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Heartbreaking tributes to Brit tourist & her fiance found dead in Vietnam villa just days after posting engagement video

HEARTBREAKING tributes have been paid to a British tourist and her fiance after they were found dead in a Vietnam villa.

Greta Marie Otteson, 33, and Els Arno Quinton, 36, passed away just days after the pair were featured in a touching engagement video posted to YouTube.

Greta Marie Otteson and Els Arno Quinton were found dead in a Vietnam villa[/caption]
Greta was a travel lover and digital strategist[/caption]
South African Arno was found in a different room to Greta[/caption]

Their bodies were found in separate rooms in a villa on Boxing Day after a cleaner arrived at the house.

Cops are now investigating the death with officers collecting empty bottles of wine found.

In tribute to their passing, a filming studio posted a montage they had made of the pair to celebrate their marriage.

The video shows Greta and Arno, wearing white, dancing, walking hand-in-hand, and expressing the love they shared.

In the video’s description, Red Eye Studios said: “Living in the romantic city of Hoi-An, our good friends Greta and Arno decided to surprise their families with a beautiful video to announce their engagement.

“This shoot was charged with so much emotion, reminding us how powerful the union of two souls can be.

“Congratulations to you both from everyone here at Red Eye Studios!

“We will miss you great souls…”

The pair are understood to have been engaged this December.

Meanwhile, Arnold’s friend Dayle Visser paid another heartbreaking tribute online.

Visser wrote: “Rest in peace my brother. Thank you for always being the fierce friend you were. You saved me many a time.

“You were real and lived life harder than most people could ever dream of. I love you and I will always miss you.”

A pal of Greta’s said: “Greta loved Arno unconditionally and was his bedrock, giving him the freedom to do what he needed to without a faltering foundation.

“There are two distinct things that are so prominent in my thoughts and that is her laugh and how much love they constantly [threw] at each other, regardless of who was around.

A touching engagement video showed the pair in love[/caption]
A pal said Greta ‘loved Arno unconditionally’[/caption]

“They celebrated each other there and I know they will continue doing that, wherever they are.”

A Quang Nam Provincial Police spokesman said: “There were no signs of ransacking at the scene. The victims’ belongings and phones were untouched.”

Police said there were also no signs of scratches or physical trauma inflicted on the bodies.

They collected several empty liquor bottles in the room for further analysis.

Both had been staying at the tourist villa since July.

Travel lover Greta had previously lived in Dubai and backpacked around different countries in Asia before settling more recently in Vietnam.

The are understood to have become engaged last month[/caption]
The pair were staying in a tourist villa, where they were found[/caption]

She was a digital strategist who ran a social media and content marketing agency called Not Sorry Socials.

Arno was a barista, musician, and streamer.

A Foreign Office spokesperson told the Daily Mail: “We are supporting the family of a British woman who has died in Vietnam and are in contact with the local authorities.”

It comes after a British tourist died after suffering a severe reaction to magic mushrooms while on holiday in Thailand.

The 25-year-old holidaymaker was on a Christmas break with his girlfriend when he bought the hallucinogenic drug from a shop in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand.

Medics arrived at the luxury resort where he was staying and questioned his partner, who admitted they had bought the items over the counter from a nearby cannabis shop called The Glory Days.

Cops found bottles of booze in the villa and are now investigating the deaths[/caption]

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