Faithful all along.

He said to the remaining contestants: “It’s been fantastic and you are all fantastic people.”

The Traitors airs at 9pm from Wednesday to Friday on BBC One and iPlayer.

Fan favourite Kasim was banished from the castle at the roundtable[/caption]

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