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I let my young daughter sleep with 18 snakes in the room – yes, they’ve bitten her, but I promise she’s safe

A COUPLE have revealed that they allow their young daughter to sleep in the same room as 18 snakes, and have insisted that she is completely safe.

Socratis and his wife Jane have been heavily criticised for allowing their two children Ariana, nine and Maximus, five, to share a home with almost 200 snakes.

Ariana sleeps with 18 snakes in her room[/caption]
Ariana loves the snakes and thinks they’re cute[/caption]

Ariana was just one year old when she held one of the family’s pet snakes for the first time and says she thinks the reptiles are “so pretty” and cute.

Socratis himself got in to snakes from a young age, and caught his first live snake at just six years old.

However, his parents warned him that snakes were dangerous and he became afraid of them until later in life, when he grew fond of a friend’s pet snakes.

“What started as a fear of mine actually became a passion,” he told Truly.

Socratis said that himself and Jane parent their children in an “unconventional manner.”

“I’m actually giving my kids options and choices, instead of telling them what to do,” he said.

Unlike many reptile owners, Socratis and his family do not keep their snakes in tanks and instead let them roam around the house, and slither across their children’s bodies.

Jane said that when guests come over to the house they at first freak out, but become more comfortable once they’ve stroked the snakes and realised they’re harmless.

“People think that snakes are mean and slimy, but they’re not,” said Ariana, who has 18 snakes of her own, who sleep in her bedroom.

However, her younger brother Maximus is still adjusting to the snakes, and was at first not comfortable with them at all.

“We never forced it on him,” Socratis said.

Jane said that she thinks it’s completely safe for her children to hang out with the snakes.

“I really don’t ensure that it’s safe because these are wild animals and yes the can bite,” said Socratis.

“But I don’t have a snake here that has the capability of eating my children.”

Different parenting techniques

Here are some widely recognised methods:

Authoritative Parenting
This technique will often foster independence, self-discipline, and high self-esteem in children.
It is often considered the most effective, this technique is where parents set clear expectations – enforcing rules – whilst also showing warmth and support.

Authoritarian Parenting
This is opposite to authoritative parenting, as it is where the parent sets high demands but is low on responsiveness.
It involves ensuring the child is obedient and often employ punitive measures. While this can lead to disciplined behaviour, it may also result in lower self-esteem and social skills in children.

Permissive Parenting
Permissive parents tend to be indulgent and lenient, often taking on a role more akin to a friend than an authority figure. They are highly responsive but lack demandingness, granting children a lot of freedom. This method can nurture creativity and a free-spirited nature but may also result in poor self-regulation and difficulties with authority.

Uninvolved Parenting
Uninvolved or neglectful parenting is marked by low responsiveness and low demands. Parents in this category offer minimal guidance, nurturing, or attention. This often leaves children feeling neglected, which can have significant negative effects on their emotional and social development.

Helicopter Parenting
Helicopter parents are extremely involved and overprotective, frequently micromanaging their children’s lives. Although their goal is to protect and support, this approach can hinder a child’s ability to develop independence and problem-solving skills.

Free-Range Parenting
Free-range parenting encourages children to explore and learn from their surroundings with minimal parental interference. This method promotes independence and resilience but requires a safe and supportive environment to be successful.

Attachment Parenting
According to Marriage.com, Attachment parenting focuses on physical closeness and emotional bonding, often through practices such as co-sleeping and baby-wearing. This approach aims to create secure attachments and emotional well-being, but demands significant time and emotional commitment from parents.
Each of these parenting techniques has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. The key is to find a balanced approach that aligns with the family’s values and meets the child’s needs for a healthy, happy upbringing.

Socratis added that he loves venomous snakes, but would never let them roam the house for his kids’ safety.

“I have a venomous snake, but I have a lock on my door,” he said.

Ariana has been bitten a few times by the snakes, but insisted that she has never cried during an incident.

Socratis has spent over £239,000 on his snakes in total and has been told by online trolls that he should be put in jail for keeping the snakes in the family home.

People have also accused him on not being a good father, but he doesn’t let the negativity get to him.

“I put my kids’ safety first, I would never put my kids in danger,” he said.

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