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Движение Первых запускает новый сезон «МедиаПритяжения» для будущих журналистов и продюсеров

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UK hospitals are ‘full to BURSTING’ as patients suffer from dangerous ‘quad-demic’ symptoms, top doctor warns

UK HOSPITALS are “full to bursting” as patients continue to suffer from dangerous “quad-demic” symptoms, a top doctor has warned.

Dr Ian Higginson from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) has warned of patients being kept in corridors, queueing ambulances, as well as bed and staff shortages.

Many hospitals said they were “full to bursting” ahead of the Christmas period[/caption]

The College put out a call to senior managers last week, with around half saying they were “full to bursting” ahead of the Christmas period.

Dr Higginson, who’s also vice president of the College, told Sky News that “things are looking pretty difficult” for patients over the festive period.

He also described the current situation for the NHS in the UK as “pretty grim”.

The health service has also warned hospitals are under severe pressure from winter flu cases as well as a “quad-demic” of converging winter illnesses.

The combination of the flu, Covid-19, a cold-causing respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and norovirus has led to a strain on NHS services.

UKHSA’s most recent report showed cases of Covid and RSV – which causes colds and serious lung infections – stabilising, while flu and vomiting bug infections surged in the weeks before Christmas.

Dr Higginson added that there aren’t enough beds in hospitals for emergency care patients and how there are staff shortages too.

He said: “If something like flu hits as it has done, it makes a bad situation even worse.”

England is around 10,000 beds short in hospitals to deal with “predictable, urgent and emergency care”, which would be the equivalent of approximately two wards in every hospital, the consultant added.

The RCEM recently attacked the “nonsensical” guidance on how to treat patients in corridors and described it as “out of touch” and “normalising the dangerous”.

Dr Higginson described how recent pressures on the NHS means patients are stuck in corridors, or their ambulances are stuck in car parks, as they can’t be admitted to hospital emergency departments.

He also called for greater investment in social care to prevent older patients from being stuck in hospital longer than they need to be, therefore helping to alleviate pressure on beds.

If you’re yet to be vaccinated, can book in through your local NHS vaccination services, like pharmacies or walk-in sites.

According the NHS, flu season usually peaks in December and January.

The surging number of flu cases harkens back to Christmas 2023, when numbers started to ramp up before the festive period.

Andrew Cai, UK and Ireland medical Director for flu vaccine manufacturer CSL Seqirus, said: “Last year we saw a sudden increase in the number of people having to be hospitalised, due to a flu peak in the week leading up to Christmas and then again at the end of January.

Millions urged to protect themselves against 'quad-demic'

In the run up to Christmas, there was a 70 per cent surge in hospital cases of the flu in England in just seven days, the NHS said.

About 1,861 patients with flu were in hospital every day last week – up from 1,099 two weeks ago and three and a half times higher than the same time last year.

Surveillance data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) also showed one in four tests done on Brits of all ages with coughs and colds tested positive for flu.

Health bosses renewed their pleas for eligible Brits to get vaccinated “without delay” to avoid “festive flu”.

It comes after weeks of warnings about about a “quad-demic” of converging winter illnesses – flu, Covid-19, cold-causing respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and norovirus.

UKHSA’s most recent report showed cases of Covid and RSV – which causes colds and serious lung infections – stabilising, while flu and vomiting bug infections surged in the weeks before Christmas.

“It’s important to remember that anybody is at risk of an exacerbation of chronic illnesses from the flu.

“A flu vaccine can prevent influenza and reduce the risk of poor health.”

A jab can give people vital protection against serious illnesses and ending up in hospital during the busy winter months. 

Children will usually usually given to children as a quick and painless spray up the nose – no injection needed – unless your kid can’t have porcine gelatine in medical products.

The NHS is advising people to get vaccinated against the flu and other winter bugs[/caption]

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