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Love Island star slapped with a cease and desist letter over bitter feud as she returns for All Stars

A LOVE Island star has been slapped with a cease and desist letter over a bitter feud as they return for All Stars.

The former ring girl won’t be able to speak about a fellow Love Islander after slamming them multiple times on Instagram.

Love Island is returning with the likes of legends Gabby Allen, Curtis Pritchard, Kaz Crossley, Luca Bish, and Ronnie Vint[/caption]
Series nine star Olivia Hawkins has been given a warning about her social media comments
She hit out at series 10 star Diamanté who suffered horrific trolling
Olivia has now signed up to All Stars[/caption]

Lawyers were called when Diamanté Laiva, who took part in the show last year, suffered horrific trolling after Olivia hit out at the Casa Amor girl.

It followed Olivia Hawkins, 28, wading into villa drama on Instagram while watching a row between Diamanté and Jess White on the show.

She later slammed Diamanté again over a podcast interview in which she called Jess a “bully”.

A source said: “Diamanté decided to take legal action to address the situation and put an end to the row. She requested that they cease publishing content related to her.

“A formal cease-and-desist letter was sent to their team that week.

“Since then, they both agreed to move on and not engage with one another further. Things have been quiet ever since.”

The Sun has contacted their reps for comment.

Business owner Diamanté previously told fans she confronted Olivia face-to-face at an event over her comments.

Hitting back with another jibe that left fans stunned, Olivia said: “This is not what happened. Hope she’s having fun back at her 9-5 today though. It’s hot Diamante, stay hydrated xx.”

The All Stars spin-off show will bring together some of the franchise’s most iconic stars.

And fans of fiery Islander Olivia are eager to see how she handles the new environment – and whether any past rivalries resurface.

She was known for her feuds with Zara Lackenby-Brown and Tanyel Revan during her original stint on the show back in January 2023 – and was branded a TV villain.

She spoke to The Sun exclusively after getting booted, and denied being a Mean Girl.

“When people meet me they will see the real me, I’m definitely not a villain.

Love Island All Stars cast ages

All Stars is returning to our screens and bringing with it a whole batch of Love Island legends.

The star cast features stars from season 2 all the way to season 11, so the age range is huge.

Here we take you though all of the Islanders’ ages – from oldest to youngest.

Marcel Somerville – season 3 (2017) – born in 1986 and is aged 39.

Scott Thomas – season 2 (2017) – born in 1988 and is aged 36.

India Reynolds – season 2 (2017) – born in 1990 and is aged 33.

Gabby Allen – season 3 (2017) – born in 1992 and is aged 32.

Elma Pazar – season 5 (2019) – born in 1993 and is aged 30.

Kaz Crossley – season 5 (2019) – born in 1995 and is aged 29.

Olivia Hawkins – season 10 (2023) – born in 1995 and is aged 29.

Ronnie Vint – season 11 (2024) – born in 1996 and is aged 28.

Curtis Pritchard – season 5 (2019) – born in 1996 and is aged 28.

Nas Majeed – season 6 (2020) – born in 1996 and is aged 28.

Luca Bish – season 8 (2022) – born in 1999 and is aged 25.

Catherine Agbaje – season 10 (2023) – born in 2000 and is aged 24.

“Now I’m out of the villa I’m looking forward to people seeing my fun side and my big heart.

“I’m a genuinely lovely person.”


The Sun revealed the full All Stars line-up last night.

Love Island stars set to return to the villa include Curtis Pritchard, 28, and Scott Thomas, 36, with Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu, 30, also confirmed.

But others just as juicy are waiting in the wings ready break up romantic alliances, and cause maximum drama.

A source said: “We already know Ekin-Su will be going in as an early bombshell, but there will be plenty more big, recognisable names from previous years heading in as the series progresses.”

The new series, hosted by Maya Jama, starts on Monday January 13 at 9pm on ITV2 and ITVX.

Instagram / @diabody_
Diamante owns her own business, Diabody, based in Dubai[/caption]
Olivia is returning to the Love Island villa for All Stars later this month[/caption]

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