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Love Island viewers brand Ekin-Su a ‘phoney’ over return as a bombshell after she wanted to ‘distance herself’ from show

LOVE Island fans have branded Ekin-Su a phoney over her secret return to the show as a bombshell.

Yesterday we reported the exciting news that Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu has signed up for the brand new upcoming series of Love Island: All Stars.

Ekin-Su shot to fame on Love Island in 2022[/caption]
The stunning starlet has gone on to have a successful media career since her Love Island stint three years ago[/caption]
Ekin-Su won the 2022 series with then-beau Davide Sanclimenti[/caption]
Ekin-Su will join this year’s All Stars cast as a bombshell[/caption]

Insiders told The Sun that fiery Ekin-Su, 30, is now in hiding in South Africa ahead of the show’s launch on Monday.

A source said: “ITV bosses have long wanted Ekin back in Love Island and she’s finally agreed.

“After she split with Davide last January bosses immediately put her on their wish list.

“It took a lot of back and forth to persuade her to go back into the villa, especially after Ekin had such a tough time on Celebrity Big Brother.

“But she wants to use this new stint on Love Island All Stars to redeem herself and remind the public why they love her.

“ITV bosses haven’t decided if she’ll be a day one star, or a bombshell, but whatever happens she is telly gold and is going to be an incredible addition to the line up.”

And now fans have branded Ekin-Su a “phoney” for signing up for the show after she slated it when she appeared on Celebrity Big Brother last year.

Reacting to the news that Ekin-Su will star in this year’s All Stars, one person on X said: “Not Ekin-Su kicking off that people keep mentioning she was on Love Island only for her to go back into Love Island…”

Another echoed: “The same Ekin-Su who didn’t want to be defined by her time on Love Island is… going back into the villa? Oop.”


“Not Ekin going back on after the hullabaloo she made of people mentioning the show while on CBB,” said a third.

A fourth then questioned: “Didn’t Ekin-Su say on #cbb she didn’t want to be associated with Love Island anymore?

Another fan of the show then said that Ekin-Su has “come crawling back to Love Island after claiming she had moved on / didn’t want to be associated with it anymore”.

They added: “What a surprise. The only place that’ll entertain her phoney act” is a “scripted pathetic show”.

“I’m genuinely worried for Ekin Su,” said another, writing: “Watching her on CBB was legit uncomfortable and I feel like she’s jumped from show to show without taking a break.

Love Island All Stars 2025 official line-up

Love Island All Stars is returning to TV for season 2.

Here we take you through the line-up of Islanders’ who are set to go into the villa so far.

Bombshell rumours

Each series brings with it a string of hot single bombshells making their epic entrance into the villa.

Here’s who is rumoured to be going into the villa so far:

“Plus she seemed to want to distance herself from Love Island on CBB, she got annoyed whenever it was mentioned so why do this?”


Speaking out in an interview in March 2023, before her CBB stint, Ekin-Su said she wanted to “distance” herself from Love Island.

Speaking to Women’s Health, Ekin-Su, who won her series of Love Island, said: “They always say: ‘There’s a new Love Island, there’s this, there’s that, you’ll be forgotten’. But that doesn’t bother me because of who I am. I know what I’m going to do in life. And I know my dream.”

Seemingly distancing herself from reality TV less than 12 months before her CBB stint and two years before her second Love Island stint, she said that she envisioned her career moving forward, with her seeing herself “acting in films, playing roles and quirky characters, something that would make you think: ‘Oh, Ekin is not this,’ but then I smash it.”

Speaking of leaving Love Island behind, she said: “That’s when I start looking for an acting agency, putting myself out, you know, try to distance myself as much as I can from the Love Island scene and, yeah, be my own person.”

But it now seems that Ekin-Su has made a massive U-turn, with her due to enter the Love Island: All Stars villa as a Bombshell in the coming weeks.

Ekin-Su appeared on CBB last year[/caption]
Ekin-Su said last year that she was keen to distance herself from Love Island[/caption]
But now it seems the starlet has had a change of heart[/caption]

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