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Mum slammed for buying matching PJs for everyone but her stepson but insists she never intended to leave him out

A MUM who went viral after calling out her son’s dad and stepmum over a professional Christmas photoshoot has set the record straight – and explained what really took place.

After a snap of her five-year-old son took the internet by storm because his stepmum and dad didn’t get him matching PJs for a family portrait, the boy’s mother took to TikTok to share what happened.

Trü’s mum Taylor took to TikTok to reveal what really happened after the family snap went viral for all the wrong reasons
The mother explained why she fully blamed Trü’s dad for the heartbreaking situation – and not his stepmum

Nursing student Taylor, who goes by the username @craveslim on social media, hit back at the critics and said ”the internet takes things and flips it”.

In the now-viral photo, her son, Trü, was seen alongside his dad, stepmum and two step-siblings – all of whom were wearing adorable green matching pyjamas.

Meanwhile, the little Trü was sat in the middle, wearing a pair of black pajamas that had ”Christmas Crew” printed on them.

Taylor started off the video by explaining that she and her ex-partner have a set schedule, where their son will stay with his dad every other weekend.

But on December 19, Taylor’s former man wanted to take Trü for an additional weekend, which she agreed to arrange.

According to the student, he said that Trü would need to have his hair done before coming to stay with him, but never mentioned anything about the brood taking a festive family snap, which took place on Saturday, 21st December.

She explained that on Christmas Day, she received the pictures from the ex-partner.

”I’m like okay, cute, but why doesn’t my son have on the same pajamas on as everyone else?” Taylor was baffled, explaining that the PJs Trü wore were the ones that he was meant to sleep in that evening. 

In response, the dad said that the pyjamas were allegedly out of stock, while Taylor told him that it was ”dead wrong” to have the poor child excluded like that, to which her ex never bothered to reply. 

Taylor then took to Facebook to raise her concerns about the heartbreaking situation, wondering if she was in the wrong for feeling upset.

After receiving several comments, Taylor then posted the Christmas photoshoot on Facebook, being careful to block out the rest of the children in the photographs.

”I sent those from home,” Taylor said of Trü’s pyjamas in a second follow-up video.

”They are something to sleep in, not take professional photos in. My son could have [at] least got a fresh new set of pyjamas,” she continued.

”The first picture is just to show that everyone has the same set except for my kid.”

She explained that her main issue with the situation was that her dear son did not match the rest of the brood.

”The pictures were already booked on Dad’s free weekend,” Taylor explained.

”Dad was already not supposed to have my kid,” she continued.

”My kid was never supposed to be there. Therefore, my kid was never a part of the plan. I just feel like Dad should have just left his son at home with me and all of this would have just been avoided.”

Christmas Fashion Tips from an Expert

CLEMMIE Fieldsend, Fashion Editor at Fabulous, has shared her top tips for looking fabulous this Christmas.

AVOID: Christmas jumpers
No longer a novelty gag, they’re now gone back to being naff and have no place at a festive party.
By all means, go all in for Christmas Jumper Day for Save The Children, but never wear it before or after that day.

WEAR: Burgundy
You can’t escape burgundy at this time of year and it’s a luxury, deep and rich colour that is a welcome break from Santa-red at Christmas.
Opt for silky textures or velvet for extra style points.

The trend of feather trimmed co-ords has had its day and is so dated.
Don’t pull out your hair plucked pair this year, and don’t get a new set, instead still go for the satin two-piece but just steer clear of the plumes.

WEAR: Sequin Dress
Try to switch up sequins slightly by wearing them with a different texture or colour, eg a sequin skirt with a sleek knit.
But when you’re really stuck on what to wear reach for the sequins, it is Christmas after all.

AVOID: Sequin blazer
Nothing worse than showing up to a festive do looking like the hired entertainment.
Leave the sequin blazer to magicians and Strictly judges, instead always reach for a classic tux style or velvet.

WEAR: Bling trousers
Last party season embellished jeans with diamante bling had a moment, and this year they’re going to be as much of a hit.
If you don’t want gemstones pinging off wherever you go then try metallic, PU trousers.

She emphasised that everyone should have had new pyjamas for the professional shoot if they wanted to include Trü, explaining that the boy’s dad had more than enough time to find matching PJs.

Finally, the student also clarified that she isn’t blaming the stepmum, after she made a post in response to Taylor.

”I also said I didn’t feel comfortable with him not matching but it was tooo late because our shoot was literally mins away & I DEFINITELY didn’t know he was going to be in our pictures and the MOTHER THAT I AM I WOULD NEVERRRRRRRR EVERRRR LEAVE HIM OUT & I never did,” the step mother, Riya Lee, wrote on the social media platform. 

However, Taylor insisted that she never put the blame on Riya. 

”I never attacked her, the internet blamed her,” Taylor said.

”I’ve never blamed her, I’ve always blamed Dad from the jump,” she added.

Speaking to People, Taylor said that her son felt ”not good” about not matching with the rest of his family.

In order to ensure that he had a good holiday, she surprised him with matching pyjamas and other fun activities, such as drinking hot chocolate together.

”He really enjoyed his Christmas,” she told the outlet.

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