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Call the Midwife reveals major changes to BBC show in first look preview of series 14

CALL the Midwife bosses have revealed major changes to the show ahead of series 14.

The beloved period drama returns to screens this Sunday night as Poplar moves into the 70s.

Call the Midwife bosses have revealed major changes to the show
Series 14 of the beloved period drama will see Poplar in the 70s

But as the characters move into a new decade with new storylines such as underage pregnancy and vaccines, bosses have given the set an overhaul.

In a first look at series 14, shop fronts and interiors have had a slight makeover to reflect the era.

Appearing in the social media clip, Helen George, who plays Trixie, teased what will change for the cast’s outfits.

She said: “The shirts are getting a bit more jazzy, the collars are getting longer, the flares are getting wider and social history is changing.”

Noticeable changes include a coffee percolator being installed at Dr Turner’s surgery, while cars on the street are more modern.

Call the Midwife will also see the introduction of vending machines to East London.

Cliff Parisi said: “Seventies were really when it went mental, so fashion was crazy, big flares getting caught up in the chain of your bike and falling off.

“What’s brilliant about this show is the art department capture all of that, you see it going past in the background.”

Meanwhile, Call the Midwife’s creator Heidi Thomas recently reassured fans the show still has a lot more stories to tell.

She explained: “People are always saying to me that Call the Midwife is something that is going to have to end very soon. Because the pill has arrived, so fewer babies will be born.

“And that hasn’t happened because for every woman who takes the pill, there is one who forgets. Or there is one who is so naive, she doesn’t know it exists.

“But time and time again, I’ve been genuinely shocked by the extent to which society and women will create obstacles for themselves.

“Even though society is giving them every opportunity to do otherwise.

“And it’s in the fragility of human life that these stories exist.

“We can’t always be strong. We can’t always be definite.”

Call The Midwife: A breakdown

Call The Midwife first came onto the airwaves in 2012 and has been seen by millions. But what is it about?

Series one: Set in early 1957 and it explored the ‘Baby Boom generation, which included themes of poverty and post-war immigration.

Series two: Set in 1958 and it showed gas and air being introduced for pain relief for the first time. It ended with the Nonnatus House building being condemned.

Series three: Set in 1959 and it depicted gruesome conditions such as cystic fibrosis, polio and it showed the midwives in the context on prisons.

Series four: Set in 1960 under the threat of nuclear warfare and the emergency response guidelines issued by the local Civil Defence Corp. Other themes included LGBT rights, and syphilis.

Series five: Set in 1961 and it shows the care of patients with conditions such as Typhoid and strokes. We also saw the effects of thalidomide, the introduction of the contraceptive pill.

Series six: Set in 1962 and domestic violence was at the centre of the season. Other themes included FGM (female genital mutilation), mental health issues and interracial marriage. It was also notable for the introduction of Reggie, a recurring character with Down Syndrome.

Series seven: Set in 1963 and we see Nurse Lucille Anderson for the first time. We also see the show address conditions such as dementia, huntington’s disease, leprosy and meningitis

Series eight: Set in 1964 and it bravely covered the issue of abortion, which was not legal for another three years in 1967. Sickle cell disease, cleft lip, cleft palate and intersex people also featured.

Series nine: Diptheria was at the centre of the ninth instalment in 1965, and it was notable for featuring a blind expectant mother. But the role of Nonnatus House within the community also came into question.

Series ten: Set in 1966, Nonnatus House has a rival in the form of the private Lady Emily Clinic in Mayfair. PKU, diabetes and the controversy surrounding abortion were central themes.

Series eleven: Set in 1967 amid the housing crisis and a scabies epidemic. The show was rocked by a train crash right next to Nonnatus House.

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