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How to wear tartan and style yourself Scottish just like The Traitors’ fashion queen Claudia Winkleman

DRESSING like you’re hitting the Highlands is set to be the biggest fashion trend of 2025, with tartan prints and cosy knits taking over the high street.

And with the third series of The Traitors back this week, Deputy Fashion Editor Abby McHale shows you how to wear the trend as well as host Claudia Winkleman.

Copy Claudia Winkleman’s Traitors chic with these tips[/caption]


Don some tartan with this scarf, £22.99 from Mango[/caption]
This blouse is £46 at Next[/caption]

SHOPPING experts at eBay say searches for “checkered scarf” have risen by 35 per cent in the past few months.

If a tartan skirt feels too much, start off with a scarf or blouse as an easy way of incorporating the trend into your everyday look.

Model shot: Scarf, £22.99, Mango

Cut-out: Blouse, £46, Next


This traditional kilt skirt is £49.95 from Seasalt Cornwall[/caption]
This skirt is £26.90 at Cider[/caption]

THE traditional kilt is also having its moment on the high-fashion stage.

Dating back to the 16th century, it was originally worn by men going to battle but has become a statement piece for women this season.

Online searches have doubled in the last month, and there are now plenty of kilts to be found on the high street, with the likes of Cider and Seasalt Cornwall offering great options.

Wear with a cosy knit and long boots for a casual winter look that will see you bang on trend.

Model shot: Skirt £49.95, Seasalt Cornwall

Cut out: Skirt, £26.90, Cider

Fair Isle Knits

Fair Isle knitwear is another Scot style, the item was £69, now £48.30 at Monsoon[/caption]
Get this stylish Highland jumper, £25 from F&F at Tesco[/caption]

ORIGINATING in the Shetland Isles, Fair Isle knitwear is another Scottish style flooding both the catwalks and high street.

Actress Sydney Sweeney, presenter Cat Deeley and model Alexa Chung have all been spotted recently wearing Fair Isle jumpers, which are knitted using different coloured yarns.

Sweater vests and cardigans in the same Fair Isle style are also of the moment.

Last year a cream cable-knit jumper from Albaray costing £89, and worn by TV host Claudia Winkleman on The Traitors, sold out within 24 hours, leaving 450 people on the waiting list.

Model shot: Jumper, was £69, now £48.30, Monsoon

Cut-out: Jumper, £25, F&F at Tesco

Shearing Boots

Shearing boots are fashionable, these boots, once £169, are now £85 at Mint Velvet[/caption]
Get a pair at H&M

STURDY boots are a necessity at this time of year – and why not add a touch of Scottish style with a shearling lining?

Fashion bible Vogue listed the design as one of its top winter picks this year, as luxe labels Bottega Veneta and Miu Miu showcased fluffy footwear on their catwalks . . . with a pair of boots setting you back £990.

But if your budget doesn’t stretch to those sky-high prices then the high street has you covered with lots of cheaper options, like these pairs from H&M and Mint Velvet.

Just add some thick woolly socks and you’re ready to put your best foot forward.

Model shot: Boots, were £169, now £85, Mint Velvet

Cut-out: Boots, £44.99, H&M

Fringe Shawl

This cream scarf is £12 at River Island[/caption]
This red shawl is £20.99 at Zara[/caption]

FRINGED edges are a big trend across the fashion world this season – but add a touch of the Highlands with a woollen version and you’re ticking off two trends at once.

A woollen fringed shawl is perfect for throwing around yourself to dress up any outfit – as well as keeping you warm.

These scarves can’t go over the top of all your coats, so stay away from your puffer jacket when wearing this and opt for something more structured like a wool coat.

We love this one from Zara, or a blanket scarf like this one from River Island.

Model shot: Cream scarf, £12, River Island

Cut out: Red shawl, £20.99, Zara

Suede Bag

Suede has been the biggest trend of 2024, pictured New Look bag[/caption]
H&M have a version for £37.99[/caption]

WHEN it comes to bags, suede has been the biggest trend of 2024 and it’s not going anywhere any time soon.

This trend is all about texture, and suede bags not only tick that box, they come in earthy tones which have long been popular in the Scottish Highlands.

According to New Look, searches for suede bags surged by 259 per cent in the second half of 2024.

Luckily for us, there are lots of great purse-friendly options including ones from New Look itself, such as this shopper bag.

Or opt for something smaller like this shoulder-style one from H&M.

Left: Bag, £27.99, New Look

Above: Bag, £37.99, H&M

Borg Coat

The borg is a cosy coat, now £55.99 at Reserved[/caption]
Primark’s version is £36[/caption]

THE Scottish Highlands trend encompasses loads of different coats, from fine wool ones to Barbour-esque waxed jackets and anything checked.

But by far the cosiest, and most appropriate for the Scottish weather, is the borg.

Super-soft and super-thick, this style will not only keep you warm but is bang on trend too.

The style has been so popular that M&S and Mango sold out of their versions before Christmas.

But fear not as there are still plenty of other options.

This one, far left, from Reserved has a suede-like texture on the outside, with warm fleece on the inside.

While Primark’s offer is just £36 and comes with a funnel neck to keep the wind at bay, and brown buttons and stitching.

Model shot: Coat, was £79.99, now £55.99, Reserved

Cut-out: Coat, £36, Primark


Scotland and burgandy go hand-in-hand, pictured Sainsbury’s £24 jumper[/caption]
Pick up this dress for £25 at Marks and Spencer[/caption]

THE most on-trend colour of last year is here to stay as we head into 2025.

When it comes to hues in the Scottish Highlands, it’s all about rich, deep shades – including burgundy, of course.

According to Google Trends data, the colour has been so popular that searches have risen 1,100 per cent since November.

And when it comes to wearing this hue, there are so many options to choose from, you can go head to toe with it if you like.

Some great ones from the high street include this jumper from Tu at Sainsbury’s being modelled, and the chiffon dress from Marks and Spencer.

Both can be teamed with a borg coat, shearling boots and a suede bag for the ultimate Scottish Highlands look.

Model shot: Jumper, £24, Tu at Sainsbury’s

Cut-out: Dress, £25, Marks and Spencer

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