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How hidden ‘life-saving switch’ can help stranded drivers escape floods if stuck inside car

A HIDDEN “life-saving switch” can help stranded drivers escape from their vehicles if they get caught in a flash flood.

Flooding struck across the UK on Monday following heavy rainfall, with a major incident being declared in Lincolnshire.

A hidden “life-saving switch” could help drivers escape from vehicles stranded in flood water[/caption]
The small release button, often found in the rear of your car, could be your saviour[/caption]

A quick escape option has now been revealed in case you get trapped in your vehicle in any of these floods.

TikTok user @masterdriver66 published a video explaining how to get out of your car using the boot lid thanks to a hidden button, to help keep drivers safe during emergencies.

She advised drivers not to panic if you get stuck in your car in these situations as the solution is “simple”.

Her video explained how to access the switch in the rear of your motor, telling drivers to first put down their rear seats before climbing into the boot.

After this, you should be able to find a small black mechanism on the boot door panel which contains the “life-saving” switch that opens the boot with “just one click.”

She herself then modelled the actions in her video, folding down her rear seats and crawling into the boot of her car.

The driving expert then showed viewers the small latch on the tailgate which can be pushed aside to open the boot lid, allowing the driver and any passengers to safely exit the vehicle.

Although most drivers would never normally require this feature, manufacturers are required to fit the function to help trapped drivers escape when the doors cannot be opened or if they are stuck in the boot.

It should be noted that some vehicles may have their boot lid release switch located on the dashboard or at the driver’s footwell instead of at the rear of the motor.

If your vehicle gets submerged in water, it is crucial that you and your passengers remain calm, turn the engine off, and unlock all doors as quickly as possible.

Most of the time, the water will likely be shallow enough for occupants to open the doors to escape.

However, if the water is too deep for the doors to be opened, you’re advised to try and open the boot using its internal release button.

Alternatively, if your vehicle has a sunroof, this may be the most effective way to exit the car.

Once you have all exited the vehicle, everyone must get to a safe level of high ground and must not walk through flowing water to do so.

You should then call for assistance once you are in a safe location.

Icy and snowy conditions are set to envelop parts of the UK this week, with drivers being advised to be cautious on roads.

Tips for driving in icy weather

SNOW and ice can make driving a difficult task but there are things drivers can do to make their journeys a little easier - not to mention safer.

Prepare your car before driving

Make sure you check over your car before setting off for your journey.

Windscreens can get dirty in winter conditions so having your screen wash topped up is a must.

Keep an emergency winter kit

No driver plans to break down but it happens and often at the most inconvenient times.

It’s best to keep an emergency kit in the car just in case, especially if it’s dark out and temperatures have plummeted.

It’s also worth keeping de-icer in the pack so you have some ready for those frosty mornings.

Check your tyres

Most drivers will tend to forget to check their tyres, but this could be a costly mistake, particularly during the winter.

If your tyres aren’t up to scratch, you’re more likely to skid on the roads – and you could also get a fine.

In the UK and Europe, tyres must have a tread depth of at least 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre, as experts recommend 3mm.

Having less than 1.6mm or bald tyres can get you a fine of up to £2,500 per tyre – that’s £10,000 if all four are bald.

You could also get three penalty points added to your licence.

While most areas in the UK don’t get Arctic conditions, if you are concerned then it could be worth investing in winter tyres.

Keep your car clean

A car’s licence plate needs to be kept readable at all time.

Plates have to be clear enough to be read by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras.

If they aren’t readable, drivers could find themselves with a £1,000 fine.

Check your plates, and if they are covered in snow or dirt, give them a clean before driving.

Drive smoothly

Driving in snow and ice can reduce a drivers grip to the road.

If you suddenly jerk, this can cause your car to lose its grip and control on the road.

Causing an accident due to careless driving, even in bad weather conditions, can see a driver fined.

Motorists can be slapped with an “unlimited” fine and a three to nine-point penalty.

Keep at a distance from other drivers

Keep a good distance between yourself and the driver in front.

If you need to suddenly stop, it can take longer to stop on snow and ice than on normal road conditions.

Be wary when driving on hills

When driving on hills, it’s best to avoid stopping on them when it has been snowing or is icy.

If you think you may have to stop on the hill, either wait at the bottom or the top before travelling further to avoid needing to stop.

Go slowly when driving up and down hills, and keep control of your car at all times.

Brake gently

Braking heavily can make the tyres lock, which means you have less control and could risk a crash.

Before heading out onto the snowy roads, check our seven do’s and don’ts before driving.

A submerged car during UK floods in 2024[/caption]

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