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Bitter daughter-in-law ‘searched for arsenic online before spiking flour used in deadly dessert’ that killed three

THE bitter daughter-in-law accused of murdering three relatives with a poisoned Christmas cake reportedly searched online for arsenic in the days leading up to the tragedy.

Brazilian officials revealed that an initial analysis of Deise Moura‘s phone uncovered searches for “arsenic” and related terms on Google shopping.

Deise Moura was arrested on suspicion of triple homicide and attempted murder
Jam Press
The Christmas dessert is feared to have been laced with arsenic[/caption]
Zeli (centre) and her sisters Maida (right) and Neuza (left) who both died from the ‘killer cake’
Facebook/Zeli Dos Anjos
Moura reportedly searched for ‘arsenic’ and related terms on Google Shopping

These searches, allegedly conducted in November and just days before the victims fell ill or died, are now a critical piece of evidence in the case against her.

Moura, the daughter-in-law of Zeli dos Anjos — who baked the dessert— was arrested at her home in Rio Grande do Sul on suspicion of triple homicide and attempted murder. 

 The cake, eaten during a family Christmas party on December 23 in Torres, claimed the lives of Zeli’s sisters Maida, 58, and Neuza, 65, as well as Neuza’s daughter, 43-year-old Tatiana.

Authorities confirmed that the source of the poisoning was flour contaminated with arsenic at “extremely high concentrations” – levels that were lethal and far too high to be naturally occurring.

Forensic experts determined the toxic substance had been deliberately introduced.

Zeli, who also consumed the cake, remains in hospital recovering from the poisoning.

Her 10-year-old great-nephew Matheus and another relative, Maida’s husband Jefferson, survived the ordeal but required medical attention.

Police chief Marcus Vinicius Veloso stated that evidence suggests Moura entered Zeli’s home and tampered with the flour used for the cake.

“We suspect the individual arrested entered Zeli’s house and then contaminated the flour,” he revealed during a press conference.

Samples collected from Zeli’s home indicated that only the flour contained arsenic, which was confirmed in toxicology reports on the blood and urine of the victims.

Police are also investigating a 20-year history of disagreements between Moura and Zeli. While the details remain undisclosed, investigators believe the strained relationship may have motivated the poisoning.

“We knew there had been minor disagreements between the suspect and elements of the family for several years,” Veloso said.

“On the face of it all those at the party were close and harmonious but when we extended our investigations we found motives that were probably behind this poisoning.”

The police are now expanding their probe into the family tragedy, including exhuming the body of Zeli’s late husband, Paulo Luis.

He died last September under suspicious circumstances after eating what was initially believed to be contaminated bananas.

Zeli Terezinha Silva dos Anjos is fighting for her life in hospital
Jam Press
Zeli’s niece Tatiana died at a similar time, also of cardiac arrest[/caption]

Forensic experts will analyse his remains for traces of arsenic.

The case against Moura intensified following her behaviour at the victims’ funeral.

Moura reportedly placed rosary beads and a rose in the hands of Maida and Tatiana as they lay in their caskets, sparking an emotional outburst from a relative, according to the Daily Mail.

One family member allegedly confronted her at the funeral, shouting: “Why are you here? You didn’t like any of them. Everyone knows.”

Reports suggest Moura and her husband Diego had distanced themselves from the family in recent months, adding to the tension.

The poisoned cake was baked at Zeli’s home on December 23 and brought to the party at Maida’s apartment.

Family members who tasted the dessert immediately noted its “bitter and peppery” flavour.

Within minutes, all seven attendees experienced severe vomiting.

While Zeli and three others survived, Maida, Neuza, and Tatiana succumbed to the poisoning within hours.

Brazil’s Ministry of Justice confirmed an arrest warrant for Moura, who faces charges of triple homicide and three counts of attempted homicide, each with aggravated circumstances.

She is set to appear in court for a custody hearing on Monday.

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