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Katie Price reunites with JJ Slater to get Botox amid split rumours

KATIE Price has put paid to split rumours with JJ Slater as she captured the pair on a salon trip.

The former glamour model showcased the MAFS alum, 32, on a treatment table before joking he “couldn’t handle” the beauty procedure.

Katie Price has put paid to split rumours with boyfriend JJ Slater[/caption]
She captured her man on the treatment table at a clinic in Northwich[/caption]
Katie, 46, told how the duo were getting Botox together[/caption]

It came just a day after fans feared the pair had split after they spent Christmas Day apart.

Instead Katie, 46, enjoyed the festive period with her long-time friend Kerry Katona, 44, after moving in with the Atomic Kitten songstress during their time in pantomime together.

And with Katie busy in the mid Cheshire show, it seems E4 star JJ has made the trip to Northwich to see her.

Katie tagged aesthetics practitioner 1111aestheticsjm, who works across Northwich and Chester, before filming a video in the clinic.

She wore her raven-coloured locks in a high ponytail and a fluffy tan hoodie as she spoke direct to the camera as she said: “Ooh it’s time for some Botox.

“All of us!” before panning the camera to JJ.

JJ was then seen squeezing a stress ball as the mum of five was heard saying: “Aww he can’t handle it, look!”

Katie was then sen being injected in the arm as she told followers: “I’m now having my B12.

“Ooh I’m going to have energy tomorrow.”

Then it was finally Katie’s turn on the treatment table as she was seen having Botox into her crow’s feet area.

A clinician was heard saying “well done” as the star kept calm with her eyes closed through the whole thing.


The video, uploaded to Katie’s Instagram Stories, will no doubt reassure fans who believed the cute couple had broken up during the holiday season.

Katie, who was seen enjoying Christmas Day lunch with eldest son Harvey as well as Kerry, previously admitted she wanted to propose to her man after just 11 months.

The former glamour model has been engaged eight times and had three husbands.

Katie Price's Surgery: A Timeline

1998 – Katie underwent her first breast augmentation taking her from a natural B cup to a C cup. She also had her first liposuction

1999 – Katie had two more boob jobs in the same year, one taking her from a C cup to a D cup, and then up to an F cup

2006 – Katie went under the knife to take her breasts up to a G cup

2007 – Katie had a rhinoplasty and veneers on her teeth

2008 – Katie stunned fans by reducing her breasts from an F cup to a C cup

2011 – Going back to an F cup, Katie also underwent body-contouring treatment and cheek and lip fillers

2014/5 – Following a nasty infection, Katie had her breast implants removed

2016 – Opting for bigger breasts yet again, Katie had another set of implants, along with implants, Botox and lip fillers

2017 – After a disastrous ‘threading’ facelift, Katie also had her veneers replaced. She also had her eighth boob job taking her to a GG cup

2018 – Katie went under the knife yet again for a facelift

2019 – After jetting to Turkey, Katie had a face, eye and eyelid lift, Brazilian bum lift and a tummy tuck

2020 – Katie has her 12th boob job in Belgium to correct botched surgery and a new set of veneers

2021 –  In a complete body overhaul, she opts for eye and lip lifts, liposuction under her chin, fat injected into her bum and full body liposuction

2022 – Katie undergoes another brow and eye lift-and undergoes ‘biggest ever’ boob job in Belgium, her 16th in total

2023 – Opting for a second rhinoplasty, Katie also gets a lip lift at the same time as well as new lip filler throughout the year

2024 – Katie has her 17th boob job in Brussels after revealing she wanted to downsize. She performed at Dublin Pride just days later and surgeons warned the lack of recovery posed a risk of infection

The source at the time revealed: “It’s their first Christmas together as an official couple.

“Katie wants it to be really special and magical — to make a really big deal of it.

“She absolutely loves Christmas. It’s a really special time for her, especially with the kids.”

They added to OK! Magazine: “It’s about new horizons, and she really wants to do something big to show how happy she is with where she’s at in her life.

“A proposal to JJ would be perfect for that, so she is really considering it.”

Previously, The Sun exclusively revealed how JJ had been given the ultimate seal of approval by Katie’s family.

The pair sparked split fears after failing to spend Christmas together[/caption]
Katie joked that JJ ‘couldn’t handle’ the procedure[/caption]
It came amid claims she was set to propose to her man[/caption]

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