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Edinburgh Hogmanay events including famous street party CANCELLED as storm chaos brings New Year misery

EDINBURGH’s famous New Year’s Eve street party has been axed amid storm chaos leaving 50,000 revellers gutted.

The annual festivities to bring in the new year have been called off over bad weather.

The famous celebrations to bring in the New Year have been called off[/caption]
Andrew Barr
Organisers have been struggling to complete the setup[/caption]
They have been axed over safety fears[/caption]
Andrew Barr
The weather has stopped the celebrations from going ahead[/caption]
Andrew Barr
Preparations were well underway[/caption]

High winds of between 50-70mph are set to batter the capital tomorrow as a weather warning was issued.

Organisers have announced they are cancelling all events over public safety fears – including a headline show under the castle by Texas.

An Edinburgh’s Hogmanay spokesperson said: “Due to ongoing high winds and inclement weather in Edinburgh city centre, we regret to announce that outdoor events scheduled for tonight and December 31 are unable to go ahead on the grounds of public safety.”

It is the fifth time in history the celebrations have been called off.

It was cancelled in 2003/4 and 2006/7 over high winds. And they didn’t go ahead in 2020/21, 2021/22 due to COVID.

Organisers confirmed several events had been called off.

The spokesperson added: “The cancellation includes tonight’s Night Afore Disco Party in West Princes Street Gardens, and on the 31st December, the Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Street Party, Concert in the Gardens, and the Midnight Fireworks from Edinburgh Castle.

“We have unfortunately been unable to continue with preparations and necessary set-up for Edinburgh’s Hogmanay outdoor events due to extreme weather and forecast conditions. Therefore, for safety reasons we, along with our event partners, have taken the difficult decision to cancel all outdoor events.

“We know that this will be hugely disappointing to all hoping to celebrate Hogmanay in Edinburgh and that people travel from around the world to be here at the Home of Hogmanay.

“Customer Service from point of purchase will be in touch with ticketholders directly with further instructions regarding refunds in due course.

“All indoor events are taking place as planned throughout the festival, including tonight’s performance of Swamplesque at Assembly Hall, the sold-out Idlewild concert at the Assembly Rooms, and on the 31st December, the Bairns New Year Revels and New Year Revels at the Assembly Rooms, and sold-out Candlelit Concert at St. Giles’ Cathedral.

“We also continue to look forward to the packed First Footin’ and Sprogmanay programme of events on New Year’s Day – a series of free and ticketed indoor music gigs across the city centre, Leith and Portobello.”

Chief Superintendent David Robertson, Police Scotland Gold Commander for Edinburgh’s Hogmanay, said: “Cancelling such an event is a difficult decision for the organisers, but public safety takes priority, so we fully support this decision.”

On Sunday, organisers had told of their hopes to keep the party alive.
Festival director Al Thomson said: “The weather is looking more favourable on Hogmanay itself but the challenge for us is getting everything ready for the event.

“We know that this will be hugely disappointing to all hoping to celebrate Hogmanay in Edinburgh and that people travel from around the world to be here at the Home of Hogmanay.”

“We are going to work tirelessly FOG for the next 48 hours to get everything in place.

“It is going to be a challenge but we are confident we will make it and that everyone will have a great time on the night.”

A collection of warnings is now in place until Thursday for rain, snow, ice and damaging winds gusting to 70mph.

The Scottish Government say officials will work with frontline agencies to mitigate the impacts of the worst of the weather.

First Minister John Swinney will tonight attend a meeting of the emergency resilience room to review the country’s readiness for the challenging weather ahead.

The most serious conditions are expected in the southern Highlands and Moray, now under an amber warning for rain until 5pm on Tuesday.

“Cancelling such an event is a difficult decision for the organisers, but public safety takes priority, so we fully support this decision.”

Forecasters say flooding of properties and businesses is now likely, traffic disruption inevitable and some householders could suffer power cuts.

It’s thought gusts of 50-60mph could hit Edinburgh, with some exposed areas seeing 70mph.

On Sunday night, the opening event in Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations – the torchlight procession – was dramatically halted at the last minute tonight due to strong winds.

Organisers had earlier said the weather would not impact street events in the capital but with less than two hours before the march from the Meadows could begin, the decision was taken to call it off.

Tomorrow, another yellow warning for rain and snow is in place until midnight for the southern half of the country, including Glasgow and Edinburgh.

And on Wednesday, a yellow warning for snow and ice has been issued for Grampian and the Highlands, lasting fully 33 hours until 9am on January 2.

Douglas Cairns, Traffic Scotland operator manager at Transport Scotland, said: “The severe weather across much of Scotland this week will unfortunately cause some disruption across the transport network.

“Road, rail, air and ferry services are all likely to be affected by the conditions, with localised flooding, longer journey times and cancellations possible, as well as potential restrictions on bridges.

“The network is also expected to be busy as people travel to celebrate New Year with friends and family.

“We are asking travellers to plan their journeys before setting off to ensure they reach their destination and celebrations in good time.

“If you’re driving, make sure your vehicle is winter ready and follow any Police Scotland travel advice that may be in place.”

SEPA has 10 flood alerts in place and 24, more serious, flood warnings.

The decision will be devastating for punters[/caption]

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