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Strictly Come Dancing stars reunite for tour rehearsals as Tasha, Wynne and Jamie arrive for training

STRICTLY Come Dancing stars looked in high spirits as they reunited for rehearsals ahead of the hit show’s live tour.

The celebs and pro dancers were snapped laughing and joking as they arrived for training, all wrapped up in cosy winter gear to battle the January chill.

James Curley
Pro Karen Hauer looked happy and rested after Christmas and New Year’s[/caption]
James Curley
Strictly pro Jowita Przystal braved the cold on her first day back[/caption]
A host of Strictly 2024 favourites have reunited at rehearsals for the stage tour[/caption]
Finalist Sarah Hadland was all smiles on her first day back[/caption]
James Curley
Neil Jones appeared in high spirits[/caption]

Love Island star Tasha Ghouri, opera singer Wynne Evans, EastEnders actor Jamie Borthwick, and Strictly pros Neil Jones and Karen Hauer were among the familiar faces spotted outside the rehearsal studio.

Miranda actress Sarah Hadland also joined the group, with fans excited to see her bring his moves to the ballroom floor for the live tour.

Tasha kept it stylish in an oversized fur coat, while Wynne rocked a smart jacket and clutched a coffee cup. Jamie, meanwhile, looked snug in a black padded coat, flashing a big grin as he headed indoors.

Neil and Karen brought their usual energy as they arrived ready to get stuck into rehearsals.

The group looked delighted to catch up, sharing lots of laughter before heading inside to perfect their routines.

This year’s Strictly tour promises to be bigger and better than ever, with the stars set to perform live in arenas across the UK.

Fans can expect dazzling group dances, jaw-dropping performances, and plenty of backstage banter.

The 2024 show was won by Australian pro dancer Dianne Buswell and Scouse comedian Chris McCausland.

Fans might be disappointed the winners won’t be dancing together on the tour, however they can see Chris in his own stand-up tour which kicks off this month.

The Strictly tour begins in Birmingham on January 17, with thousands of fans eager to see their favourite stars hit the stage.


Wynne spoke about returning to the ballroom as he caught a train down to London late last night.

He told fans: “First day of the year, Strictly tour rehearsals for me tomorrow. So looking forward to that.

“Tired, it has been an emotional time, but really looking forward to meeting up with the guys tomorrow so if you’re coming to the Strictly tour let me know!”

It comes after he offered a glimpse into his family life, which he has largely kept private since his high-profile divorce from his ex-wife Tanwen Evans in 2016.

The pair were married for 17 years and share two children, Ismay and her brother, Taliesin.

Since the split, Wynne has spoken openly about the emotional toll it took on him.

Wynne and Tanwen first met as teenagers on a British Youth Orchestra course, where Tanwen made the first move by leaving a note in Wynne’s pigeonhole.

Their romance blossomed, and Wynne later proposed at Cardiff Central station before the couple tied the knot in 1999.

However, after nearly two decades of marriage, the couple decided to part ways.

Wynne has previously revealed how the divorce plunged him into a period of deep depression.

Speaking candidly to WalesOnline, he admitted: “I was going through the worst depression, clinical depression. I would think about [suicide], I would try and action it… I couldn’t see a way out; I couldn’t see a way of ever being happy again.”

Now 52, Wynne has found love again with events manager and fitness enthusiast Liz Brookes.

The pair reportedly met at an event and have been quietly building their relationship.

Liz has been a supportive presence in Wynne’s life, helping him lose six stone in preparation for his stint on Strictly Come Dancing.

She was also spotted cheering Wynne on from the Strictly audience.

James Curley
Pro Lauren Oakley waved to the cameras[/caption]
James Curley
Nancy Xu wore a colouful combo for day one of rehearsals[/caption]
Wynne was spotted howling at a joke as Tasha Ghouri and Jamie Borthwick laughed on their way into the studio[/caption]

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