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‘The kids can play in the sand while you have a pint’: 9.50 holidaymakers reveal their favourite pubs in Cornwall

WHETHER you’re after fish and chips to chomp on a harbour wall, a restaurant with epic sea views or somewhere family-friendly with proper pub grub, Cornwall has you covered.

After all, this is a county with 422 miles of coastline, more than 650 pubs and no less than two world-famous baked goods.

One Sun reader recommended The Mermaid in Porth, as the kids can play on the beach while the parents have a drink

We’ve chosen some of our favourite places to eat and drink that are all within easy reach of your £9.50 Holiday in Cornwall.

As well as our expert picks, we’ve asked Sun readers who have holidayed here and Parkdean staff for their recommendations, including their favourite chippies, pubs and beer gardens.

Here’s our guide to food and drink in Cornwall. 

Great pubs

Sun reader Anne Walton, 71, from Newport in Wales, recommends The Treguth Inn at Holywell Bay.

She said: “It’s a very local, old thatched pub with a great atmosphere. It’s very cosy, dog-friendly and they do nice food. We used to go to their Wednesday Quiz Nights.”

A little outside of Newquay, St Newlyn East has a cosy village pub called The Pheasant, and Ann said: “You wouldn’t necessarily know it was there but it was recommended to me.

“They do very nice carveries on a Sunday (£17 for beef or chicken, £16 for pork loin, £14.50 for nut roast, kids’ mains for £8).”

Best place to take kids

Anne Walton said: “I like The Mermaid, which is on the beach in Porth, near Newquay.

“You can just put the kids on the beach and watch them while you’re having a drink. They do a very nice Chicken New Yorker.

It’s also great for kids as they serve little meals – it was perfect for my granddaughter who’s only 11 months old.

The Boathouse in Newquay Harbour is also good for families – it has lots of street food stalls, and you can sit on the beach, watching the kids play while you eat.”

The Boathouse in Newquay Harbour is great for families

Great brunch/breakfast spot

Cornwall expert and Sun travel writer Ellie Ross said: “In Falmouth, you’re spoilt for choice with cool cafes and trendy coffee shops.

“I love local hangout Gylly Beach, a laid-back cafe that overlooks the clean waters and sea swimmers of Gyllyngvase Beach.

“A Full Cornish breakfast costs £15, or go for a breakfast bap from £6. Children’s menus are available.

“On the other coast, Rem’s Caff is an all-day brunch spot just outside Newquay serving everything from breakfast muffins to French toast.”

The thatched Treguth Inn at Holywell Bay was recommended for its great atmosphere

Great restaurant from a posh meal

Sun reader Anne Walton, said: “Near Fistral Beach in Newquay, the Lewinnick Lodge is more upmarket and has amazing sea views.”

Local blogger Emma Lott (Our Cornish Life) recommends Silco in St Ives, saying: “I could honestly eat every single item on that menu – it’s small but with great outdoor tables overlooking St Ives harbour.

“Then, my favourite date night spot is Barbican Bistro in Penzance. It’s pretty tiny but a perfect space for a cosy evening.” 

Favourite place for a cheap eat

The Sun’s Cornwall expert Ellie Ross recommends: “With stunning views of Lizard Point, Wavecrest is a longstanding favourite selling affordable, fresh Cornish produce, including cream teas (local tip: spread jam first in Cornwall!)

“Or, you can get beans on toast for £5.50 and kids’ meals or picnic boxes from £7.50.

“Or head to The Cabin Beach Cafe in Perranuthnoe, where you can grab toast and jam for just £2.50 or a bacon bloomer for £5.75 – all served up with an enormous portion of beach views.”

At the Cabin Beach Cafe in Perranuthnoe, you can grab toast and jam for just £2.50 or a bacon bloomer for £5.75 – all served up with an enormous portion of beach views

Favourite bakery

Laraine Wells, 73, from Taunton in Somerset, has been taking £9.50 Holidays with her family since they were launched in 1990, and on her most recent trip, she stayed at St Ives Bay.

She said: “Rowe’s have bakeries all over Cornwall and, although it’s hotly contested, I think they make the best Cornish pasties (£4.15 for a small traditional pasty).

“I like to eat mine on the pier at Falmouth, watching the boats in the harbour. It’s around an hour’s drive from St Ives but it’s a great day trip.” 

Meanwhile, The Sun’s Cornwall expert Ellie Ross recommends: Da Bara Bakery, which has cafes in St Columb (around a 12-minute drive from Newquay), St Mawes and near Wadebridge.

She said: “As well as mouth-watering pastries (our favourite is the almond croissant), they sell homemade bread, from rustic baguettes to sourdough loaves.

“It’s so good that many local restaurants serve it.”

The Hole in the Wall on Porth Beach probably has the cheapest ice cream you’ll find in Newquay

Favourite place to get ice cream

Ellie recommends: The Hole in the Wall on Porth Beach.

She said: “This tiny hatch on the sand is probably the cheapest ice cream you’ll find in Newquay (£1.75 for a small scoop), with lots of flavours to choose from, including salted caramel, traditional Cornish vanilla and vegan sorbets.”

Tip: this one is seasonal, so check opening times before you go. 

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